a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I was born in the town with a lovely garden and very odd sideways stone walls, I didn't know much of my mother (I think she made the garden, but I don't know if she liked me) and I was feeling kind of anonymous and annoyed (mom told me to farm berries and I was not in the mood for that) so I thought "Ima get me a horse" the town had many places for horses but I didn't see any and just explore and get out of there. So, I grabbed a lasso and pack and set my home marker and wandered off in to the wilds.
I could not find a single horse, they must have all been taken and it took me so long that I had a girl out there in the wild holding the lasso. How to carry both??
I decided to take her back to town then come back for the lasso, but as I carried her back we ran right in to a horse in a snow biome (someone else must have moved it.) I turn back to search of the lasso. Perhaps my girl could follow me. But, after walking a bit I knew I'd never find it and said as much. My little girl said "lets make another" there was milkweed all around and I hadn't really registered it. Now she was big enough to help. We made our lasso in no time at all. As we were making it we found a vein of iron. The old town was all out so getting it seemed wise. I marked it with some stones and memorized the location.
We got the horse and went back to town. I guess everyone with horses had come back because there were like 8 horses in town. We got the items together for the mine quickly, my daughter grabbed her own horse and we went to get the iron.
While on our way back I had a son!
We tried to have him follow. I think he wanted to know the deal with the two horses. But he was killed by a wolf and died in the snow.
When we got back I made some paper to write about the adventure. As I was working on this my daughter came up on her horse with another mine kit. I guess she found another mine. I left a note for her by the horse hitch. It was so much fun to make fast work of that first mine, but I was too old for another. I did manage to get my paper done just before I died and what I wrote and my last words are the same.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus