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#1 2019-03-29 21:44:00

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

Yum as an "index of variety"

I've been made aware of an older topic on this forum in which the idea of yum was discussed before it was implemented: The mono diet

Was a very interesting read how the different ideas being proposed. Also noticed near the end of the topic Jason saying:

jasonrohrer wrote:

I'm not necessarily trying to motivate an endless quest for brand new foods, but instead a general pattern of variety.  I also worry about these bonus points piling up and allowing you to go 30 minutes without eating or something.

Yum definitely seems to aim towards that but a 100% breakable chain goes a bit overboard in my opinion. My proposal of just not breaking it could also mean someone would eat a bunch of different food at the beginning of their lifes, then just eat pies eternally until a new food is available, and their bonus would still be as if they just had a balanced diet.

What if the yum was not so much the amount of different foods you ate, but a sort of a ladder? Every time you ate a new food, you would get yum + 1. Every time you broke that, you would get yum - 1. This could balance the need to eat variety while removing the absolute need to get the next "fix" of yum or lose everything you've built so far. Would make it a lot less punishing to take your time to make new food types available instead of just going for "fast food" (berries, carrots, green beans, raw corn).

For balance you could even add a sort of "recovering yum" bonus. Like if you had yum 10 and are now on yum 6 and you eat a new food, maybe you could get +2 instead of +1 and get to yum 8. This could possibly even increase the demand for new food types as people try to recover the yum they inevitably lost while focusing on something else.

Would also cause better food awareness: breaking yum by eating 4 berries would be a lot worse than breaking yum by eating a mutton pie.

I'll not mix my "remove yum from wild foods" nor my "remove yum from anything that is raw" thoughts here so please let me know what you think of such a system. smile


#2 2019-03-29 21:46:41

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Yum as an "index of variety"

Negative yum would hurt Eve camps.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#3 2019-03-29 21:51:24

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

Re: Yum as an "index of variety"

Just cap it at zero


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