a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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So jason opened a topic, and we can expect some sort of update based upon it
this is my first part of idea, which i already presented in the other topic but i don't really think anyone reads it there
so right now you travel 2000 tiles, you got different name, you are an explorer, fighting trough the wildernes, dodging endless mosquitoes, boars and snakes, you arrive to their city and tell the girl that you travelled so far, your family is in danger, you need a fertile female
the answer?
"what?" "im a baker" "what are you talking about?" "cool"
you could also go, pick off the milkweed, put all their pies into a cart, take it home if it isn't far, and no one would really say a word
you look the same, smell the same, you are an ohol player, they don't know where you have born, how you got there or what are your intentions
so we would need some kind of unique things to different families to make this encounters more special:
if a different family persons steps in to your town an alarm sounds for everyone around, so everyoen would rush there to see who came
each family would have some color, a belt, lingerie or a medal, a headband of different color (now the color could be chosen by the Eve, and each color could be only used by one family or be server side that your own family is green, the first different family is red, blue, yellow, even their speech is that color for you, but on their side they are the red and you the blue)
why? to make families matter, to make encounters matter
to rise alarm that you got visitors
like i arrive to a city, who do i talk to? the smith, the guy who is going around with a horse cart, they surely smart people who might be interested that your city is close, maybe some kids who cant find a job and a girlfriend and love a good story, maybe the oldest female who struggled to keep the girl alive
but with this suggestion, people would come to you, how do i know that i got a visitor? how do i know that the naked kid who makes compost in the other side of city might be a veteran and could manage to get back to your city and repopulate it?
this relates to jasons idea and i would like some sort of race/kin/team/group mechanics, but first we need some sort of difference between 2 families to actually see unrelated people are unrelated
maybe make all of them ugly and all your family members cute on your side of the client. like all of them is blue for you and they got ork faces
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
It's not a new post from Jason someone necro'd the thread. Which is fine. But look at the date.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
I think text/text background color are the simplest. But has the disadvantage of only working if the outsider is talking. And if they're hostile they would avoid that.
It's not a new post from Jason someone necro'd the thread. Which is fine. But look at the date.
The "Why are there no Wars" thread? Says he posted it yesterday for me.
It's from Feb. 2013 the date in the forum listing is the date of the most recent response I think.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
It's from Feb. 2013 the date in the forum listing is the date of the most recent response I think.
That's when he registered his account you big silly. The forum post is just from today which is why people are talking about all this stuff
fug it’s Tarr.
Oh. My mistake. It just seemed kind of dated and disconnected from the game.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
ant king likes! the more uique them more division the more boundaries the more wars and agreements!
"hear how the wind begins to whisper, but now it screams at me" said ashe
"I remember it from a Life I never Lived" said Peaches
"Now Chad don't invest in Asian markets" said Chad's Mom
Herry the man who cheated death
Oh. My mistake. It just seemed kind of dated and disconnected from the game.
Quite the opposite, we are currently constantly scraping the bottom of the barrel when a town reaches a certain tech level, and he is trying to think of ways to refresh that, which is awesome, scary and exciting at the same time. The topic itself is really really broad, and I think need to be picked apart separately. The basics of war, having something to fight over, is not implemented. The time it would to take to prepare to take a thing from someone else to better yourself, is better spent just getting that yourself without the conflict. There is no point in going after a town that say has a lot of iron, and suffer losses, rather than just finding that iron on your own. That goal is far out of reach to me, there are a lot of puzzle pieces that need to be put into place before that picture becomes real.