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#1 2019-04-02 01:32:21

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

An amazing adventure!

My mom was eve and she tells me "I saw cut wheat... and a mine" so together we look for the lost civilization having babies all the way. We see yet another mine, then some bodies with decayed clothing! There are now five of us of all ages making our way through the wilds and seeing more and more signs. We go south and the signs get weaker so we go north and come to a little zigzag path. We follow and find a rather large town. In the north I find a body and on it 5 knives! 5! It's clear why the town dies and perhaps who did it too.

Sadly, I died before we could get much further. But it was one of the best lives ever anyway.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#2 2019-04-02 07:40:23

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 226

Re: An amazing adventure!

See? griefers make cool stories.

What is an ominous blade blank?

It's that blade blank next to the file and short staff you see in a naked toddler's basket.


#3 2019-04-02 07:44:48

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: An amazing adventure!

Yep, dead griefers make the best stories.


#4 2019-04-02 07:47:01

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 226

Re: An amazing adventure!

Dead griefers on dead towns make the grandest of best stories.

What is an ominous blade blank?

It's that blade blank next to the file and short staff you see in a naked toddler's basket.


#5 2019-04-02 08:12:55

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: An amazing adventure!

Hardly.   If the town is dead, the story is over.   

The grandest stories require an appreciative audience.


#6 2019-04-02 09:14:39

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: An amazing adventure!

for once not a story where a griefer was involved, not a living one lol

i had today also something related
not directly "an amazing adventure" but it was interesting enough to tell
& it hasn't griefers included either lol

was born male to an Eve, had already a baby bro
there was another Eve
they say "Let's go"
i wondered, since we were already in a town which seemed to be dead
then one of the Eve's tried to put a cart on a horse
i said sad-dle, after the third time they realised
so my mum with a backpack grabbed me & ran north
& we ran & ran & ran & ran
i started severly to wonder what the point was
the other Eve with the horse went missing
while my bro with a backpack & clothed was still somewhere around
then my mum dropped dead, yeah, was to expect
after i put on my mums clothes & backpack, we went back to town

the town was indeed dead, several fresh corpses, probably there was no young females & they were just old
my bro didn't want to stay, so he suicided
i, on the other hand, saw the opportunity to fix the berry farm & expand the road further which the previous people have started
plenty of food around for one lone man & nobody disturbing while i dug up the bushes

made then there two centers on that road
whoever finds that town again can continue
died at 60 big_smile

- - -

Last edited by breezeknight (2019-04-02 09:16:58)


#7 2019-04-02 11:36:16

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: An amazing adventure!

well dont jump to conclusions

i was at knight town, the original, it was a big completed city, nothing interesting to do,
it was like 10 knives, 3 bows
my sister just talked about moving to other city but she never did
my mom made a new fire to cook up stuff and she stabbed her
then i didn't really cared, rather kill an asshole, she was quite old anyway and all kids SID and barely any of them came
i made a new cart, attached to the horse and set my way to north, i was there on Second knight town, they even had a bell
it was nicer, more spread out, lot of people

what i brought? 3 baskets of knives and some pie i n case they starving when i arrive, i left one knife if anyone ever finds that city, my bro went away too, he didn't even had to make new horse cart

i converted all the knives back to steel and they could almost make a car with it livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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