a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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And why was it never reported?
Yes, I just tested it, and it is indeed stuck right in the middle of the temp meter. I have no idea how this is possible, but there it is.
Are any other servers affected by this?
This is a prime candidate for a Github issue... did I miss the report?
There's this thread:
There's this thread:
It might have been bugged for longer. I just noticed it when I was opted into it the other day, and then tried to join it directly.
For the time being, I think we have enough content.
Okay, this code is actually bugged on all servers:
// recompute heat map here for next players in line
int r = 0;
for( r=lastPlayerIndexHeatRecomputed+1;
r < lastPlayerIndexHeatRecomputed + 1 +
r < players.size(); r++ ) {
recomputeHeatMap( players.getElement( r ) );
lastPlayerIndexHeatRecomputed = r - 1;
if( r == players.size() ) {
// done updating for last player
// start over
lastPlayerIndexHeatRecomputed = -1;
The problem is triggered whenever lastPlayerHeatIndexRecomputed is greater than the current number of players. This happens on server1 during the update, when players from bigserver are shifted over to it, and then shifted back after the update. After it happens, it gets stuck forever, not computing heat maps for anyone. Need to check if r >= players.size()
Okay, this has been fixed in the code, and forced on server1
Will be updated on other servers with the update later this week.
Not many people play on server1. Thus, not many people were likely to care about it just from that. When I saw it, I didn't know what was going on, and only saw it after the forum post. Soon after it was April 1st, so I thought it might come as an April Fool's Joke (now I know it was not). Tarr has said that he believes that such has existed since the temperature overhaul (my apologies to Tarr if what I say is inaccurate about what he said), but I thought I had played there with someone since then and had normal temperature. Also, there's no reason to report that, because some players probably enjoyed it that way. I did NOT notice that on server12, server7, nor on server4. So, it seemed like something people could choose to play with easily or choose to avoid easily depending on how they felt about it.
I recall someone else commenting that the game could have all sorts of difficulty settings or something like that since 16 different servers exist. Not reporting that comes as consistent with that philosophy. You may not like or agree with that philosophy, but some others think that way.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
Pages: 1