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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-04-03 19:38:45

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Deep roots added to family tree browser … front_page

This will also show your own personal deep roots (lives you lived where you had a long lineage), if you access the page through the in-game button or download page button.


#2 2019-04-03 19:50:05

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

yessssss finally bless you Jason

-Has ascended to better games-


#3 2019-04-03 20:04:24

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

Quick query. Does the "Deep Roots" section have to take in generation into account? We already have a section dedicated to generation, it feels mildly annoying that this does too.

For example, I had one of my most successful eve runs in recent times a few weeks ago. 36 gens! I'm proud of it, but it's nowhere to be seen on my all time Deep Roots.. all because, instead, it favors a "gen 40, lineage depth 4" life I lived instead, one that already appears on my Long Lines because gen 40.

-Has ascended to better games-


#4 2019-04-03 20:10:46

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

Whoops!  I see what's happening there.  Will fix it.


It now sorts them by:

(deepest_descendant_generation - generation)

Where before, it was sorting them just by deepest_descendant_generation

I was mostly testing on Eves, so it was the same in that case.  But in the case of a specific player, it matters a lot more to sort this better way.


#5 2019-04-03 21:03:11

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

This is so cool. Show your deepest root ya'll... … id=3742726

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#6 2019-04-03 21:48:35

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser


Been playing for at least 7-8 months and my deepest roots were 6 days ago.. Dunno whether to be disappointed or happy lol.

-Has ascended to better games-


#7 2019-04-03 22:10:05

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

This is so great!  Mine is here.  Only 37 generations, but I'll take it.  It's nice to see my family managed to survive that grizzy bear that killed me. smile


#8 2019-04-03 22:59:28

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 322

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

Love the new deep roots calculations and section!

Even more of a reason to fix the family tree server bug.... One of my elder deaths in the past few days is an ancestor unknown type.   Fortunately that family only went on another two gens, so it isn't a big deal.

But I can't be sure any of these is ACTUALLY my deepest roots - the longer a family goes, the more likely it is to get cut off randomly, right??

Also, the family tree server is super slow right now (tens of second, maybe a minute to load).  Maybe there are a bunch of us looking at it?

--Blue Diamond

I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.


#9 2019-04-03 23:02:46

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 322

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

My deepest root is the very appropriately named Eve Elder. … id=3016800

When I got back to the family a day or two later, they were living in an entirely different location than where I had started them off.  So, I think people being willing to move is a big factor in whether or not lineages can survive a long time.

--Blue Diamond

I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.


#10 2019-04-03 23:11:45

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 41

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

happynova wrote:

This is so great!  Mine is here.  Only 37 generations, but I'll take it.  It's nice to see my family managed to survive that grizzy bear that killed me. smile

Oh no way!  I was your mother!  That was my deepest root too.

Leon Man, 43 years old, Generation: 8, Lineage Depth: 38, Died 51 days ago, Final words: "My job is done".


#11 2019-04-03 23:15:18

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

Hi, Mom! smile

This is a lot of fun.  I've liked some of the ideas Jason's been throwing out there lately a lot better than others, but as a way of getting people to feel as engaged as possible with their families, more family tree stuff is an unquestionable winner.


#12 2019-04-04 01:18:17

Registered: 2018-03-08
Posts: 217

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

The family tree front page isn't loading for me. Am I the only one? … front_page

One Hour One Life Crafting Reference


#13 2019-04-04 03:47:49

Registered: 2018-10-15
Posts: 347

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

ryanb wrote:

The family tree front page isn't loading for me. Am I the only one? … front_page

Use the button from the game client or the link on your download page.


#14 2019-04-04 04:01:44

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

Crap, something is broken...

Fixing now.


#15 2019-04-04 04:55:07

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

Dammit, JK, you broke it!  smile

This sort is bad:

(deepest_descendant_generation - generation)

Each of those fields has an index, and there's even a combined index for both of them...  BUT the subtraction itself is not indexed, which means that to perform this sort, it needs to examine all otherwise-matching rows, compute the subtraction, and then sort the results.  I.e., touching a million rows is bad.

Gotta precompute this value for all lives and save it in the table.


#16 2019-04-04 05:28:41

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

jasonrohrer wrote:

Dammit, JK, you broke it!  smile

Free of charge, at that! Happy to be of service o7

-Has ascended to better games-


#17 2019-04-04 06:49:03

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

This is fixed now.


#18 2019-04-04 07:22:02

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

i don't even care for the "long lines"
so what is the point of those "deep roots" again ?
can someone plz explain it to me ?

where is the feature of "memorable lives" ?
that's what would be interesting to me
cause those lives where i cherish them are not mentioned, are just lost, gone
instead i get NUMBERS sad

- - -


#19 2019-04-04 11:53:48

Registered: 2018-10-15
Posts: 347

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

breezeknight wrote:

i don't even care for the "long lines"
so what is the point of those "deep roots" again ?
can someone plz explain it to me ?

where is the feature of "memorable lives" ?
that's what would be interesting to me
cause those lives where i cherish them are not mentioned, are just lost, gone
instead i get NUMBERS sad

- - -

The game has no way of knowing what you consider memorable - and everyone's concept of what is memorable would be different, so trying to program this would be a nightmare. About the best idea I can think of is a button on the UI, after you die, to mark the life you just lived as being special to you.

Some people will just spam the button, so perhaps you can only have a few such 'lifemarks' (like bookmarks, but for lives) at a time. Adding a new one once you hit the limit will prompt you to replace one of the existing lifemarks. Marked lives would be on a 'memorable lives' or 'special lives' or 'cherished lives' page when you go to the lineage browser.

Would that work for you? (And would Jason consider implementing it?)

EDIT to add: I used to save the session files when I had a memorable life. However, changes in the game have a way of making the old files unreadable. So some of my earliest, most emotionally touching moments are no longer accessible for me to view. sad

Last edited by Starknight_One (2019-04-04 11:55:37)


#20 2019-04-04 12:09:23

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Deep roots added to family tree browser

yeah that's the crux with constant updates changing basics
though maybe Jason could make the old files readable again

i would like to have a gallery of memorable lives
maybe something relative, like one memorable life token per 20 lived or so
not just a fixed number

maybe where i could add a screenshot as well

i think, a feature like this would make players in general care more for the lives lived smile

- - -


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