a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I submitted this "logo" image as part of my trademark application:
I got the following email today for the USPTO:
Design search codes are numerical codes we assign to the prominent features of your mark's design. We call these features "design elements." A design element can be any component of your mark that is not a word, such as a depiction of a star or a flower. Assigning design search codes to your mark helps us more effectively search our database for marks that may conflict with yours. Design search codes have no legal significance and will not appear on the registration certificate.
Design search codes assigned to your application:
01.15.25 - Coal
01.15.25 - Dust
01.15.25 - Light rays
01.15.25 - Liquids, spilling
01.15.25 - Pouring liquids
01.15.25 - Sand
01.15.25 - Spilling liquids
02.01.33 - Grotesque men formed by letters, numbers, punctuation or geometric shapes
02.01.33 - Stick figures
02.03.26 - Grotesque women formed by letters, numbers, punctuation or geometric shapes
02.05.04 - Children, girl(s)
02.05.04 - Girls
02.05.05 - Boys
02.05.05 - Children, boy(s)
02.05.06 - Baby
02.05.06 - Children, baby or babies
02.07.04 - Families (adults and children)
02.07.04 - Groups, adults and children, including family groups
02.07.26 - Groups, grotesque (having human features or attributes)
11.03.07 - Bowl (filled)
11.03.07 - Soup bowls, filled
11.03.07 - Sugar bowls, filled
*reads "Groups, grotesque (having human features or attributes)"*
*starts to giggle uncontrollably*
Nicee lol grotesque is how they see your art
Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.
"Grotesque men formed by letters, numbers, punctuation or geometric shapes"
I am dying
Liquids, spilling
Pouring liquids
:') what.
Yeah, USPTO is not exactly a source of sanity and clarity in the Federal beuracracy. LOL
--Blue Diamond
I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.
I wonder if they use some kind of AI to assign those? The eyes are coal, the grey hair of the top-right woman is a little like a waterfall. And why is there no mention of the axe, or tools? So weird
Coal? Maybe Charcoal Brush? Like in Photoshop. You know.
Last edited by st2019 (2019-04-05 11:55:19)
I'm an expert for: Sharp Stones