a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Recently there has been a lot of talk about things that would encourage trading and limit property access. But i think instead of adding hats and elder stones we can use something already in the game. HOME MARKERS!!!! It should work like this (these are all ideas btw)
When you spawn as an eve and place a home marker it will create a 50 - 100 area radius which will be owned by your lineage. No one from another lineage can build, destroy, pickup and drop items in that area. The home marker can be removed but it takes a certain amount of time to remove. These home markers can be created by anyone but only take effect when approved by an elder from your lineage. This would encourage people to war, it would cause lineages to fight over property. This would also mean trading is more effective because people from other lineages cant just steal stuff from your area and actually have to ask you for it.
If you right click on a home marker you own you can also set property access. You can make a home marker in your house and anything in that house including the walls and door will be owned by you. An elder will need to come and confirm this of course. You can set it to limit who can access your area.
This would make property owning way more realistic and easy rather then adding magical stuff. This would mean you can claim an area for your lineage and also claim an area for your personal use.
This idea is in no way perfect, but Jason can easily improve this and make it work better!
on a side note :
the most effective thieves & killers come from inside, not outside, as you yourself should know ;P
the idea, which i keep reading over & over again, that the own family, the own lineage has some bearing on the quality of people is amazing to me
this might be true IRL, but it is surely not true in OHOL
people are born randomly, you get nice people & you get destructive, toxic griefers & killers right into your midst
the people in other families might be way nicer & more helpful than those in your own family & lineage
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Yup. The worst threats are in your own family, people who want to sick it or who just aren't skilled enough to keep up (but still nice people)
IDK what these fences will do. Will it make such people care more?
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Would these homemarkers be limited, or could a family just plant multiple homemarkers say every 40 tiles and claim scores of land that way?
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
a friend designed this exact system in a minecraft mod. It ceased all conflict over land tbh
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