a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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To fix the potential problem of your property being fenced inside someone else's property, maybe you should only allow private property to be created if it does not currently have any other properties within the proposed borders? It also fixes griefers trying to add multiple gates (with different access grants on each) to block access to something crucial.
I have an answer to the question about fences limiting in game conflict and yet Jason wanting conflict: correct me if I’m wrong but we want *better* more memorable conflicts and greater social and technological complexities. “ha ha I stabbed u” is boring “HA! I stabbed you since you’re choice to move the bakery that lead to the death of my only girl” is more interesting. I didn’t like this idea at first because I thought it was trying to destroy the sort of feel good hippie sharing aspect of the game just for the sake of making drama. Now I see it more as giving us the control we need to make tech advancement. One reason I don’t make cars is someone would just take it and I’m not interested in focusing on being worried about people grabbing thing out from under me. But that limits what I choose to do.
I also feel more open to the idea knowing in many cases these locks will be open to the whole village and having different levels. I do wonder about going on a horse and locking down every iron mine for your town only ... but given the size of maps that seems more interesting than destructive. we already know not to search for resources in the direction of a big city and that’s how it works in the real world as well. I’m happy as long as the option to work for a greater good is there. We can work for the greater good of the town.
If my suggestion above is implemented, it won't happen; one person could lock down whatever iron mines were close together, but access wouldn't be permanently blocked; it would just be at the cost of being cursed, assuming you weren't authorized to be there. And a single person could only claim one parcel of land every two hours, when their curse token recharges.
Also, 'curse fences' (that don't block movement) would do little to nothing to curb wars and other conflict; if you want to kill them badly enough, a curse won't deter you.
Steam name: starkn1ght
The Berry Bush Song
The Compost Cycle
To fix the potential problem of your property being fenced inside someone else's property, maybe you should only allow private property to be created if it does not currently have any other properties within the proposed borders? It also fixes griefers trying to add multiple gates (with different access grants on each) to block access to something crucial.
DestinyCall suggested that fences be psychological, by cursing people instead of blocking movement. My twist on that was that it should cost you your curse token to claim an area, so not just anyone can do it (if they don't have a token) and they can't just spam out land claims. I did add the idea that claims should not be able to contain other claims, and that there should be a minimum distance (2 or 3 tiles) between claims to prevent people from blocking other claims in.
I'm certain there are still problems with the idea, but I've tried to make it as bulletproof as possible. I've also included as many of the ideas I felt were good that have been talked about since Jason posted this plan.
Steam name: starkn1ght
The Berry Bush Song
The Compost Cycle