a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I'm writing this in part for my own edification. I'm not a super expert but here is what I know.
When you spawn you are looking for two things: water and fertile soil rather close together. At least 3 of each within 4-5 screens of each other. If they are very large deposits a longer distance may be OK. Fertile soil tends to be in the green biome water in swamps. It's possible later to make both of these resources if you have enough trees. Other things you want in order of importance:
-lots of trees with branches
-wild berry bushes: the only free renewable food in the game
-reeds in the swamp
-a cluster of near by bananas*
-abundant milkweed
-rabbits not too far
-iron on the ground
-clay deposits
-onions and burdock in large ammonts
(those with more experience than me how would you order this list? what would you add)
*can make up for not enough berry bushes but a family member will need to run for them
The sooner you find a spot the sooner you can start a farm. To start the farm you need a way to move water. You must (not in order)
-make a fire (two ropes, 1 curved branch, 3 straight branches, as much kindling as possible)
-make a kiln (min 3 adobe, ideally 4)
-make bowls and plates (min 4 ideally 8 clay)
-catch a rabbit for bellows (1 more rope, 1 thread, 2 straight branches for bellows tongs and trap)
-get ready to smelt (3 ideally 6 iron, 1 straight branch for tongs, as much kindling as possible)
-farm (using bowls and skewers, otherwise you need 1 more rope and a straight branch for a hoe)
You can use the water pouch for bellows to water plants, don't see people do this often, but if there is a hold up getting the kiln going this is an option.
So, you need:
3-4 ropes, 1 thread, 7 straight branches.
I think a lot of players die trying to help "too hard" with some practice you should be able to survive in the wild grazing at almost any age, so if you don't know what to do and are a girl make a home marker and move far from camp so you don't eat up the very limited food. Stay alive until you can run a bit faster and the berry bushes come in then return. You might be able to get a rabbit or one piece of iron while doing this. Even better run for food. If you see some bananas or a big patch of burdock eat till you are almost full (one pip down) fill your basket and bring some food to the people setting up the camp. If there are more than 3 bowls take one far and fill it with berries, this can be a safe task since you are holding food as you go most of the way. If there are about 4-5 bananas and plants near camp for people to eat switch to getting branches. Yew branches that are close are fine. Curved branches can be carried in pairs or 3 in a basket. A sharp stone can help you carry even more than that by making a stanchion kit. (but this is only a time-saver with the right combo of trees, if you bring the branches too late and the fire is out it's not that important that you carried 3 extra.)
Don't be a hero. Live. If you are starving and there is food on the ground near camp that is why it is there. Only consider being brave and making a sacrifice if you are a boy you might let your sister have the food. The wild bushes near camp are also important for your younger siblings and kids so try to leave a berry or two on those. Of course, also don't overeat. Once you are over 7 you don't need to panic when you here the chime for hunger if you know where you can grab food. Be aware of the size of food. Ideally your mom should feed you until she can't pick you up anymore. But, this rarely is possible so eat only berries until you have a big enough hunger bar. This saves food for you and everyone.
Domestic bushes and wild bushes work differently, wild bushes grow berries one at a time and should always be missing a few berries so this can happen. Domestic bushes grow all at once and only when empty and after soil and water. DO NOT leave a single berry on the domestic bushes. Eat from the bush with the fewest berries left and, if needed take the last one and put it on the ground (just don't forget about it, though in an eve camp it'll get eaten don't worry)
That's what I've got so far.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
the more experience you got the less you value food and soil, even trees
and the more rabbits, iron veins
it makes easier to have some, but not vital
also good to know what you got in excess and how to use it
like swamp based cities can have big adobe buildings
while green/desert/badland can have stone
i don't like to make compromises or start generic buildigns before i know i got enough resources for it
if you can grind out food with carrots, a cart can help get soil and other stuff
if you can make a pen (sugar is quite fast now) you can make soil
if you can make a bucket, a farm can be anywhere, especially with a cistern
a pond is just 21 water on average, a shallow well 68, and a deep one is 170
while an upgraded newcommen is infinite if you do it right
that needs a few iron and a rubber
maybe not one but 2-3 ponds enough now, and rather make a decent road around farm to keep in shape than dumb kitchens for vanity
buildings still not worth it
you can make an iron mine for 7 iron so it can be good to wait with shovel and hoe until you do that
axe to have butt log
adze for mallet
froe for boards
file blank
blade for saw
chisel for making a file then recycle to make a pick
after the first mine you can have a few hoes and shovels
i think shovel is kind of needed at that point to clear up the space from reed, stumps and stones
but hoes can wait after the mine
oven can wait after the pen, that's why i make boards first, so i put oven on floor, under pen
the middle wall between pen and bakery can be a pen wall and a room wall same time
that's 25% of both, where you saved 5-7 walls
also it's optimal distance from pen
think ahead, problems wont solve itself
if you barely manage to revive a fire, get more firewood so 4 minutes later you don't have to do the same
if you got no food in the camp you already late, notice it before it runs out and go get a bowl of berries and fix the bushes
ideally you make tons of bowls, one bowl for each bush, pick all down right away when they grow
2 min later put soil and water on it
now this is what you do, extending bushes wont give more food, wont give better chances
will give extra work what others might not do
and same average output for a player as before
for example i can feed like 30 bushes to sheep, then fix each then next 10 minutes do the same, but this would be quite boring life
don't assume people do it, ask them to do it
if you make 2 composts in your life and get 15 firewood, you paid back your price
generally you got 1 hour to clear the savanah from all rabbit, 1 hour to get all the branches nearby
do 10 min of work and if everyone does it, then you don't hinder the veterans progress of doing nice things
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
the more experience you got the less you value food and soil, even trees
and the more rabbits, iron veins
It's not experience so much as how old the town is. Older towns can, in theory farm all of these things. Also, no matter how much experience you have you have to pick a spot that will make sense to the people you are playing with.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
you can grind it out anywhere
like if you got no water you fix it by having buckets and cistern
sure, less than 12 straight branches and like 20 other is bad
less than 3 soil piles is bad
yeah, sadly i had tons of weird setups and i choose the temperature and proximity over things like flat space and more wild food
we still talk about eve camps
you got to do all the things: tools, mine and pen
at least 2 out of 3 or chances of making a city decrease
people can survive with tools and soil made for like 10 generations until a good player comes
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
For foods probably most relevant to an Eve camp:
Popcorn gives you 3 pips.
Green beans give you 4 pips.
Berries give you 5 pips.
Shucked corn gives you 5 pips.
Onions 6 pips.
Wild carrots 7 pips.
Domestic carrots 7 pips.
Burdock 9 pips.
Bananas 9 pips.
Cactus fruit 10 pips.
Cooked rabbit 10 pips.
Cooked goose 10 pips (I suggest making sure there's a steel file/steel file blank before eating one of these).
Three sisters stew 14 pips.
Omelettes 19 pips.
Perhaps that's a bit much for newer players. So, I'll trim that down to the more common foods of the above:
Berries give you 5 pips.
Onions 6 pips.
Wild carrots 7 pips.
Domestic carrots 7 pips.
Burdock 9 pips.
Bananas 9 pips.
Cactus fruit 10 pips.
Cooked rabbit 10 pips.
And omelettes will usually fill up your food bar.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
One more note after being in an Eve camp that made this mistake. Plant near the water not near the soil. You can move soil and make it anywhere once you have sheep. Water is mostly fixed and will require your decedents to make trips. So plant a bit closer to the water.
Leave rows between your bushes as you plant them if possible. Eve camps can be frantic but if you have space near the water to plan this:
or this:
is better than this:
This will give you space for compost piles and water buckets, cisterns later and make getting sheep food more efficient. The * is a berry bush and - is empty space or a wooden walkway. Do not put stone walkways adjacent to berry bushes, doors the smith, the stew farm, or any other work space. Future generations will waste countless seconds slipping around trying to stop in the correct location. Use wood for such paths, and they are good to add since it keeps people from expanding the patch without adding space to work.
Last edited by futurebird (2019-04-08 14:48:05)
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
This will give you space for compost piles and water buckets, cisterns later and make getting sheep food more efficient. The * is a berry bush and - is empty space or a wooden walkway. Do not put stone walkways adjacent to berry bushes, doors the smith, the stew farm, or any other work space. Future generations will waste countless seconds slipping around trying to stop in the correct location. Use wood for such paths, and they are good to add since it keeps people from expanding the patch without adding space to work.
The main difficulty, in my opinion, lies in that berry bushes need adjacent space for picking berries off of a bush to put into a clay bowl. Other crops also can use some space to pick off seeds or the crop, but I feel it's more pronounced with berry bushes.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
yeah, for fucks sake don't plant right near or around the ponds
keep 1 column for the road, then make nice 3x3 or 5x3 plots, whatever
ponds become wells very soon, wells become deep wells
after bucket you can kinda plant anywhere, plant near water means it's on screen, 5-10 tiles walk is not that bad, the whole pond and the whole well can fit into a cistern so rather use them as resource and not their regen, it wont worth it long term, and optimizing for the eve camp ruins it when or if becomes a city
and don't extend those damn bushes before you fix the brown ones, it wont be more food, it will be same food, more work
it's still 1 soil and 1 water for 7 berries
if you plant new it will be 2 soil tilling extra 4 minutes and 7-1 berries (seed), slower and no guarantee anyoen fixes it, especially if it's wider than 3 tiles
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
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