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#26 2019-04-06 07:27:07

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

Villas wrote:
breezeknight wrote:
Chimera wrote:

I suicide when there's no girl. What's the point of building a village if there's no one there to enjoy it?

Eves spawn often in or near previous settlements
how about improving the camp for that potential Eve ?

An Eve may find it or not. It’s not certain.
How about helping another town, with fertile girls?
I think helping an alive town/camp is much better than work alone in a dead place hoping someone will find it one day, in my opinion it’s too boring and most of the time doesn’t worth the effort, since there is a high chance of no one finding it.

there is also a high chance of griefers screwing up successfully a town but apparently that doesn't stop you to long to get there

& also, you shouldn't take your help as that vital that a town cannot survive because you are not there,
that's a lesson this game teaches pretty well, to get onself down from the high horse of indispensability

it's a social game & one of the social aspects is to do good work no matter at which point & no matter in which situation, it's a principle

& males suiciding because there is no fertile female are acting antisocial, they leave for egoistic reasons, not because they are eager to help out where help is needed, cause there are towns where your help is absolutely non-vital, but you don't suicide in such towns, you'll stay mainly because of the fertile females
this "fertile females" feature has gained meantime quite a traction
that's also why i dislike the awbz mod, it makes the player to calculate from a statistical gain position - no fertile female = no work input
but OHOL is about good work, not about gain

i've also been in many situation, where male or even several males suicided although there were several people still there, me included but no fertile female
that happenend because such a decision is not about being social but about gain from the next gen
it's a postponed calculated gain with a safety net of certainty

& i've also been to towns, where i had the most pleasant cooperation & thought exchange with males & elders as the last survivers, who still just worked humbly to improve the town & their own skill without any certain prospect of continuation
those people belonged to the nicest i've met in this game ever

humility is what makes people social, not greed & conceit

that occurance of respawning to a dead town/settlement is not that seldom
i've also been to dead towns where things were quite visibly tided up, even smaller settlements,
i've been most grateful for the people who cared enough to bring things into order without that fertile females certainty

i suicide as male or female, as baby, kid, adult, even elder if the people in a settlement/town are jackasses & egotists playing single player, just working their asses off without any consideration of the bigger picture, context or plan, creating an atmosphere of futility
also if they don't care for the griefers running the town, which happens at times quite often
people who don't care don't deserve my time & work input, that's my social principle

- - -

Last edited by breezeknight (2019-04-06 07:33:10)


#27 2019-04-06 16:46:38

From: Finland, Oulu
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 336

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

breezeknight wrote:

i played right now in a fairly beginner settlement, i was born fourth gen male
my ma had then one daughter, that one had again one daughter
so everything seemed so far going ok, the only problem was lots of things to do & not enough hands to do it

the berry farm needed improvement, there was no carrot farm, no sheep either
iron was scarce & had to be collected, we had not enough clothes as well, only one backpack, my sister got that backpack
the only thing that was really in sheer abundance was eggs, there was like thirty ponds around, literally, so overflown with eggs
we had not even an oven cause one could easily live from all the omeletts

while i was smithing the second shovel & hoe, my sister all of sudden dropped dead
then my ma gets really old & the niece grabs all clothes, backpack also & says, she's going to leave "this shithole", her words
then asks me, if i am going to be ok, what did she mean by that ? i am alone, ma dead by now & the girl is just leaving,
no idea to what end, since she could have been doing anything she wanted in "that shithole"

spoiled inexperienced brat
if i didn't have my curse token already wasted on another griefer before i would have cursed her, ce la vie hmm

i worked then to improve the berry farm further till i dropped dead at 60

btw that brat died soon after she left, of course, was clearly to be expected
if a player is as inexperienced as to leave a good place like that then the death by mistake is just around the corner lol … id=4008246

- - -

Without a doubt, any camp that is nearby any 4-17 pond location, is definitely not a shithole. It seemed that your ingame sister was just scared of working on projects and just wanted to scoot. I was bit like that when I was new, just ran naked and went one direction to find own place to live.

If you ever enter Pea (Helkama turns into random name) family, you need the lottery ticket picked up. My baby names given can be absolutely random.
"Are you fueled with peasoup or why you keep running off from temperature tile?"


#28 2019-04-06 20:59:18

Registered: 2019-04-03
Posts: 13

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

breezeknight wrote:
Villas wrote:
breezeknight wrote:

Eves spawn often in or near previous settlements
how about improving the camp for that potential Eve ?

An Eve may find it or not. It’s not certain.
How about helping another town, with fertile girls?
I think helping an alive town/camp is much better than work alone in a dead place hoping someone will find it one day, in my opinion it’s too boring and most of the time doesn’t worth the effort, since there is a high chance of no one finding it.

there is also a high chance of griefers screwing up successfully a town but apparently that doesn't stop you to long to get there

& also, you shouldn't take your help as that vital that a town cannot survive because you are not there,
that's a lesson this game teaches pretty well, to get onself down from the high horse of indispensability

it's a social game & one of the social aspects is to do good work no matter at which point & no matter in which situation, it's a principle

& males suiciding because there is no fertile female are acting antisocial, they leave for egoistic reasons, not because they are eager to help out where help is needed, cause there are towns where your help is absolutely non-vital, but you don't suicide in such towns, you'll stay mainly because of the fertile females
this "fertile females" feature has gained meantime quite a traction
that's also why i dislike the awbz mod, it makes the player to calculate from a statistical gain position - no fertile female = no work input
but OHOL is about good work, not about gain

i've also been in many situation, where male or even several males suicided although there were several people still there, me included but no fertile female
that happenend because such a decision is not about being social but about gain from the next gen
it's a postponed calculated gain with a safety net of certainty

& i've also been to towns, where i had the most pleasant cooperation & thought exchange with males & elders as the last survivers, who still just worked humbly to improve the town & their own skill without any certain prospect of continuation
those people belonged to the nicest i've met in this game ever

humility is what makes people social, not greed & conceit

that occurance of respawning to a dead town/settlement is not that seldom
i've also been to dead towns where things were quite visibly tided up, even smaller settlements,
i've been most grateful for the people who cared enough to bring things into order without that fertile females certainty

i suicide as male or female, as baby, kid, adult, even elder if the people in a settlement/town are jackasses & egotists playing single player, just working their asses off without any consideration of the bigger picture, context or plan, creating an atmosphere of futility
also if they don't care for the griefers running the town, which happens at times quite often
people who don't care don't deserve my time & work input, that's my social principle

- - -

I absolutely hate when people try to tell me why I do something and then add in ad hominem and strawman throughout the entire thing. Seriously stop, you are not inside mine or anyone else's head nor are you anyone else. Speak only for yourself.

While griefers can destroy a town, as long as their are fertile females and attentive citizens it really isn't that bad. So what, they might stab one person, hide a few tools, drag in a bear or a dog. Oh well, the city will recover. Once again for those in the back: As long as there are fertile females. Full. Darn. Stop.

There are towns/settlements that will fail without your help. Full. Darn. Stop.

Eve camps specifically need her newborns to survive so there can be a town. So yes, it does need me specifically, or another player specifically in order for it to survive . Full. Stop.

So no. I am not going to sit in a town that has no future for 40+ minutes for no reason, when there's an Eve camp, or a fledgling town that would benefit more from me taking care of the farm, cooking, gathering, or tending the pasture. (Yep, this is another FULL STOP)

Only speak for yourself, because everyone doesn't play the game like you do, and calling people 'egotistical' and attacking other people because they know when something isn't going to survive is in short, immature and unneeded. Also as I mentioned before speak for yourself, because I play in an RP manner, where my character wants to see his/her family survive and thrive, and they don't care about a random hobo Eve that walks out of the forest. That Eve is not family to my character, therefore my character does not care. Survival of the fitness, and if my family no longer has fertile females then my boys aren't going to work for some random Eve as free slave labor when they get nothing out of it. Her spawn aren't kin, and they didn't help the town/settlement at all get to the point where it is now, therefore they do not deserve to benefit from my character's labor or continue to benefit from it. But if they find the random little settlement/city then kudos to them or if I get borned to that Eve, then I'm down to be their slave labor until we all croak, so that our family can continue to flourish.

There is nothing "greedy" or "conceited" about valuing your own time. Full. Stop.

No one is required to "tidy up a town" for rando's because that settlement was not built for randos. I don't think any settlement is built for randos to walk in and start using and taking all your stuff. Nor do I feel like anyone sits there and builds a settlement/camp with idea that they are going to give it away to some unrelated person because...reasons. I feel like that settlement is made for FAMILY. So not working on something anymore when the whole premise of the game is based around family advancement and seeing YOUR bloodline survive is completely understandable. So my next family will get all of my time, devotion, and so on until that hour is up or the bloodline comes to a halt.


#29 2019-04-06 21:41:31

From: Under your bed
Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 781

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

Honestly happned a few times in early camps and eve runs.
I either just didn't end up having any girls or they all died.

What I usually say to the remaining boys is; do whatever the heck you want. No mater how unorthodox, cause there's literally no-one that'll get mad at them for screwing up if they say, try fiddle with the iron blindly without ever before smithing or do some other crazy stuff. And if they wanan die, sure thing.
One time I ran with a son on a death trip to dead-land where we tried to run far away and die someplace random while simultaneously exploring.

Breeze, no person owes you their time.

My favourite all time lives are Unity Dawn, who was married to Sachin Gedeon.

PIES 2.0 <- Pie diversification mod


#30 2019-04-07 02:23:33

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

breezeknight wrote:
Villas wrote:
breezeknight wrote:

Eves spawn often in or near previous settlements
how about improving the camp for that potential Eve ?

An Eve may find it or not. It’s not certain.
How about helping another town, with fertile girls?
I think helping an alive town/camp is much better than work alone in a dead place hoping someone will find it one day, in my opinion it’s too boring and most of the time doesn’t worth the effort, since there is a high chance of no one finding it.

there is also a high chance of griefers screwing up successfully a town but apparently that doesn't stop you to long to get there

& also, you shouldn't take your help as that vital that a town cannot survive because you are not there,
that's a lesson this game teaches pretty well, to get onself down from the high horse of indispensability

it's a social game & one of the social aspects is to do good work no matter at which point & no matter in which situation, it's a principle

& males suiciding because there is no fertile female are acting antisocial, they leave for egoistic reasons, not because they are eager to help out where help is needed, cause there are towns where your help is absolutely non-vital, but you don't suicide in such towns, you'll stay mainly because of the fertile females
this "fertile females" feature has gained meantime quite a traction
that's also why i dislike the awbz mod, it makes the player to calculate from a statistical gain position - no fertile female = no work input
but OHOL is about good work, not about gain

i've also been in many situation, where male or even several males suicided although there were several people still there, me included but no fertile female
that happenend because such a decision is not about being social but about gain from the next gen
it's a postponed calculated gain with a safety net of certainty

& i've also been to towns, where i had the most pleasant cooperation & thought exchange with males & elders as the last survivers, who still just worked humbly to improve the town & their own skill without any certain prospect of continuation
those people belonged to the nicest i've met in this game ever

humility is what makes people social, not greed & conceit

that occurance of respawning to a dead town/settlement is not that seldom
i've also been to dead towns where things were quite visibly tided up, even smaller settlements,
i've been most grateful for the people who cared enough to bring things into order without that fertile females certainty

i suicide as male or female, as baby, kid, adult, even elder if the people in a settlement/town are jackasses & egotists playing single player, just working their asses off without any consideration of the bigger picture, context or plan, creating an atmosphere of futility
also if they don't care for the griefers running the town, which happens at times quite often
people who don't care don't deserve my time & work input, that's my social principle

- - -

I’m just saying suiciding in a no-fertile town isn’t worse than griefing. I’m not saying my help is vital in another town (but might be, I mean, one single girl could save the no-fertile town. So if I suicide and spawn as the last girl of somewhere else, actually my help would be vital. But it’s not the point.

I’m mean that is better to spend my time in a alive town/camp where people can enjoy my hard work than working alone in a dead camp hoping someone will find it. I play to have fun, to role play, I’m not playing a kind of 2D Minecraft where I work alone crafting stuff. I play to have fun, as someone said here on this thread, I don’t owe my time to anyone, principally to a place where there are no fertiles.

If you want to play in a dead town, it up to you.
Generally when a town dies because of no fertiles, it means other towns are having fertility problems as well, In my opinion it’s more egoistic  to work in a dead town than working in an alive one, since there are probably towns needing girls.
But the good thing is, it’s up to us, we can choose the way we want to play, if you want to play in a dead town you aren’t harming anyone, neither if you decide to have fun somewhere else.


#31 2019-04-07 08:37:17

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

Amon wrote:

Honestly happned a few times in early camps and eve runs.
I either just didn't end up having any girls or they all died.

What I usually say to the remaining boys is; do whatever the heck you want. No mater how unorthodox, cause there's literally no-one that'll get mad at them for screwing up if they say, try fiddle with the iron blindly without ever before smithing or do some other crazy stuff. And if they wanan die, sure thing.
One time I ran with a son on a death trip to dead-land where we tried to run far away and die someplace random while simultaneously exploring.

Breeze, no person owes you their time.

if you do what you want to do, that's fine with me

i only see a pattern of short sighted desinformation
players suiciding as males over & over & over again "because there is no fertile female"

same as there is some crazy pattern of /dying players over & over & over again for whatever reasons
because they have some idea to get born somewhere specific

some players clearly don't understand the main mechanic & core idea of OHOL
& they try to rig it to a continuing town, continuing work, continuing family, continuing lineage

there are over & over & over again players who call other players "randos"
clearly not realising that the randomness IS in fact THE CORE MECHANISM of OHOL
it's the main lesson this game teaches
everybody IS a "rando" everywhere in OHOL

every player is oc free to try to rig the gameplay into something else
but should also be aware that OHOL is not meant to be played that way
it is meant for a player to be a tiny part of a biger picture

this own dispensability & exchangeability, this being thrown into a family or a town or wilderness is apparently quite unsettling to many players lol

- - -


#32 2019-04-07 08:57:22

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

Villas wrote:

I’m just saying suiciding in a no-fertile town isn’t worse than griefing. I’m not saying my help is vital in another town (but might be, I mean, one single girl could save the no-fertile town. So if I suicide and spawn as the last girl of somewhere else, actually my help would be vital. But it’s not the point.

i never stated any suiciding is worse than griefing, i said it might be already considered griefing
there's a fine difference there, isn't it ?
it's a griefing tendency, an entrance into the griefing territory, i only make players aware of what i perceive & i meet other players who see it the same way

I’m mean that is better to spend my time in a alive town/camp where people can enjoy my hard work than working alone in a dead camp hoping someone will find it. I play to have fun, to role play, I’m not playing a kind of 2D Minecraft where I work alone crafting stuff. I play to have fun, as someone said here on this thread, I don’t owe my time to anyone, principally to a place where there are no fertiles.

If you want to play in a dead town, it up to you.
Generally when a town dies because of no fertiles, it means other towns are having fertility problems as well, In my opinion it’s more egoistic  to work in a dead town than working in an alive one, since there are probably towns needing girls.
But the good thing is, it’s up to us, we can choose the way we want to play, if you want to play in a dead town you aren’t harming anyone, neither if you decide to have fun somewhere else.

there are no "dead towns"
there are settlements which died off because the lineages died off, but which can be revitalised because an Eve spawns there, because a player stumbles across it or even, because a player managed to build there a landing pad & some other player lands there with a plane, yep

there are plenty of options to play this game
i play it for the greater good
i don't play it in an egoistic manner
i don't spam suicide if i am not being spawned exactly where or as what i wanna be, because i know the game doesn't work like this & is not even meant to work like this

where i suicide for sure is where players are indeed insulting, egotistically playing it as if it would be a single player
they clearly don't need me & fairly they don't deserve my time or work tongue

but since you have absolutely NO CONTROL over if you spawn as female, so oc you can again try to rig the game & /die as baby boy io to spawn as baby girl, but this doesn't guarantee that lineage won't be dead soon

there is a huge uncertainty factor to OHOL
many players have apparently repeadedly huge problems to deal with that lol

i hope Jason comes up soon with an option for infertile persons to have kids
this will improve the situation in question

- - -

Last edited by breezeknight (2019-04-07 09:02:53)


#33 2019-04-07 15:26:26

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

There is a huge uncertainty factor to OHOL
many players have apparently repeadedly huge problems to deal with that lol

- - -

The certainty is: if you work in a town with fertiles, generations will enjoy your work, even if you just bring firewood or make hats. While working on a dead town for a random Eve might be in vain, since most of the towns aren’t rediscovered by someone, even bell towns, we had several bell towns last month and non of them was rediscovered by someone, all of that will decay after 1 month untouched.
But it’s not wrong working in a town with no fertile, I just think MY help ir more useful in another town, funnier, rewarding and satisfying as well, but It’s for me, other people might think different and it’s totally fine.


#34 2019-04-07 17:20:43

Registered: 2019-04-03
Posts: 180

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

Yup, I seem to go middle road here.

If no more fertiles, if I am young I tidy up a bit. Make it ready for someone, even newbie. Couple of baskets of food and I craft basic tools.

If I am older, I have ties to the place, I sometimes continue until I die, cut roses for relatives graves and such (after tidying the place up) just thinking what might have been.

One can take advice from this article or not. And I think all randomness is due to people, there probably is no "hard" random number generator, just seed that gives always same environment, and next seed. Not sure, might be J picks up a millisecond someone dies and uses that as a seed to an area, none of my business nor interest.



#35 2019-04-07 18:48:57

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story] … id=4030802

eve level,
grandma in clothes, she in charge but makes errors like middle of green camp, farm far from water
no adobe for charcoal
barely anything, 3 bushes in small bioem then huge biome east

i got stuff then took her pack, started making tools
people extend berry, make oven random location, basically just dropping babies on kindling fire and they either suicide or starve

when i make shovel bitch digs all the bones 2 tile away from kiln and doesn't react when i ask her to stop
same girl who stop me from making an axe with one fire, and same girl who got a seal skin from me

disrespectful noobs
i shoot her and everyone loses their mind, not like 90% of camp is made by me and my older bro, the rest is garbage livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#36 2019-04-07 19:53:51

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

I was there. 90 percent of the camp was not made by you. You did more than most, I don't really know I was just a kid, but you also killed one of the few girls in the camp *even after she stopped* which just makes no sense. Then you called everyone in the camp "noobs" for not being happy about that. I think it was the wrong call. She was not putting us in danger at that time. I was like 7 when you were there. I mean if she was a griefer she might have ended the camp anyway but she didn't seem that skilled, but instead you're one of the reasons it ended.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#37 2019-04-07 19:58:52

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

FYI after you did that the other girl in the camp just stood there and didn't want to play anymore. I talked her in to hanging around and she waited until I got back with some iron and by then seemed a little less gloomy. But, she only had sons and they didn't make it long. I knew the moment you shot her the camp was over.

You are right that the location was set up poorly. The challenge is to work with that kind of thing.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#38 2019-04-07 19:59:24

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

futurebird wrote:

I was there. 90 percent of the camp was not made by you. You did more than most, I don't really know I was just a kid, but you also killed one of the few girls in the camp *even after she stopped* which just makes no sense. Then you called everyone in the camp "noobs" for not being happy about that. I think it was the wrong call. She was not putting us in danger at that time. I was like 7 when you were there. I mean if she was a griefer she might have ended the camp anyway but she didn't seem that skilled, but instead you're one of the reasons it ended.

did the girl delay an axe though? because that is worth killing for


#39 2019-04-07 20:07:05

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

IDK if she did it on purpose I could agree. But, to me it was not clear that she was trying to mess stuff up. And Pein was really rude to everyone even the people like me who were working super hard. I ask why he shot the girl with an arrow and he starts talking about how none of us do any work and that was ALL that I was doing. It was really irritating.

If someone clearly is a griefer talk about that don't start insulting people because then you seem like the griefer.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#40 2019-04-07 20:09:56

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

Also, I'm sick of murders. I don't think they make anything better. I'd rather just let her be a pain than deal with the fall out from murders which is lost work time, useless talk and people not wanting to keep going. I almost just gave up on the town right then. But, I thought: there's still a chance this could work.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#41 2019-04-08 05:00:00

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story]

futurebird wrote:

I was there. 90 percent of the camp was not made by you. You did more than most, I don't really know I was just a kid, but you also killed one of the few girls in the camp *even after she stopped* which just makes no sense. Then you called everyone in the camp "noobs" for not being happy about that. I think it was the wrong call. She was not putting us in danger at that time. I was like 7 when you were there. I mean if she was a griefer she might have ended the camp anyway but she didn't seem that skilled, but instead you're one of the reasons it ended.

oh sorry

just all the tools, 2/2 packs, all the flat rock, bellows, bowls, plates, basically eve run with dumb kids, who were older than me
fed my mom, all the sisters, gave them seal skins, got back baskets

yeah the shit farm wasn't made by me, i started one near the pond

no she didn't, i had to shoot so she drops the shovel, then i digged out like 4 soil piles and 3 stones which block and the shovel was done so

blondie kid was the only person who helped, and she already called her griefer when she comes and covers kiln and the steel we made, right when the fire is going, she would have kill her if i ask her to

never would of gotten to that point without me

well, if you focus on proper things then i would notice you
so no, you didn't worked super hard

and disrespectful to talk like that few minutes within game
pretty sure i wouldn't even had any niece survive if i don't feed them for 10 min

you got 3 veins under you and cant grind it out then fuck it, i bet them wasted the iron then they couldn't find any more
if you got some IQ then connect the dots
there was limestone made by me, make a cistern, there was milkweed seed, get ropes instead of milkweed

oh, you are too special to gather stones and branches?
you still on a level where you think food production is more important than tools and you try to keep everyone alive
guess what, if i would have been female i abandon every kid for 20 min on that camp
and they are like "reeee i cant move fire cause babies"

could have gotten the axe at 20 if they don't cover and waste my kindling, instead i was like 40
and i was showing mother the rabbits she didn't even eat before entering the Savannah and starved flinting a carrot and saying f

and you act like you know whats going on?

that 30 bushes were unsustainable and unneeded
pick off the berries and fix them don't plant more

focus on things you need
i made impossible runs work

and your feminazi bullshit is annoying
you don't need 10 females
you need 1 who can stay alive
if you are female then especially bullshit what you say
if you don't know what to do, ask it
biggest disrespect that you don't go out for iron and try to say how to use it
i had a plan and could have gotten the vein going

you defending a player who digs bones 2 tiles away from kiln vs the oldest person in the camp who just made you tools, really how stupid you need to be?
all the bones of noobs who quit or starve
"reeeee lets dig all those bones in their place cause that idiot got iron for us"

the moment my noob sisters kept the even more noob kids and gave the seal skin to them it was over
i still made tools
the most advanced thing anyone else did was a berry bush livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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