One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-04-05 20:00:47

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

The Wilson-Destro Family

This story starts with the son of an eve. Eve Wilson II. She raised me in the wilds, and brought me and my sister back towards what was meant to be our home.

Three ponds, distantly scattered among a small patch of swamp. Tons of banana trees- great food, but wouldn't last long. I found my brothers, doing.. whatever they were doing, I suppose. No kiln, no camp. A few pieces of adobe and nothing more to call our 'home.'

I'll admit I was a bit blunt, maybe even rude, when I said "bad spot" "this place sucks lmfao" "few ponds not enough." Mom wanted to stick around because of the bananas. Plenty of food! I knew it wouldn't last though. They were a stopgap. Once they ran out, we'd be screwed.

So I traveled east a little, to a spot we had passed. 6-7 ponds in a close setup, bordering the large grassland. Very close soil pits. About 7 berry bushes close at hand, easily within sight of camp. It seemed perfect!

And so I got to work. I don't know what my family was up to during my first 20-25 years of life. I'd pass my sisters now and again in the woods, surrounded by branches and string. My mother showed up rarely, toting a cart- found abandoned next to a corpse- of bananas.

I set up a kiln, put together basic tools, and got our first fire going. I fired bowls, and planted the first berries, along with carrots to sustain us through til then. I hunted rabbits, having to swipe the snare from a sister I later learned was brand new to the game, and made bellows. I did this all on my own.

My mom brought my sisters to the camp I'd built from the ground up. Rather than be bitter for the lack of help, I welcomed them. My work would be for nothing if we had no future, and they were our future.

I ventured off to find iron, and ran into.. a boy.

At first I thought he was one of my brothers- pale skin, blonde hair. I moved past him without speaking, but he yelled out for me to wait. I paused, and realized.. he was completely unrelated.

We spoke a little. His name was Murdock Destro. He'd been out gathering iron, and was all that remained of his family. An unfortunate, yet common, occurrence. I invited him to my camp, where he met my sisters and told his story. They welcomed him with open arms.

After that, I saw him regularly. He spent a lot of his time out, bringing back baskets full of iron, supplies we desperately needed. We put it to good use, crafting our first tools. A hammer. An axe. A shovel. A hoe. From there, he helped gather up adobe, for an early sheep pen.

I was growing old. It came down to me, him, my sister, and her daughter. I passed my backpack onto him, my final request being to get the supplies for mouflon. We needed sheep, to carry us forward. It was too risky for my sister and niece- they were the future of our family, after all.

I checked in, moments ago. 43 generations. Our hard work paid off.

And the best surprise of all... We were no longer the Wilsons. We hadn't been, since a generation after my death. A single niece of mine was given the name Lilith Destro, perhaps to honor the young man we'd taken in. And that was the name that carried through, for the following 40 generations.

The Wilson-Destro Family Tree

Murdock Destro

The first of the Wilson-Destros

Last edited by Jk Howling (2019-04-05 20:01:58)

-Has ascended to better games-


#2 2019-04-06 00:30:57

Deleted User
Registered: 2019-04-05
Posts: 26

Re: The Wilson-Destro Family

Wow, that is so cool to think about! I can just imagine how he held the niece and named her, maybe with the first name suggested by your sister, and suddenly things kept rolling. They most certainly found the abandoned Destro village somewhere, they could've either looted it or moved back to where the very last person of this family lived.


#3 2019-04-06 00:32:14

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: The Wilson-Destro Family

Ooh!  I'd kind of thought about making a post about that family, myself.  I was Jay Wilson. I guess I was your great-nephew.  I never got Murdock's whole story, but before he died, he was telling us all how he was the son of an Eve and had found us after his family died.  I told him I was glad he had, and he said he was glad, too.  I was still young when he passed, but he seemed like a really good guy, a good worker.  I was wondering where the cart came from, by the way, if maybe he'd found it on his travels and brought it with him, so it's nice to have that mystery (sort of) cleared up. 

I can tell you that we got the sheep very shortly after I was born.  I can also tell you how the Wilsons became the Destros, because I saw it happen.  Murdock asked, very nicely, if he could name one girl to keep his family name alive, and the baby's mother very kindly let him.  I thought it was just incredibly sweet, a nice thing to do for the displaced old man who'd been such a part of our lives.  It was pure chance that it was her lineage that carried on.  I hope somewhere Murdock is proud!

That was a really nice little place, too.  Everyone worked so hard, the only word I could think of for it was "bustling."  In my lifetime it transformed from a starter camp without even a bakery to something that was well on its way to being a real town, with everything we needed.  I was very proud of it, and glad to see it's done so marvelously well.

Thank you for your hard work making sure we had that place, JK!

Last edited by happynova (2019-04-06 00:35:28)


#4 2019-04-06 06:07:35

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: The Wilson-Destro Family

i was a destro today, gen 34

mom and other guy snaring rabbits and getting 2 carts of it

when i arrived home i seen a backpack on floor so i picked it up, the chick apparently put it down to get a knife, i honestly don't cared, we had rabbit, i seen a pack, i needed one so i took it, was on floor, maybe i give it to her if she didn't pul la knife on me

also i seen the fire going out so i ventured like 100 tiles to get a firewood, and a guy just chopped it into kindling like spitting on my work, i was too yougn and he didn't even wait me what i say
like we had stakes around, why don't you just cut some branch or stakes to get a kindling, so i called him noob and left it hanging

this chick was chasing me so i thought i need a knife for later, she stabbign the air heavy but then told other girl to kill me
but then mom came and stab her
then this guy again late for fire chops the next firewood, and i was like pfff
like heshould really know that in 4 minutes gonna need firewood why don't get some in time
and he was like "oh but the fire goes out"
then you can make new and don't fuck up even more firewood, it's hard enough to get some, especially on foot for a kid
but he also had a knife and instead of listening me he just tried to stab
then mom seen it and told me to be aware. next time he followed me i stab him, but then someone save her and he stob mom, and some other guy use pad on mo m but no needle, then someone moved and i saved mom in time, dumped all the pads on floor and saved her

we had an other girl kid, we now lost 2 girls, but soo new had a few kids and i helped getting firewood, clothes for them
we had some mediocre guys helping farm

then i seen the engine well and north of road the oil rig, so i got back some kerosene, ran the pump and filled a cistern
then i seen the rails  to sheep pen, moved a fence and put one rail in pen, and started spring then i found a cart with spring so installed it
so i made a door to bottom room and put the spring on that
next up i went to smithy a bit and recycled some tools, helped a guy make some rods, we made 5, he would have done only 3 or so maybe
then he got more iron, i just made more charcoal
end of life installed the 2nd door on bottom room and told  females that nursery sout, made a fire and carried the fire wood there, so the oven will get less babies around

it's quite surprising how aggressive are people with knifes
i completed a few things others started a way back ago
ty for my mom who was cool, yeah i was a bit of a dick but still didn't deserve to be cursed or stabbed for it livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2019-04-06 17:34:40

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: The Wilson-Destro Family

OMG.  I was reborn into that place just now.  It had been resettled after the update by people from at least two different families, maybe more.  And it was freaking ENORMOUS.  Probably one of the biggest, most complicated towns I've seen in the game. I kept getting lost, and, y'know, I helped build the place.  What an amazing thing to come back to.  Utterly amazing.

I went around telling people the story of the town's founding -- some of them were more interested than others -- and named my kids Wilson, Murdock, and Hercules (after my mom from that old life) in honor of the town's history.  (I also had a "Hope," but she was a stealth baby I did't realize I even had until she was nearly at the hair stage, and someone else named her.  That's how crazy that place was.)

Star Boots II


#6 2019-04-06 19:37:46

Registered: 2018-10-07
Posts: 305

Re: The Wilson-Destro Family

I read in a town library and Now that the bell is done, immigrants have flocked in
Just think about it, YOUR family made a bustling city and I came there thanks to the bell
I also named it United States of One Hour - USOH

I enjoy the simpler things in life, but only if I'm calm.


#7 2019-04-07 22:06:00

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: The Wilson-Destro Family

oh my god it still not only lives but thrives. Here's a pic I took of the original spot, before I set up camp there for my eve-mom and sisters:


And here's a pic in nearly the same spot now:


-Has ascended to better games-


#8 2019-04-07 22:14:20

From: Under your bed
Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 781

Re: The Wilson-Destro Family

It survived despite the bottlenecks. It's a fortress.

My favourite all time lives are Unity Dawn, who was married to Sachin Gedeon.

PIES 2.0 <- Pie diversification mod


#9 2019-04-07 23:04:23

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 245

Re: The Wilson-Destro Family

Jk Howling wrote:

oh my god it still not only lives but thrives. Here's a pic I took of the original spot, before I set up camp there for my eve-mom and sisters:

And here's a pic in nearly the same spot now:

Twisted just did a video in that village.

His fam tree … id=4017119


#10 2019-04-07 23:35:16

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 322

Re: The Wilson-Destro Family

My post about the history of Al town is actually this same town, by the way.  When I lived there the bakery sign said Al.

--Blue Diamond

I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.


#11 2019-04-08 00:36:42

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: The Wilson-Destro Family

That is amazing.  Just amazing. Thanks so much for those pics!

I'm definitely gonna have to watch Twisted's video

BlueDiamondAvatar wrote:

My post about the history of Al town is actually this same town, by the way.  When I lived there the bakery sign said Al.

The last time I was there, there was a sign outside the bakery that, for some reason, said CIA. By the time I died, someone had changed it to "CIAK," which seemed sort of appropriate for a bakery, since it looks like it maybe ought to be pronounced "cake."  I'm guessing the sign's gone through other variations since then.


#12 2019-04-08 17:24:13

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 322

Re: The Wilson-Destro Family

Played in this old town again this morning, and changed the sign back to my preferred, "Al"

Town is covered in hats and horsecarts - from lasting so long as a bell town.  The current Dupont lineage (which started with a nameless Eve) is in Al town, and a Dyke girl came in and had a number of babies.  Lots of folks have been out making contact with the old towns that surround Al, also.

--Blue Diamond

I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.


#13 2019-04-08 23:05:18

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: The Wilson-Destro Family

BlueDiamondAvatar wrote:

Lots of folks have been out making contact with the old towns that surround Al, also.

I do have to wonder if one of those is the old original Destro settlement.


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