a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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This building was so ugly. Someone was trying to fix it. The town was really nice other wise, even had a wolf pen (which I walked in to like a simpleton and got bit. But, I was healed) I went prospecting, found and iron vein and rope. The town will need all the iron to correct this building OMG.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Welcome to Milk town. That building was a byproduct of an argument since a woman didn’t want to curse her mom.
I don’t talk in-game unless it’s dire.
Welcome to Milk town. That building was a byproduct of an argument since a woman didn’t want to curse her mom.
Well anyways, This was a nice enough town. Somebody was even farming wolf skins.
"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"
I was there. That shit is an eyesore. Seeing that building made me decide to grief it.
What is an ominous blade blank?
It's that blade blank next to the file and short staff you see in a naked toddler's basket.
Welcome to Milk town. That building was a byproduct of an argument since a woman didn’t want to curse her mom.
It was built like that because I was designing the ugliest nursery I could think of. It even came with its very own baby jail for bad babies (the reason why that top left hand corner was built the way it was originally.)
fug it’s Tarr.
I was there. That shit is an eyesore. Seeing that building made me decide to grief it.
The first time I saw it I /died
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
I believe milk town was a colony of another bigger town, my grandma had nothing besides steel tools and a cart, but no smithy anywhere. I built one eventually. She died before I could ask her which direction bigger town was.
Welcome to Milk town. That building was a byproduct of an argument since a woman didn’t want to curse her mom.
Wat? Where did that story even come from? Don't believe everything random ppl ingame tell ya, me and tarr made it and we are proud. Stop crediting other ppl... darn I should have made a copyright note in that house.
I sign my ingame notes as Gio or Truz.
big baby: https://i.imgur.com/ZoLRpb3.png
most kids: https://i.imgur.com/3Vmffb4.png
I believe milk town was a colony of another bigger town, my grandma had nothing besides steel tools and a cart, but no smithy anywhere. I built one eventually. She died before I could ask her which direction bigger town was.
Ha pretty sure that was me. I was starting colonies couple nights back with carts and tools. To be honest a couple people going out with some starter tools and starting a new town with a young girl is a surefire way to keep a family lineage going. That is, if you are trying to make a lineage go really far versus a town moving up.
Now there is another one!!!
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Great. Now we've had people building ugly buildings all day long yelling about how a room deathrap with a single hole in the wall is functional, when it's not.
Thanks for that.
been yesterday to another, fairly new settlement where two griefers have built that absurdity right in the middle
there is clearly a huge imbalance between the ressources needed to build a stone wall & the ressources needed to remove it again
shovel, chisel & malet are used up once
while a pickaxe breaks on one single wall
that's a perfect recipe to screw up every town that way
looks like bored griefers found here a new rewarding griefing method,
a griefing gold mine
Jason has to plug this exploit soon
it spreads like a plague
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Last edited by breezeknight (2019-04-06 08:13:44)
been yesterday to another, fairly new settlement where two griefers have built that absurdity right in the middle
there is clearly a huge imbalance between the ressources needed to build a stone wall & the ressources needed to remove it again
shovel, chisel & malet are used up once
while a pickaxe breaks on one single wall
that's a perfect recipe to screw up every town that waylooks like bored griefers found here a new rewarding griefing method,
a griefing gold mineJason has to plug this exploit soon
it spreads like a plague
Agreed. It's ridiculous that we need to burn a pickaxe to remove one section of stone wall. Make us pay in time, not iron.
It takes two people (usually) to remove a berry bush; why not do the same for a stone wall and preserve the pickaxes? For example, in order to be removed, say a stone wall must be struck two times by pickaxes in quick succession (within 2 seconds). The only problem is that once you strike a wall, you go into a brief slowdown (5 seconds) during which time you cannot drop the pickaxe or strike anything else. This makes it impossible for one person to remove a wall alone, and far easier for the town to catch coordinated griefers.
Agreed. It's ridiculous that we need to burn a pickaxe to remove one section of stone wall. Make us pay in time, not iron.
It takes two people (usually) to remove a berry bush; why not do the same for a stone wall and preserve the pickaxes? For example, in order to be removed, say a stone wall must be struck two times by pickaxes in quick succession (within 2 seconds). The only problem is that once you strike a wall, you go into a brief slowdown (5 seconds) during which time you cannot drop the pickaxe or strike anything else. This makes it impossible for one person to remove a wall alone, and far easier for the town to catch coordinated griefers.
how about already a more complicated process of building those stone walls,
cause even the normally built are spreading at an insane rate everywhere
the griefing is just a "natural" result of the ease to build those walls in the first place
to build a wall one would need not only stones but also mortar
mortar would be a mixture of quicklime & sand & would be enough to build 4 walls
to destroy a stone wall one would need first to weaken it with a chisel & malet & then strike the weakened wall with the pickaxe
all would be used once, chisel, malet, pickaxe
i think, indeed the more complex the process of doing something, the less likely it is to be griefed
so to make it more complex on both ends will be a good prevention against griefing
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Last edited by breezeknight (2019-04-07 07:02:14)
friendly reminder that a house with an ugly design still works and its not griefing not my fault yall have OCD hehe
I sign my ingame notes as Gio or Truz.
big baby: https://i.imgur.com/ZoLRpb3.png
most kids: https://i.imgur.com/3Vmffb4.png
To heck with friendly. Aesthetics matter. If you don't think people will take one look at a town with walls tossed this way and that and won't move on to a more pleasingly designed town, you really don't understand people's biases. /I/ know they work just fine and /I/ want to leave. Same as if my mother calls me some awful name. /I/ know I get a perfectly serviceable name that is not going to be one of those words, but like heck I'm sticking around and working for a village with people like that. I got one hour. I'm going to spend it in a place I want to love.
Also, it's not OCD. That kind of talk really diminishes the reality that people who truly have OCD have to live with each and every day.
To heck with friendly. Aesthetics matter. If you don't think people will take one look at a town with walls tossed this way and that and won't move on to a more pleasingly designed town, you really don't understand people's biases. /I/ know they work just fine and /I/ want to leave. Same as if my mother calls me some awful name. /I/ know I get a perfectly serviceable name that is not going to be one of those words, but like heck I'm sticking around and working for a village with people like that. I got one hour. I'm going to spend it in a place I want to love.
Also, it's not OCD. That kind of talk really diminishes the reality that people who truly have OCD have to live with each and every day.
Wow you took my words way too seriously. I don't make these buildings right in the city centre, but I do make them further away sometimes, so they arent the first thing you see. I'm not gonna make aesthetic rose gardens just to get my kids to stay. I've helped Kilian make some cool shrines and it was fun, but making weird buildings for a civ where people were rude to me or named me bad words still brings me more joy
I think it's much more accetable to make them, rather than idk... kill towns and flex about it on this forum like some weird ppl do
I sign my ingame notes as Gio or Truz.
big baby: https://i.imgur.com/ZoLRpb3.png
most kids: https://i.imgur.com/3Vmffb4.png
Wow you took my words way too seriously. I don't make these buildings right in the city centre, but I do make them further away sometimes, so they arent the first thing you see. I'm not gonna make aesthetic rose gardens just to get my kids to stay. I've helped Kilian make some cool shrines and it was fun, but making weird buildings for a civ where people were rude to me or named me bad words still brings me more joy
I think it's much more accetable to make them, rather than idk... kill towns and flex about it on this forum like some weird ppl do
i don't understand reasoning like that
cause the rude players will be gone soon from that place & probably won't be returning there for quite some time
but the dysfunctinal building will stay probably forever because who will be insane enough to ruin pickaxe after pickaxe to remove or correct it ?
by building them you punish players whom you didn't even meet
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Last edited by breezeknight (2019-04-08 10:01:53)
Pages: 1