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#1 2019-04-09 18:06:44

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

Weird shot/stabbed/yellow fever bug

I have had this happen to me more than a couple times so far. Doesn't seem something new and only happens very sporadically.

The bug goes like this:
You see someone getting stabbed or shot and you know they need medical assistance. They don't move towards pads/needle so you go and get those yourself. Somewhere along the line you go heal them and they look like they have yellow fever instead. You are still able to patch them up normally but visually they speak with orange text balloon and have arms positioned like if they got bitten. They might also have the yellow hue color on them. (I don't recall for sure)

I wonder how many people died because people just tried to feed them instead of doing the pad and stitch.

Not entirely sure how to consistently replicate the bug but has this situation happen to anyone else? Maybe someone figured it out entirely already?

Last edited by Thaulos (2019-04-09 18:09:21)


#2 2019-04-09 19:02:53

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Weird shot/stabbed/yellow fever bug

Yeah, I almost killed someone since I grabbed food rather than a pad when I saw the yellow text.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#3 2019-04-10 17:05:10

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: Weird shot/stabbed/yellow fever bug

I saw that situation twice, and both of them were because snowballs.

First time was last week in a bell town connected with a west town. I went to visit there when I was a little bit older and there were a lot of blood, two boy kids and a man, he was trying to kill the boys. He stabbed the first one and I tried to find a knife or bow like crazy, when I finally found, the man was already chasing me, but instead of stabbing me, he threw a snowball and after that stabbed me. But my text balloon was yellow, the surviver boy used a pad on me, but the man was protecting the thread. After some time, I was surprised because about 2 minutes past since I was stabbed, but I was still alive, the guy was feeding me and trying to get a needle and thread while running like crazy to do t get stabbed. After some time, I decided to go back to my town to see if someone heals me, but died in the middle of the way. I think there is a kind of bug, because I survived for five minutes and the balloon was yellow.

The second time was yearsterday, Romeo was killing everyone. He killed more than ten people, and no one could curse him (another bug, may be), everyone tried to curse him, but failed, he was killing the smartest people first and letting kids survive. After killing Grace, someone threw a snowball on him, then they killed him. The balloon was yellow, but he died quite fast. … id=4055884

So my guess is that it occurs due to snowballs, since people throws snowballs on others to make them drop their weapons.


#4 2019-04-10 17:57:59

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

Re: Weird shot/stabbed/yellow fever bug

This seems like a separate bug (maybe?) but I remember Tarr talking about it and opening a github issue for that. (can't find it)

As far as I know no snowballs were involved. But don't know for sure as in both times I had to leave the injured player to get medical supplies.


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