One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-04-08 01:13:25

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

The Dramatic Tale of Sandy

I was born by a fire with my mother. She was a real pain, and she followed the rules. I soon found a new mom, a woman named Stanlee in a beautiful long white dress. Stanlee had pluck, and I admired her. She died too soon, but before she did she told me to follow my dreams. … id=4035714 Biological Mom … id=4035214 Adoptive Mom

I interpreted her last words to mean one thing: get serious with Kay. Kay was everything my biological mom disproved of... He was edgy, in a gang, and he wanted a knife. I was a naive teenager, and I fawned over him like a madwoman. He gave me three children - Dalina and a nameless baby, both died young. And his namesake, Kaye.
Kaye was wild and funny, and soon found a girlfriend, Isabella. Over the years I found me and Kaye drifting apart, but more about that later. … id=4035412 Kay … id=4035714 Kaye

Kay was not one for commitment, and he became more involved in murder and his gang. I was convinced by my son Kaye and an old woman named Daria to leave him. I met Thor before I could dump Kay, and he became my new boyfriend. Kay was spying on me though, and soon found out that I was in love with Thor, though he never dropped a hint that he knew.
Things were getting out of hand. When I had my daughter Naama, Thor's second child, I decided to end it. I dropped the news quietly away from town. Kay started to plead with me so I grabbed Naama and ran crying, Stanlee's dress billowing behind me. … id=4035324 Daria … id=4035405 Thor … id=4035377 Naama … id=4035377 Jake

I decided I wanted to marry Thor. While we were planning the wedding, Kay snuck up behind us and shot Thor. I killed Kay in my rage. As Kay stood bleeding he claimed that I deserved everything I got.
I still had the image of love in my mind, my teenage fantasy: That I would walk down the aisle in my mother's dress. So I decided to head to town and find people.
In the town I met Honey and Finley, both desperate for love. I tried setting them up with Henry, who wasn't too keen on love. At the same time I met Orpha pumping water. He told me that he was a poor man, but that he loved me. He gave me his only possessions, his shoes. And so I planned yet another wedding, with Stacy as my priest. … id=4035616 Orpha … id=4035782 Stacy … id=4035682 Henry (Honey and Finley are currently still alive, as far as I can tell)

I got further into my wedding with Orpha before tragedy. At this point I was old and grey and ready to fulfill my dreams. Everyone was watching. Orpha gave me a one karat diamond ring, which turned out to be a carrot, and I ate it to seal our love. I loved his sense of humor. Stacy recited the vows. I said "I do". But before Orpha could say "I do", Akul sprang out of nowhere with his bow and shot Orpha.
I was devastated, and age was catching up. I feared I would never find love again. My dream of walking down the aisle in my mother's wedding dress was slowly slipping away from me. … id=4035617 Akul


I found Nephi in the carrot fields. He was old and so was I. I asked him to marry me and he agreed. We arranged our marriage right away, with Stacy as our priest. My old friends - Athena, Finley, Sally - all stayed to watch my wedding. This time, it was completed. I clutched an indigo bundle in my withered hand. We both blushed. He was so brimming with excitement, that he said three forms of "I do". We were officially married, and we kissed. Finally. At the age of fifty five, better late than never. … id=4035862 Nephi … id=4035930 Athena … id=4035668 Sally

At fifty eight, while me and Nephi were still walking on air, Kaye asked for a knife. I trusted him so I gave him one, and he proceeded to kill a little girl. I hastily stabbed him. Perhaps it was a rash decision, but I'd had my fill of killers. I still regret it. I think he had a reason. Meanwhile, I set up Athena and Finley, who both were looking for love. I died with Nephi by my side.


Whoo. Deep breath. That life was a doozy.

P.S. - Thanks, Stanlee. I followed my dreams.

Last edited by karltown_veteran (2019-04-08 01:18:03)

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ˆ ø˜ç´ ƒ®åµ´∂ å˜ ˆ˜˜øç∑˜† å˜∂ ©ø† å∑å¥ ∑ˆ†˙ ˆ†
he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


#2 2019-04-08 02:33:04

Registered: 2018-08-18
Posts: 290

Re: The Dramatic Tale of Sandy

What a fun moment. So many wedding in that village with priestess Stacy. I was Athena, it was so dramatic to see all the hubbies being killed off during the ceremonies. It's not often you see villages without men when they're actually needed.

Also, never found love due to the shortage.


#3 2019-04-08 06:49:16

Registered: 2019-04-07
Posts: 1

Re: The Dramatic Tale of Sandy

I was your son Kaye!

I'm fairly new to this game and this is my first time actually posting anything on this forum at all. I've been feeling super nervous about posting for the first time, but seeing this post about a life I actually lived has given me the confidence to finally post and share one of my life stories.

With that, here is my side of this story.

I was born in the presence of my mother, Sandy, and her partner at the time, Kay. It was a pleasant first for me, being born to a happy couple that was even happier to have me. My mother named me after my father, Kay. My father was never really present throughout my childhood, but on the other hand, I spent a great amount of time with my mom.  After long conversations with my mother about her relationship with my father and how she just didn't feel happy anymore, I felt inspired to find my own relationship. I remember one of the first things I said to my mother was that I wanted a wife. She, being the supportive mother she was, encouraged me to go find one.

That is when I met Isla. She was another toddler in the berry farm where all the children were being raised at the time. I approached Isla and said, "Isl/You/Are/My/Wif." I was maybe three years old at the time. Surprisingly, Isla blushed and responded with a simple, "Ok." However, this interaction was interrupted by my mother saying something along the lines of, "That is not how you ask a lady to be your wife." Of course, I was embarrassed, my mother had shut me down and scooped me up while I was trying to get my first girlfriend. But Sandy was just being a good mother, it would have been wrong for her to let her son walk around acting like he owned all the women in the village. After this, my mother scooped me up and took me away until I was big enough to eat for myself.

Once I was able to take care of myself, my mother set me free into the world. My mind was still set on finding a wife. I wanted to be the happy couple I thought my parents were when I was first born. This is when I met Isabella. I approached her and greeted her politely, as my mother had taught me. I told her she was cute and asked politely if she would like to be my girlfriend. She agreed and we then exchanged the first, "ily bf" and "ily gf." It was a heartwarming experience for everyone that saw, except for Isla. Isla walked up right as we agreed to a relationship, made an angry face, and ran off. I felt bad that I didn't take Isla seriously, but Isabella had my heart.

After this, Isabella and I agreed to work together around the village. I had a hat and she didn't, so I told her we would make her some clothes. We both began to fill up clay bowls with berries and carrots to feed the sheep. I worked for the next couple of years on tending the sheep and collecting wool. My goal was to make a long white wedding dress for Isabella to wear so we could get married. I was still figuring out how to make clothes at this point because the new fancy clothes were still fairly new to me. I got about halfway through preparing the loom to make this dress for my future wife when I noticed I hadn't seen her around in quite some time. I was so focused on making her this dress that I lost track of my wife. This is where I made the mistake of leaving what I had worked on to go find my girlfriend.

I searched all over the village and there was no sign of my Isabella. I was looking through all the graves and bones laying around but I never actually found out what happened to Isabella. Eventually, I decided to give up looking for Isabella. However, I still wanted a wife! I had already worked so hard on making a wedding dress for my future wife. This is when I set out to look for Isla. I wanted to apologize to her for the way that I acted towards her when we were young. I wanted to make things right and possibly make her my wife.

While desperately searching for any sign of a potential wife, I came across a murder grave. It was my father! Kay! I ran to find my mother immediately only to find out that she was the one who killed him. I took a couple of minutes to catch up with my mother and learned that my father had actually killed my mother's new lover, Thor. It was nice to catch up with my mother and clear my mind. I was having so much trouble finding my future wife. Shortly after speaking with my mother, I found Isla's grave. This is when I decided to return to tending the sheep.

I continued to tend the sheep and gather more wool. I had already put one huge ball of yarn on the loom and right as I was about to finish my second ball, a young girl comes up with some yarn she must have found. She adds it to my big ball of yarn, makes her own huge ball, proceeds to put it on the loom, and make a cut cloth. I yelled and yelled at her to stop and give it back but she did not listen. I tried all I could to snatch the cloth I had worked my whole life for, but she was too quick. She eventually made that long white dress I had been working on for years. This wasn't just any wool, this was the yarn for the dress of my future wife. This wool meant something to me.

Feeling like I had nothing to live for, due to my lack of success in finding love, I set out to put an end to this young girl. The only thing that meant anything to me in this life was this dress I was supposed to make for Isabella. I remembered my mother had killed earlier in my life, so I went to look for her to ask for a knife. When I found my mother, I saw she had two knives. Perfect. (Or so I thought at the time) But she just happened to be getting married! I was happy to see my mother's dreams fulfilled. One of the first things she ever said to me was how she wanted to walk down the aisle with the long white dress she was wearing because it was her mother's wedding dress. I got to see my mother get married, and then politely asked her for the knife. My new step-dad told me not to slit anyone like he knew my intentions. Regardless, my trusting mother slipped me a knife and I set out to find this girl. I staked her out for a little bit and attempted to stab her in the sheep pen. She immediately knew my intentions and ran to the main area where everyone was. She must have thought I wouldn't kill her in front of everyone, but she was wrong. She stole the one thing that gave me any sense of accomplishment and I then felt as though I had nothing to live for. I then proceeded to stab the little girl in the main area in front of everyone. My mother and new step-dad were both mortified. My step-dad yelled that he told me not to stab anyone. I proceeded to try and explain myself but I knew that it wouldn't do any good. My mother then took the second knife she had and stabbed me.

I knew if I killed this girl, I would be killed after. I'm just thankful it was my wonderful mother that had the honors of putting an end to this depressing life.


#4 2019-04-08 13:49:28

Registered: 2019-04-03
Posts: 13

Re: The Dramatic Tale of Sandy

Holy cow this is golden lol


#5 2019-04-08 14:02:33

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: The Dramatic Tale of Sandy

cattery wrote:

I was your son Kaye!

I'm fairly new to this game and this is my first time actually posting anything on this forum at all. I've been feeling super nervous about posting for the first time, but seeing this post about a life I actually lived has given me the confidence to finally post and share one of my life stories.

With that, here is my side of this story.

I was born in the presence of my mother, Sandy, and her partner at the time, Kay. It was a pleasant first for me, being born to a happy couple that was even happier to have me. My mother named me after my father, Kay. My father was never really present throughout my childhood, but on the other hand, I spent a great amount of time with my mom.  After long conversations with my mother about her relationship with my father and how she just didn't feel happy anymore, I felt inspired to find my own relationship. I remember one of the first things I said to my mother was that I wanted a wife. She, being the supportive mother she was, encouraged me to go find one.

That is when I met Isla. She was another toddler in the berry farm where all the children were being raised at the time. I approached Isla and said, "Isl/You/Are/My/Wif." I was maybe three years old at the time. Surprisingly, Isla blushed and responded with a simple, "Ok." However, this interaction was interrupted by my mother saying something along the lines of, "That is not how you ask a lady to be your wife." Of course, I was embarrassed, my mother had shut me down and scooped me up while I was trying to get my first girlfriend. But Sandy was just being a good mother, it would have been wrong for her to let her son walk around acting like he owned all the women in the village. After this, my mother scooped me up and took me away until I was big enough to eat for myself.

Once I was able to take care of myself, my mother set me free into the world. My mind was still set on finding a wife. I wanted to be the happy couple I thought my parents were when I was first born. This is when I met Isabella. I approached her and greeted her politely, as my mother had taught me. I told her she was cute and asked politely if she would like to be my girlfriend. She agreed and we then exchanged the first, "ily bf" and "ily gf." It was a heartwarming experience for everyone that saw, except for Isla. Isla walked up right as we agreed to a relationship, made an angry face, and ran off. I felt bad that I didn't take Isla seriously, but Isabella had my heart.

After this, Isabella and I agreed to work together around the village. I had a hat and she didn't, so I told her we would make her some clothes. We both began to fill up clay bowls with berries and carrots to feed the sheep. I worked for the next couple of years on tending the sheep and collecting wool. My goal was to make a long white wedding dress for Isabella to wear so we could get married. I was still figuring out how to make clothes at this point because the new fancy clothes were still fairly new to me. I got about halfway through preparing the loom to make this dress for my future wife when I noticed I hadn't seen her around in quite some time. I was so focused on making her this dress that I lost track of my wife. This is where I made the mistake of leaving what I had worked on to go find my girlfriend.

I searched all over the village and there was no sign of my Isabella. I was looking through all the graves and bones laying around but I never actually found out what happened to Isabella. Eventually, I decided to give up looking for Isabella. However, I still wanted a wife! I had already worked so hard on making a wedding dress for my future wife. This is when I set out to look for Isla. I wanted to apologize to her for the way that I acted towards her when we were young. I wanted to make things right and possibly make her my wife.

While desperately searching for any sign of a potential wife, I came across a murder grave. It was my father! Kay! I ran to find my mother immediately only to find out that she was the one who killed him. I took a couple of minutes to catch up with my mother and learned that my father had actually killed my mother's new lover, Thor. It was nice to catch up with my mother and clear my mind. I was having so much trouble finding my future wife. Shortly after speaking with my mother, I found Isla's grave. This is when I decided to return to tending the sheep.

I continued to tend the sheep and gather more wool. I had already put one huge ball of yarn on the loom and right as I was about to finish my second ball, a young girl comes up with some yarn she must have found. She adds it to my big ball of yarn, makes her own huge ball, proceeds to put it on the loom, and make a cut cloth. I yelled and yelled at her to stop and give it back but she did not listen. I tried all I could to snatch the cloth I had worked my whole life for, but she was too quick. She eventually made that long white dress I had been working on for years. This wasn't just any wool, this was the yarn for the dress of my future wife. This wool meant something to me.

Feeling like I had nothing to live for, due to my lack of success in finding love, I set out to put an end to this young girl. The only thing that meant anything to me in this life was this dress I was supposed to make for Isabella. I remembered my mother had killed earlier in my life, so I went to look for her to ask for a knife. When I found my mother, I saw she had two knives. Perfect. (Or so I thought at the time) But she just happened to be getting married! I was happy to see my mother's dreams fulfilled. One of the first things she ever said to me was how she wanted to walk down the aisle with the long white dress she was wearing because it was her mother's wedding dress. I got to see my mother get married, and then politely asked her for the knife. My new step-dad told me not to slit anyone like he knew my intentions. Regardless, my trusting mother slipped me a knife and I set out to find this girl. I staked her out for a little bit and attempted to stab her in the sheep pen. She immediately knew my intentions and ran to the main area where everyone was. She must have thought I wouldn't kill her in front of everyone, but she was wrong. She stole the one thing that gave me any sense of accomplishment and I then felt as though I had nothing to live for. I then proceeded to stab the little girl in the main area in front of everyone. My mother and new step-dad were both mortified. My step-dad yelled that he told me not to stab anyone. I proceeded to try and explain myself but I knew that it wouldn't do any good. My mother then took the second knife she had and stabbed me.

I knew if I killed this girl, I would be killed after. I'm just thankful it was my wonderful mother that had the honors of putting an end to this depressing life.

I felt bad for killing you afterwards, sorry you never found love. I was paranoid about anyone with a knife after two of my fiancés had been done in. I wish we had been closer in our lifetimes.

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ˆ ø˜ç´ ƒ®åµ´∂ å˜ ˆ˜˜øç∑˜† å˜∂ ©ø† å∑å¥ ∑ˆ†˙ ˆ†
he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


#6 2019-04-08 22:34:24

From: At the bottom of your keyboard
Registered: 2019-04-08
Posts: 66

Re: The Dramatic Tale of Sandy

Wow. I wasn't going to post, but since cattery said he was Kaye, I may as well say I was Nephi.
My side of the story was pretty boring. I can't remember that much of my early days, anyway. I was born. I ate. The things I do remember were the murders, which I brushed off to go tend to the farm, and.. nothing else. I guess I spent most of my time looking for a way to not be a waste of oxygen?

Anyway, the things I /do/ remember were when I was old. I was tending to the carrots, and realised there wasn't any seeds left, until you popped out of nowhere and asked me to marry you. Sure, why not? I said yes, and tried to find some indigo or a rose within the few seconds before we got married, until the wedding had already started. I was really confused, since a lot of people were moving, and I wasn't sure what Stacy was saying, I said 'I do' three times.

After our wedding, I found a straw hat I wanted to give you, but never had the chance since I never noticed how old you were. Of course, I wanted to bury you, so I picked up a basket and dedicated my last few years to finding a place for you to rest. I picked a spot past the bakery, behind the row of Maple trees along the road. I marked your grave and placed the Indigo bundle that was used to marry us in front of your grave. I gave a young boy my clothes, and asked him and his mother to bury me beside my wife. They said they would, and I thanked them. My last words I said were, 'I'm coming, sandy'.

Although I don't have much to tell about it, I think it was a great life either way. It was the first time I got married, too! I wish I took a photo. I registered so I could post here, so I hope I can post more and become a part of the community.

Last edited by 1%Spacebar (2019-04-09 02:39:40)

oh boy *munch munch* these berry bushes *munch munch* are dying. i hope *munch munch* someone will water them


#7 2019-04-09 01:49:21

Registered: 2018-09-08
Posts: 381

Re: The Dramatic Tale of Sandy

The true shakespheran drama! how romantic!


#8 2019-04-09 21:04:41

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: The Dramatic Tale of Sandy

1%Spacebar wrote:

Wow. I wasn't going to post, but since cattery said he was Kaye, I may as well say I was Nephi.
My side of the story was pretty boring. I can't remember that much of my early days, anyway. I was born. I ate. The things I do remember were the murders, which I brushed off to go tend to the farm, and.. nothing else. I guess I spent most of my time looking for a way to not be a waste of oxygen?

Anyway, the things I /do/ remember were when I was old. I was tending to the carrots, and realised there wasn't any seeds left, until you popped out of nowhere and asked me to marry you. Sure, why not? I said yes, and tried to find some indigo or a rose within the few seconds before we got married, until the wedding had already started. I was really confused, since a lot of people were moving, and I wasn't sure what Stacy was saying, I said 'I do' three times.

After our wedding, I found a straw hat I wanted to give you, but never had the chance since I never noticed how old you were. Of course, I wanted to bury you, so I picked up a basket and dedicated my last few years to finding a place for you to rest. I picked a spot past the bakery, behind the row of Maple trees along the road. I marked your grave and placed the Indigo bundle that was used to marry us in front of your grave. I gave a young boy my clothes, and asked him and his mother to bury me beside my wife. They said they would, and I thanked them. My last words I said were, 'I'm coming, sandy'.

Although I don't have much to tell about it, I think it was a great life either way. It was the first time I got married, too! I wish I took a photo. I registered so I could post here, so I hope I can post more and become a part of the community.

Hi Nephi! Welcome to forums! smile

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ˆ ø˜ç´ ƒ®åµ´∂ å˜ ˆ˜˜øç∑˜† å˜∂ ©ø† å∑å¥ ∑ˆ†˙ ˆ†
he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


#9 2019-04-10 00:13:29

From: At the bottom of your keyboard
Registered: 2019-04-08
Posts: 66

Re: The Dramatic Tale of Sandy

karltown_veteran wrote:

Hi Nephi! Welcome to forums! smile

Thanks! I hope I stay.

oh boy *munch munch* these berry bushes *munch munch* are dying. i hope *munch munch* someone will water them


#10 2019-04-10 03:36:48

Registered: 2018-10-15
Posts: 347

Re: The Dramatic Tale of Sandy

karltown_veteran wrote:

he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noondms

ax sgd vzx, xnt rokkdc 'noonmdms' hmbnqqdbskx... wink


#11 2019-04-10 15:41:23

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: The Dramatic Tale of Sandy

Starknight_One wrote:
karltown_veteran wrote:

he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noondms

ax sgd vzx, xnt rokkdc 'noonmdms' hmbnqqdbskx... wink

Lx azc smile

.-.. .. ..-. . / .. ... / ... - .-. .- -. --. . .-.-.- / ... --- / .- -- / .. .-.-.-
ˆ ø˜ç´ ƒ®åµ´∂ å˜ ˆ˜˜øç∑˜† å˜∂ ©ø† å∑å¥ ∑ˆ†˙ ˆ†
he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


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