a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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OK the title of this thread is pure click-bait. I don't know how to write a guide on organization but I'm hoping someone else will?
OK. I will make an effort. A large city in OHOL has several major "areas" certain items belong in each of these areas.
Those of you who make salsa and chips, fries and shrimp how would you like your areas set up? What items get taken? I have seen decent shrimping stations:
-near ice hole
-a little floor to avoid cold shock
-small fire and kindle
-many skewers and plates
-a knife (in bag of fisherperson)
The collection of items makes what's going on clear. So, what about these other tasks and items? I'm tired of moving bowls of sugar and salsa and raw fries out of the bakery after they sit there for half my life and no one uses them for anything. I'm also tired of people swiping the palm oil I made for a gasket to cook fries.
Please set of areas for this kind of work, that will let the next gen keep on making the item. The other day I came close to loosing it with a girl who was putting dough on the smithing rocks so she could make tacos or something I MEAN REALY? I may or may not have thrown the tortillas on the ground.
Oh My God.
But seriously can anyone write some tips on where to start? Right now I just start doing a trash round up moving eggs and tomatoes, and excess needles out of town. I dream about making a million baskets and organizing things that way, but they only hold 3 items and decay so... it's not worth it.
I know this is driving other people slowly mad as well. You don't want all of the neat-nicks to get brittle and snap. That would be bad for the community.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
A second oven should be made near the forge for things like rubber.
A second kiln should be made near the bakery to make things like bowls and plates and charcoal for water pumps.
This area can also double as a rabbit dropoff point.
Output bins between the bakery and the nursery would keep babies out of the kitchen
Nursery should have boxes for clothing. Take a backpack and fill it with shoes and fur pants to save space.
A tool smith is great near the center of town. If you're working on a car or radio, you would do well to do make a new forge and newcomen setup near the edge of town.
Salsa and potatoes and ketchup should be done at the edge of town. They're fun and all, but not a core industry. Same with Tacos and burritos.
Don't store all the pies in boxes in the kitchen. Get that food out into the fields. Same with stew. Stew should be distributed not centrally, but locally to workstations.
Basically, you need to find an area of town not currently being used generally something like the snow biomes and cart the items you wish to dump there. Instead of unloading items one at a time set a basket full of items down and attempt to swap another basket full of stuff with the other. Don't actually right click the second basket but instead right click the tile it is on which will launch or teleport all the items to an open tile.
This allows you to quickly unload four baskets worth of junk instead of picking out the items one at a time. For cleaning up threshed wheat take bowls of the stuff over to the bakery and use a branch (straight or curved) to dump the threshed wheat on the ground. Basically this makes the baker clean the mess up or run out of workable tiles. Annoying I know but this encourages more bread making in an attempt to make their space workable.
For sheep you just have to bite the bullet and extend the sheep pen out. I see a lot of sheep pens that are much too small now a days, so it's important to extend out the sheep pen as long as it isn't the center of town (looking at you bell town.) You can easily double or triple the size of a sheep pen which allows for meat to actually be produced.
Smithing wise, if the forge is in a bad place just smash the forge with a pickax and relocate it. It's not worth working in a cramped space, and it's certainly not worth making your own life difficult. The only time a forge is normally cemented in place is after the newcomen attachments go up anyways. Remember to always stack items when the forge is not active to leave space for pottery work.
For the nursery the proper building size is anything in the 5x5 category. This is due to a fires useful range being only up to about two tiles away from the fire so a nursery with a room bigger than 5x5 will have cold areas around the room. If you wish to extend the room up to a 6x6 your best bet is to line the rooms edges with boxes to prevent people from walking around in the cold areas. Use said boxes to store left over clothing or clothing not in use to prevent ground clutter.
Another tip for ground clutter: Always make sure you pick up and set back down a skeleton spread across a tile. Skeletons not set in a neat little pile on the ground take an extra hour to decay (three hours vs two for stacked).
fug it’s Tarr.
That basket tip is great I can't wait to try it!
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Make sledges, they last forever, and can store stuff. An animal pen can have boxes as walls which saves extra space and is convenient. I think this is the most important thing. Make sledges.
Process the useful things. If there's a ton of raw rabbit then make some cooked rabbit. If there's a bunch of clay make more bowls/plates/crocks. Etc.
Bring things to where they belong. Bring stray plates to the bakery. Bring all the woodworking tools to one area. Bring snares to rabbitlands. Snares don't belong in town, they belong in rabbitlands. Etc.
And all you can do with the junk is haul it away to the nearest snow/desert biome. It's bad to be or build in snow and desert so they are good biomes for junk. Take all those stinking tomatos and wild tomato clusters and hot peppers and partial track kits and random water pouches and potato clusters and flint arrow heads and letter stocks and random charcoal pencils and and and and and just haul them all away.
with the yarn need of the net, you might need a small pen, you might run a bit of compost and even an oven there
actually making a pen smaller is easy (not like it's worth it cause the pen always needs 4 corners whatever the size
lets say wall length is A and width is B
the free tiles number is (A-1)*(B-1) and the cost is 2*A+2*B
5x5 outer? 3x3 inner, and you need 2x5+2x5= 20 walls
7x5 outer? 5x3 inner, and you need 7x2+5x2= 24 walls
corner tiles need 3 walls, side tiles need 2 walls, center needs no wall
A=B has most center tiles, so square pens best on resources
if you want a small pen, you can just plant bushes in it or put down items
if the sheep has no free tiles to move or poop they abandon lambs and wont poop
so if you only want fleece, you can pack up the pen and just feed and sheer them and they wont poop
i had a setup where you can fill the pen, then let out sheep and sheer it
check bottom left
you might say it's dumb, but makes sense, you can save the meat for later, let out one lamb or sheep, sheer it and let it be contained by the biome, helps if the pen is on different biome border
put a door if want to be fancy, but a grave does the job
the berry is inside it so you might as well make some compost for it, and fill the outer gaps with carrot and wheat
also you can convert a big dumb berry field similar to that, by digging every second bush and placing a wall to contain animals (sheep, cow)
also safer when making wolf pens, as it's a road you can walk on
yeah, sugar does the job, no need adobe or fancy stuff
for kilns: you can leave them for charcoal, you get 1 adobe return only, so might as well keep them as noob town center and make new elsewhere
you can also use them for charcoal for he well, no reason to dismantle as noobs will go to next one
oven for the rubber: definitely not near the kiln, you just get pies near it
for the occasional springs you can walk around with it
each hot spring has 3 sulfur
each rubber tree can be used multiple times
each palm has 2 palm kernels then goes on cooldown, but it isn't a time requiring task so you can just get fro ma far
i would say 2-3 trees are good but if it's close you can run it longer
hot springs are 3 hour waiting time, i think around 10 rubber is possible if you just do that
if you upgrade a art you can get 6 sulfur from the desert at once
also 6 palms for oil
you can put up multiple buckets to trees, take them down, then wait until coagulates, and put into the cart
so 4-6 buckets of latex is good number at once
this carts also help with bones and soil move
inspace had his video of timelapse, he moved bones , dumped near soil and brought back soil in baskets, that's quite good, you can never move bones far enough
if you dig out bushes, get a hatchet and cut them for kindling
place boards in place of them, don't digg multiple and make road after cause they replant it
don't plant near ponds, if you got zoom, choose a line where there are no ponds, that will be the main road
then place road or leave out space, plant bushes next to it
you don't need to plant around the wells!
make a cistern in middle and put a plus or x-shape road next to it
x shape works with fast roads to, they arent annoying
or get a cart of stakes and put down the road shape or wall shape with them
you can also cut stakes to kindling
space out things , and make them for one purpose, then you don't need to do stupid stuff like stacking flat rocks, if someone uses it, is annoying to unstack them in middle of smithing
you can use sugar walls and board roads to make some order
plant pines if you arent yet 29 and plant to lvie to old age
you can water trees 30 min later, so it will surely grow out
you need 15 firewood per hour
so plant 8 pines, you also get 8 butt logs, so you can keep tools near it, like adze froh fire bow drill (with flint tip) and you can make sledges or carts there, and a fence to stop horse when gathering those stuff
once you got horse cart, you can get a lot of skewers and use them to till a lot of soil
saves on iron
make sure you break one before using other so you wont end up with multiple knitting needles and home markers
plant saplings for tomato and shrimp, wild ones are better for tilling, planted ones are weak for that
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
workplaces have to be connected with roads
nobody is building sensible roads between workplaces or buildings
& i don't mean here roads door to door, cause that's dysfunctional
in fact, buildings themselves are more often than not dysfunctional
(only one or two doors, too small, too big, placed nowhere near the ressources needed, standing in the way of the straight line between ressources production ...)
nearly all of my last suggestions are circling around better organization of a settlement
atm my runs in game are extremely frustrating because the mess is just spreading
who needs griefers when you have players helping spreading mess
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Last edited by breezeknight (2019-04-10 12:00:09)
Spreading out so all the industries aren't in one place.
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