a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Born as second girl to a mom in a decayed city, i was there before, not sure what was the name
the adobe pen was above the kitchen, with a line of berry across it and the bell bases were upgraded to 3 i think, right side
huge berry field with boards around, and cistern under it, middle newcommen well
it was a busy town last week, had no loom
i think it was at least 30-40 gen
Mom gave me an apron but sister stole it
asked it back later but she was kind of rude, maybe i would have stab her later but she died to fewer with apron and knife, seen on the awbz she dead
i made a fire, was quite hard as a lot of trees cut, but savanah had tinder and planted mapples on the bot side
i had an sid girl, my other sister lasted 4 min
my son went afk at 2 yo then he starved, mom quit, i was left alone
was nothing to stay for, i checked that 3 members of Tree family are in my output
so i started going towards. I was 21, stopped to stab some snakes, i made my own pack and other parts, running trough dead eve camps like 4 made my seal skin too
no kids stay with me even if i told them im exploring for new city, they suicide right away
was only 1600 east 100 north, on the way i found 4 camps with forgotten persons bones
two was complete unviable, one was having stew plants but nothing fancy, not even adobe or bellows, one had 3 iron stacked
i arrived into tree family, a laser cult with a lot of new clothes
a few people were interested that where i came from
a guy just completed a car, was old (funny i had same character when i made cars twice and kinda that age when i finished, 50+)
some girl took it out of town and almost got lost but the guy found it and i could go around with it
i was 36 when i arrived, can say that kinda 100 tiles per minute is fair if you stop to eat and dodge animals
i didn't made much work, fed some sheep, talked a bit, old a guy some coordinates
got some latex cause i thought they don't have one for the engine
was helping look for the car and found some ha, pie behind tree, then a lost cart in jungle
made this gif at the end of my life (automated with macros, sends the lyrics line by line then makes a screenshot by hitting ctrl 1-8 )
Last edited by pein (2019-04-13 08:10:37)
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
why does Jason not see that a craftable map & a craftable zoom would be a good thing for this game ?
i couldn't make such a journey like yours because i play vanilla
i can barely find anything in a town, but running into the wild is very dangerous for me with the narrow view i have
- - -
i never run into animals even on vanilla, maybe mosquitoes, but now that they contained within the jungle, you can simply not enter jungle
and run under or over trees
now the pointers are bad, you got one fixed position, your birth location and you need program for it, still vanilla but a small program outside game can show current coords
then a home marker
bells arent made if people cant make 18 hour long lineages
it was pure luck that this two towns were on south border of the eve circle so going east i found the camps
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
Pages: 1