a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Pages: 1
My main issue with cars is that they are too easily stolen/lost, You can drive off into the wilderness and lose it 5min after somebody spent 50 years building it.
In real life most people don't go driving through random woods.
It sounds silly but at least you'll be able to find lost cars easier on a road network. Intentional steal and hide would be much harder, Anybody could quickly to get from A to B.
I hate that car builders have to hide them, It defeats the perpose of making them if nobody can use them. Horses need a good nerf too, The car should be superior.
Last edited by Bob 101 (2019-04-13 09:29:15)
Just make a lock and key set for cars/planes and have like a 100 range value for what it can be. Either that or make it incredibly difficult to unlock through requiring a second car to brute force the key combination or make it so car keys/plane keys can only be produced by making a finish project. This means someone can't steal a car if they can't make one in the first place (original key hidden for obvious reason).
fug it’s Tarr.
Has anyone ever built a rail network? I want some trains.
I saw some long rails on custom server but long rails don't work, carts stop moving if noone is nearby and crash if more than two are on one line.
Pages: 1