a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I did an Eve run at long last. Feels like it's been forever. My daughter showed me a decayed basket in the desert "there must be a town!" She ran off to look for the town, but I felt like I had to care for the others so I didn't go. I was not expecting much from a "town" anyways the other towns I've found recently have been small, and we needed to focus on food and iron.
This girl was a machine though, planted a 3x5 berry patch in like 3 min. So, it's not like she ran off without helping our camp. I went off to find iron and hoped she wouldn't die chasing the ruins. I came back to camp with 3 iron, almost starving but timing it just right, there was a lot scattered north west. But my camp was empty my whole family gone!
So, I went for more iron feeling more and more sad. Would I die alone? It wouldn't even make sense to make a shovel no one could bury me.
But, then, after returning with 3 more iron, I saw them hanging out in the berry patch my girl made before she left! Everyone was there! And they had a manky old cart full of carrots! As soon as I saw the cart I knew she found somthing good.
They said "we've found a huge town" so we went there together. But, I didn't know if I would make it. I was getting so old and had to stop to rest and eat many times, but my family waited for me.
Soon we were at the town! I saw a lathe and car parts, tons of sheep, huge farms, it had everything. I only hope that my family will stay focused and keep going. But, I was so happy.
I don't have a better image of the town but perhaps someone here recognizes it. It has a "jungle building" and I was sad not to get to try it out. Or maybe you were in the Bird family. Best life in a bit no doubt.
I do worry though, a big old town can be a blessing and a curse. You have all the trappings of a place that's functional, but no baskets, no clothing, and carts need to be fixed. It's still a lot of work and the piles of food don't last forever. My kids seemed smart though, so I'm not too worried. Let's see how long it lasts.
http://lineage.onehouronelife.com/serve … id=4103115
Last edited by futurebird (2019-04-14 04:41:35)
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Someone already got murdered. oof
Maybe we should have staying in the new camp. I swear old towns are cursed.
omnem cibum costis
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A better shot of the jungle building. It has a neat little closet.
In the second life I lived there it was completed. The village has a major basket and clothing problem as I predicted.
omnem cibum costis
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Isn't that Tarr's Jungle building?
Yep, you can even see where I just recently added the second room onto it. The flooring design might change as I might add quick paths down the center but nothing is fully planned out yet besides something like the nursery and sheep pen being added.
fug it’s Tarr.
I played as Fouad Bird in generation 4. I played with someone on streams, and we played as quadrupulets. I spent most of my time at the forge. At one point I said out loud 'basket', because forging steel without a basket is impossible. Even planning to forge steel with a basket isn't a good idea, even if you won't forge it yourself. I saw two decayed carts and all of those floppy baskets early in my life, and then we had a cart. Later we had a horsecart. Someone said that he thought we were getting griefed, but it didn't seem quite like that. I did manage to use the cart and then horsecart once or twice, I think to move firewood. Later in my life it seemed like something was off, because that horsecart didn't seem to come back. Then I find Tarr out in the jungle doing his experiments. I asked him why he's doing that here instead of, like, some low-pop place or a private server. I did finally make a handcart at the end of my life (after standing for like two minutes with my friends from streaming headblocking the fire bow drill and the flint arrowhead). I did grow some carrots and some milkweed. I did make some shoes, and I think BladeWoods did also. I thought about making bowler hats, but didn't see the needle. I don't know how many needles is optimal at this point in time. Might be good to make 6, if not 8 needles. 4 might be good enough. And if anyone sees them not near the sheap pen, try to get them over next to the sheep pen.
There did exist a path of stone road like every five tiles leading southwest, to a place with a kiln and an oven... I'm not sure what was going on there.
There's always more resources out there for baskets, or people can grow a lot of wheat and tolerate the wheat mess/cook all that wheat up. More clothing can get made, so that can get overcome also. But, people have to adapt and realize that's a problem that can use improvement on during their lifetime.
It looks like they might still be alive as I write this at generation 20.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
More photos of the jungle building here:
Spoon I'm intrigued by the southern path. Maybe it was just for making more pots and plates? A second camp? Anyone know?
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Pages: 1