a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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You are in an older town and the nearby prairie has not active family holes, is devoid of enough rabbits or just plain tiny. You have a shirt and no pants or are just naked. Time to get bunnies.
If the town has a horse you are in luck. Here are the steps.
Take one basket with a carrot, potato, burrito, bread or worse case berry (don't bring pie you'll have to return the plate!) triangle stone, thread and needle and maybe some flint. Put that in the horse cart. Don't try to get 4 baskets, if your town is old and has no clothing it also has not enough baskets. Ride out and find all the traps you can, find any baskets far from town and swipe those too, make more in the swamp if you can't find any. You want at least 3-4 traps, and 4 baskets. Harvest wild food as you go and bring a bunch of bananas and burdock or whatever with you to the nearest dense deposit of rabbits a few biomes over. Leave the food on the ground and put out most of the traps, juggle or park your horse till you have enough for a backpack.
Get yourself dressed and then make a run back mostly with meat, leave the traps on new rabbits. Unload your stuff, if feeling kind consider giving most of the clothes you have on to people too, you can make more when you get back out.
Don't waste time emptying the baskets of rabbits and meat, just ride out and make more once you have a pack this is a lot easier. Set more traps, make baskets and backpacks and clothes that you put on, ride back drop it off and repeat. If you do one run for every two people in town you should have the clothing issue (and the basket issue) sorted before you turn 30. If you are a woman it might be less annoying to do this with a hand cart and a closer rabbit warren if you can find one.
There is no excuse for errebody being nekid.
Put a stop to it. Only you can prevent uncomfortable dangling and jiggling in your town.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
One caution: if your town has no iron and just the one horse you might not want to tie it up for clothing and do the iron run instead. This can be done on foot but will use your whole life when the rabbits are far.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
you can park horse in a small biome, which has no similar biome near it, the horse is biome locked
but if you got tools and a pack, a horse cart or just a simple cart, you can take adze, shovel, stakes stone sharp stone food
go and smash a stakes, dig it, get two branches and make fence kit, then a fence
now, this what i done after like 2 months of play playing vanilla
i put a fence in each strategic location
wells and ponds? you can get water in buckets
berry field? berry bowls
carrots, wheat
pen middle if it's like 7x7 , faster meat transport
soil piles? can be decent
each biome edge, maybe even move later deeper inside it
rabbit holes don't move so generally you could set up a fence, some kind of food , carrots? it's fast, no cutlery needed, make a compost and leave a bucket, maybe a cistern in middle of savvanah
or just fire tools and oven, grain? water?
maybe a stew with fire tools and kindling
put a snare near each group of rabbits, plant a pine tree then convert it into fires and wood roads to show the next rabbit holes
we don't really make rabbit hunting easy and simple
i had lifes where i snare the same 5 rabbits 3 times in a row, making a pack each life and leaving needles and flint near it
a hunter hut with a pen, cistern and a small berry field?
with a pond on savannah it would be viable with a pen for infinite food
but even with water transport is ok
maybe if i find a good town where rabbits are close i make a second pen with a small berry field and ropes into snares for each hole and a note to snare all rabbit and take off the snare near them, some sort of road to it and around so snaring each rabbit each hour is fast and easy with a horse
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
a hunter hut with a pen, cistern and a small berry field?
with a pond on savannah it would be viable with a pen for infinite food
but even with water transport is okmaybe if i find a good town where rabbits are close i make a second pen with a small berry field and ropes into snares for each hole and a note to snare all rabbit and take off the snare near them, some sort of road to it and around so snaring each rabbit each hour is fast and easy with a horse
This is exactly what my Marchwardens camp was designed to do... how long ago was I talking about that?
Oh yes, back in November. The post following the link shows the graphic version of the design I had back then (although it occurred to me that you could get more space inside by building outer walls (blocking tiles) on the edge of the square and use reverse entrances on all four sides).
Steam name: starkn1ght
The Berry Bush Song
The Compost Cycle
There have been a handful of times where there are 10 - 12 rabbits in close proximity to each other, but a chore to reach via walking / handcart, that I have gone to the effort of setting up a hitching post for future generations. Then its just a matter of educating future rabbit hunters about the location.
There have been a handful of times where there are 10 - 12 rabbits in close proximity to each other, but a chore to reach via walking / handcart, that I have gone to the effort of setting up a hitching post for future generations. Then its just a matter of educating future rabbit hunters about the location.
I have found such a fence post once or twice that or a road to the rabbits and I'm always very happy that someone was so considerate.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
I think pein has very good ideas here.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
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