a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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There's a camp on server12 where someone hasn't planted any berry bushes and just uses wild berries instead (she eats other things also, has an oven and cooked food). She has a sheep pen, but has built a road to her grassland. She told me she enjoys nature and uses the grassland soil pits. She finds that more relaxing (they aren't called the badlands for nothing, and some people feel intimidated by smithing or worry about optimizing efficiency too much when it's not always game-changing to do things inefficiently). It's less iron to use fertile soil pits than composting, even digging up the soil pit once gives you more soil than composting (though you don't get mutton, wheat, or fleece). With a road on foot or using a horse with a backpack or a horsecart and multiple baskets getting soil in the grassland I would think pretty fast. But there's more to the idea of such a road. It visually marks something about the town and thus gives players a clue of where something important might lie. A road to a single single soil pit I don't think would make sense, but a road to a cluster of several soil pits, which often enough exist somewhere in your home grassland, might work out as worth it on the bigserver, even with them running out sometime. Such a road probably isn't too bad to get in terms of the time investment. The road builders might use some of the wild berries as food, which regenerate after ten minutes, decreasing soil and water pressure at home. The road might also suggest which direction got scouted for resources like iron. Or possibly even the road which leads into the grassland makes it quicker to get to a good supply of rabbits. Additionally, such a road might make it easier to collect some branches for kindling (a road to all of the trees probably doesn't work, but to get near some of them, it might help) or for shafts.
At the very least, a well-placed road in the home grassland comes as something to think about. Or maybe it's an idea that has already gotten implemented in large group play more than once and worked well, and I've just revived an old topic that has value to think about again.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
roads are not a bad thing at the right level of civ
the town needs several horses, carts first
we got decent pens quite early and most maps got a survival chance with 3-4 soil pits even
but pens lso provide food and easy yarn balls, so not the sole reason to make them for soil
i would say, people should get a few malachites and limestone when scavenging badlands
cisterns are very powerful in combination with newcommen wells and even better with some kerosene and wick burner
so what is an early game error, overvaluating soil pits, it's decent later when you got a cistern and a few buckets
i don't think is hard to make a cart and 4 buckets just for the purpose of rubber or water carriage
to be fair, a soil pit can sustain a person for a life, as i calculated, 2 soil pits could sustain 3 people for a life then digging them another 3
as part of an experiment i broke 3.5 hoes and tilled around 200 soil (i made the compost for it and made some board floors too)
so that's a quite long process using up 130 baskets of soil, so for like 6 soil piles should be worth it
with sugar pen you can get a sheep nearby
with huge population i played adam a lot of times, gave a chance for people to survive on an outpost
also going back and forth is good option
but i would certainly put outposts 200 away so people can born back
one good strategy when we got properties would be a support male for each female and each property spread a bit from shared resources
so just pair up with less experienced people and take care of her and her kids (even if you female, can babysit for you while doing gathering for them)
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
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