a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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My mom was Eve and she was playing with the fences, not griefing, but she kind of griefed us by accident. She built a bunch of random fences, some blocked the ponds. I removed a few key ones with an hatchet after she died, but I didn't dare clear them all because a hatchet in an eve camp is precious and I didn't want to use it up just to get rid of the clutter. I know if I wait long enough I could remove them without the hatchet, but they were blocking everyone for a generation nearly after she died.
This seems bad to me. It's easy to spam fences and come back and hit them with a rock. I was a baby when that stage was happening and I had to live with the bad fences for my whole life.
Am I missing something? Or is this an issue?
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
I have been corrected by Tarr on discord. You can use a sharp rock. OK. That seems like it might be fine.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
I have been corrected by Tarr on discord. You can use a sharp rock. OK. That seems like it might be fine.
that was a late and great change to the mechanic
Well, I actually forgot that hatchets wear out at all... complicated tech tree. Glad I added the sharp stone, then.