a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Finally got to actually try out something I actually wanted to try out
Perfect size, perfect scale, perfect tools, actually looking good on top of that. Good controll over rope usage as well.
So, while the property fence is not all that good for some things; as I thought: it's actually good for milkweed farming, IF you are attentive and dedicated and always present somewhere around there and always farming and making rope so you can distribute it among those that need it. So yeah this was a sucess.
This is the lovely farm. If I made it all at once the whole left side would be milkweed and the right side column would be seed bowl, bowl, ropes in makign and rope baskets. I left it with a water bucket I made for ease of watering.
I've had people come to me asking nicely for rope and I of course gave them to them once they stated their business, two for sheep, no blimy, one for cart. However once I simply put the rope outside to be used on something, 3 buckets to be precise, they quickly dissapeared... No unsolicited rope usage grrr lol!
Also this is my lovely daughter that decided to make her own house! So I gave her a rope for the door.
Last edited by Amon (2019-04-20 10:10:05)
Nice, and worthwhile stuff right there ! I will try to make something like that too, maybe saying to make one bucket (never have enough, for what anyone wants to do with them) and one/two ropes for their own (nefarious purposes . Milkweed usually limiting factor.
Haha I also did a milkweed farm for my first fence/gate.
The amount of rope that gets wasted on primitive hoes and 3 different bows is astonishing. Having a more controlled spending on rope is a big plus imo.
Also no more every single milkweed being picked on fruiting. That's 10 years of your life of unusable farmland!
Your's seem larger than mine. I did a small 3x5 inner and it worked relatively fine considering I was only doing milkweed part time (spent most of my life tending the berry farm and getting soil).
Last edited by Thaulos (2019-04-20 10:02:58)
Nice, and worthwhile stuff right there ! I will try to make something like that too, maybe saying to make one bucket (never have enough, for what anyone wants to do with them) and one/two ropes for their own (nefarious purposes
. Milkweed usually limiting factor.
Go ahead, it's really nice since once the fence is set up nobody will bother you ever again and milkweed thread won't stop dissapearing in front of your eyes, hehe.
And ayep, I was doing rope fulltime and I wouldn't mind a little bit more space, maybe just 4 extra tiles in width, or partitioning one corner for fruiting and alterating between top and bottom rows for planting.
But yeah it's essentially, really really really good for this type of farming when you want controll over a tideous to make resource with very many uses and some of which are super wasteful, especially when you end up having the 5th goddamn bow or snare and murders lie rampant. I think limiting acess to the resource brings priority to distribute it to smart usages, like, I betcha nobody complains about too many buckets, see, in fact, there are never too many of good buckets.
Last edited by Amon (2019-04-20 10:12:57)
I did notice how annoying it is to keep watering stuff inside those fences though. Even with a bucket there are only so many water bowls you can get from it before having to refill.
Might be a good idea to start adding a cistern too.
Having a lot of milkweed snares can speed up rabbit hunting, and rabbit hunting can increase the temperature of your family members/maintain mid-level temperature for longer. Also, quicker backpacks. So, I'm not so sure that multiple milkweed snares end up all that bad. Maybe it's just a slight gain in time though.
That said though, buckets really have importance with respect to efficiency for cooking, farming, and a rubber cart is nice for getting kindling.
Multiple bows could make it easier for multiple people to kill a bear once when it came to town. I saw two people hunting a bear in town once. That said, I don't think the advantages of multiple bows has enough value to justify having many of them.
Last edited by Spoonwood (2019-04-20 14:02:58)
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
Might be a good idea to start adding a cistern too.
I think that's overkill, with some buckets it should be fine. I mean, someone is bound to bring water-filled bucket to milkweed farmer I think. Need to test a bit more, just did small one-I'm still doing communism mainly.
I like farm wide and just few tall, so usually when I have enough food bars to go adventuring the way I like I have three or four composts somewhere anyhow. Also, I thought dropping wooden box at bakery when picking up a pie-basket nice thing. Also, it is nice griefer-safe area basically so things to basket or two, got some items in mind Need to test how long dry non-watered three sis, carrot or such last just as precaution. Top row I go now plant trees...
It will be interesting to see what these couple of families are doing, I've seen large areas fenced and (non-smithy) having iron tools like they belonged to them just lying around not being used-nothing we didn't expect though.
About 90% of all snares are unused, in an old town just heading out slightly into a nearby savannah will net you 5 snares easily. At any given time in a savannah there is a limited amount of rabbits you can catch untill they respawn in 70 minutes. Having more snares won't net you more rabbits than that 70 mintue respawn allows for, maybe if you factor in the 70 minute respawn timer, but that's essentially an entire lifetime.
On the spreading out, I don't think that's necessary to have more than one rabbit hunter equipped with a cart, even with a basket they are very efficient. Actually a single rabbit hunter will dry out a savannah pretty quickly.
So every snare made is a bucket, cart, box not made that give better benefit to storage and farming.
I always take back snares I hunt with. This is something people should learn to do.
Now if you could cut up a snare to get rope back, I wouldn't mind. And people might be more eager to actually return all those unused snares and recycle them.
Spoonwood wrote:-snip-
-snip -
Then there are the ones that do not bring back rabbits (or anything much I guess), just found two dead with *load of skinned rabbits in savannah, while town was rather new and hungry... rearmed traps, took rabbits and the caught ones near town, just my part of janitorial duty. Also told others in kindergarden where to find traps and those, dropped my cart and told it was free.
Yeah dear lord, one time I went out of town to the savannah...rabbit corpses, rabbit corpses everywhere. I'm also not all that fond of leaving rabbit meat behind. Sure it's cumbersome food that takes up space, but so does mutton. Yet both can be quickly converted into their non pie form in a snap of a finger. Did that with rabbits for a fraction of my lifetime, all rabbits were GONE, including their bones after 2 cooking sessions.
Also everyone was slightly bit fatter.
Last edited by Amon (2019-04-20 15:36:27)
Pages: 1