a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I think there are a few things that keep this game from getting more players:
-not enough youtubers we have Twisted (who is doing great work) and a few others, but videos are a big draw for showing more people the game
-people think it's like "don't starve" when it really isn't at all
-the learning curve on the game is a bit steep, so I think some people try it and then give up before they get to the heart of the enjoyable part of the game
Is it worthwhile to pester some gaming youtubers to give the game a shot? This wouldn't just help the game but also help the existing people making videos. I've thought about making a video myself: but people tend to underestimate how much work making a *good* gameplay video can be. It's not something you can just toss together casually, it takes planning and a bit of creativity.
It might be worthwhile to have a youTube video contest of some kind for example the person with the best video (Jason could judge or we could do a community vote) gets a code based on their name to offer a discount on the game to their subscribers and maybe a small cash prize. Something like that.
What other ideas can expand the community? It's fun playing in kind of a niche game, but if OHOL wants to have a future we want to seem more players coming in and to get to the next level of tech we will need bigger populations in the cities and right now I think there just aren't enough people for that to happen.
Consider Sevtech Ages which is a minecraft mod that has a lot of the tactile crafting ideas that you find in OHOL I think people who like Ages would love OHOL for the most part. The video of this game have 100ks of views, in part because the people playing it are very popular youtubers (yogscast captian sparkles) but also it's good youtube content for people who like such games. OHOL would be even more interesting to watch IMO. So maybe reach out to some of those people?
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I'd suggest a longer and more detailed tutorial area that introduces more food tech and basic crafting steps so that players have a "safe place" to play around with the crafting and survival aspects of the game without being interrupted by a constant cycle of death/rebirth.
I'd also suggest improving the ability to return to the same lineage before it dies out. From talking to people who have not played OHOL, most of them are confused by the attraction to a game where you play one life and then NEVER EVER GO BACK. I try to explain that it kind of doesn't matter that much, but let's be honest .. it does matter. I'd love if the game had better mechanics for returning back to the same lineage after a few hours. The current rebirth mechanics tend to lock me out of returning for over 48 hours, because I only play a few hours each day. It has been months since I've seen the same town and it was only because a different family line had repopulated the bell town.
The best way to get existing content creators to cover OHOL would be for their viewers and fans to suggest it via YT comments/Discord/Twitter. Of course if they mostly play FIFA or BeamNG or Pokemon on their channel it's probably pointless to even suggest it as OHOL is too far out of their content niche.
The problem with OHOL is that it takes a while for it to 'click', which often means that you need invest some time into prep and learning if you're a brand new player looking to make a video (although I love watching people's first impressions of OHOL). Compare it to something like TABS, which is super easy to get into and make fun videos straight away.
If you do have any content creators that you watch and that you think would enjoy playing OHOL on their channel, let them know about the game. Tell them it's available on Keymailer, and tell them that I'd gladly show them the ropes if they want someone to guide them.
Yeah, I can't get my husband to try it because he's put off by the idea that you never go back. I explain that you often see the same place again and it's transformed, but he's like "so you build some stuff and then don't get to see what happens? Why?"
I also think ideas like death photos (an image of the last thing each player saw in the family tree) and possibly adding a log of more of what people said in their lives to the family tree. Really I just want to know more about how things went after I died and that could address this issue of feeling like you never get to know what happened or go back.
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I agree that the 'you never see it again' makes for a problem with attracting people to the game. After I played for a bit I thought that the game could use a time lapse series of pictures as to how the town changed over the centuries from start to finish.
That all said, I've preferred playing in smaller groups to the chaos of big groups. I really didn't care much for the bigserver change, and liked it when families were spread out a little more. So I'm not so sure that attracting more people to the bigserver would be something that I would enjoy UNLESS it meant there would exist more smaller groups of people playing.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
Give JackSepticEye a copy of the game. He'll probably try it out. He does that often when game creators send him their games.. He has a HUGE fan base too!
Give JackSepticEye a copy of the game. He'll probably try it out. He does that often when game creators send him their games.. He has a HUGE fan base too!
Jack receives hundreds of games per week, just sending him a key is not enough for him to cover a game.
I know Jason sent out plenty of keys to content creators when OHOL came out on Steam and he almost definitely sent one to Jack as well.
I almost quit the game right after I got it b/c the game was so hard to learn from the ingame tooltips. Finding out onetech existed made things 100x better. And then finding out the zoom mod existed and how to get it made things another 100x better. The default zoom is just way too zoomed. I would suggest immediately providing those two tools to anyone you introduce to the game and to any content creator that tries the game out.
Similar to Youtube, I believe we are also severely lacking twitch streamers. Streaming is more appealing to me since the viewers can join the towns the streamer is in.
I know the diehard anti-zoomers will dispute this, but zoom control should be a standard feature of the game. It is a huge quality of life improvement over standard zoom.
I was showing this game to one my brothers and then I zoomed in to the normal zoom and told him this was how you are suppose to play. The expression on his face was priceless.
I know the diehard anti-zoomers will dispute this, but zoom control should be a standard feature of the game. It is a huge quality of life improvement over standard zoom.
I was showing this game to one my brothers and then I zoomed in to the normal zoom and told him this was how you are suppose to play. The expression on his face was priceless.
I tend to agree. Though I would like to see some limits to it. For example you could stand still and zoom out, but move to a more close level in order to move. When I've tried the zoom mod it's been refreshing though it takes some of the fun out of hunting for iron.
Another idea is that zoom is linked to your age. Up to age 4 you are zoomed all the way in, then you can zoom out more and more until you start to age and your eyesight gets bad.
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I almost quit the game right after I got it b/c the game was so hard to learn from the ingame tooltips.
This is solved by teaching newbies. It is in everyones interest. Why not teach ? I admit it should be easier
-J gets more income b/c newbies give good reviews and thus J has ability (cash) to improve the game
-we get increasingly better game
-I do sometimes spend a lifetime of teaching, many a time I see nobody bothered to say even "say F for food"...
-many newbies are afraid to ask help still, you don't believe how much I've had thanks for asking if any newbies around I can help basics
How to solve: we need a faster way to teach. Maybe even make a profession per life you may/may not want to add. If you are teacher by profession (in front of your name) I am more inclined to bring food nearby, also other materials. Not everything needs to be too advanced, when basics are taught it gives new players incentive to learn more (by themselves too)-and I mean bare basics.
Edit: of course newer players are not so afraid to ask for help from a teacher ! I think atm they are afraid they will be used if they reveal being newer... As happens in most games.
Last edited by Sukallinen (2019-04-20 23:46:05)
Jojigirl wrote:Give JackSepticEye a copy of the game. He'll probably try it out. He does that often when game creators send him their games.. He has a HUGE fan base too!
Jack receives hundreds of games per week, just sending him a key is not enough for him to cover a game.
I know Jason sent out plenty of keys to content creators when OHOL came out on Steam and he almost definitely sent one to Jack as well.
Hey Twisted as long as you are around I want to say thanks for your videos it's why I bought the game. I would love to see more "how to" type videos I think that would help new players, though one can learn a lot from your more normal narrative vids.
Also have you thought about doing twinning with another youTuber who *isn't* a player and teaching them in game? That could be really funny and fun to watch and it would be a stealth teaching video.
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I would say 99.9% of the YouTube / Twitch streams are with players using the zoom mod. I'm a non-zoom player myself and find this frustrating as it doesn't represent the game out of the box. How many new players throw their hands up in the air looking for a zoom button / toggle that doesn't exist. I would also argue that the vast majority of streamed play isn't on the default server, which is another huge disconnect for new players. They have to be wondering where all the cool towns, tech, and promised community is at.
This is a fantastic game to watch on Twitch already and we could definately use more people streaming it. I love being able to watch someone who is living in the same place after me. Or looking at building designs on the discord then ending up in the same town.
It would be great if someone knowledgeable made some quick how to type videos for people who want to learn different parts of this game. Like a clipped version of twisted's how to compost video. Like how to farm the main useful crops and how to smith tools.
Last edited by Buggy (2019-04-21 00:55:07)
This is a fantastic game to watch on Twitch already and we could definately use more people streaming it. I love being able to watch someone who is living in the same place after me. Or looking at building designs on the discord then ending up in the same town.
It would be great if someone knowledgeable made some quick how to type videos for people who want to learn different parts of this game. Like a clipped version of twisted's how to compost video. Like how to farm the main useful crops and how to smith tools.
Watching what happened to my Eve camps, or getting reborn there later, I think was my most enjoyable experience in large group play. Without considering how good their efficiency is, there do exist a few basic blacksmithing tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yofDoHL28YI&t=751s . Another video got linked to on the forums a few ago which used a two kiln approach, which I prefer, but I don't recall what it got called or how far back it was. To get better at smithing I suggest either setting your own settlement on a low population server where you can focus on doing that overtime (I like server12, because of it's road structure, it ends up easiest to find your way back to your spot) or you practice in the lower section of the tutorial area. I came up with a series of ideas that you might do from the smithing tutorial area: https://www.reddit.com/r/onehouronelife … iring_and/ Some other challenges would be to make a horsecart from the tutorial area or to make a newcomen atmospheric core.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
I wish there were an easy way to watch the town you started, check in on it. That would solve the "never go back" issue and really make people learn what the impacts of their choices were. Did you not take care of your kids and now there are no people? did they run out of carrots because you used the last one and though "some one will replant..." are they thriving using the tools you made? We hardly ever get answers to these questions.
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Zoom is a fun topic. This game's fov is clearly designed for close-up conversation, good inside buildings.
Yet buildings have fringe uses lel