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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#51 2018-03-28 15:59:21

Registered: 2018-01-22
Posts: 712

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

One more thing that's different from the real world is that IRL people that live together can learn each other's behavior and personality. In the game people just don't have the time to learn who's trustworthy and who isn't.


#52 2018-03-28 16:30:22

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 386

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Kinrany wrote:

One more thing that's different from the real world is that IRL people that live together can learn each other's behavior and personality. In the game people just don't have the time to learn who's trustworthy and who isn't.

its pretty easy to see if someone is trustworthy because those guys are working hard an doing stuff. Like most farmers are trustworthy. the guy baking pies are most of the time trustworthy.

you just have to observe a little to see who you can trust

Eve Gluck! We are the great glucks and we will beat every other dynasty!

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#53 2018-03-28 19:01:40

Registered: 2018-03-28
Posts: 120

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Don't see the problem with people murdering others, think it adds to the game, makes it feel more heartbreaking when you see a family member murdered and everyone tries to take revenge.
Personally, I haven't seen much murder but when it does happen there is a fight, a drawn-out period of time where people are running around screaming and trying to find weapons to protect themselves, it is no different to when a bear walks into a village apart from the murderer is easier to kill.

People just need to learn to not stand still when someone is running around with a knife or a bow, yeah people will get killed by surprise and that will always be the case whatever system is put into place, but in a game where you are gonna die within the hour and whole villages die because of food shortages, murders are not the biggest threat.


#54 2018-03-29 01:24:30

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Craftable armor really makes sense. Of course if the murderer gets armor too, then you got real problems.


#55 2018-03-29 01:45:08

Registered: 2018-03-18
Posts: 36

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Lily wrote:

Craftable armor really makes sense. Of course if the murderer gets armor too, then you got real problems.

We just need babies to die first when you're beeing attacked while holding one. That way we can use them as shields.


#56 2018-03-29 01:52:15

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

EmmyGamba wrote:
Lily wrote:

Craftable armor really makes sense. Of course if the murderer gets armor too, then you got real problems.

We just need babies to die first when you're beeing attacked while holding one. That way we can use them as shields.

That makes sense. As funny as it is to use them as a shield, it is actually the most logical way to do it.  If your a parent and you die first the baby is going to die anyway, and other children around might also die as well. If the baby dies first however, the parent can at least attempt to do something.


#57 2018-03-29 02:18:19

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 9

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

This must be happening more on certain servers. Its certainly not rampant, Ive been playing all day and some yesterday and have been killed via PvP once.
Jason wrote earlier in this thread, "Really, I just need to keep tweaking it until it's possible for "police work" to take place.  Right now, it sounds like there's just not enough evidence to pursue or convict."
I love this line of thinking, pvp solutions to pvp problems. Especially when the community comes together against griefers! I just hope he sticks to his original and core ideals for the game. I have no intention of ever killing players but would hate to see the danger of it leave!


#58 2018-03-29 03:43:50

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

I thought I saw someone with a bloody knife once. Would be interesting if you stabbed someone, if there was like blood splatter all over you. So if you see someone covered with blood you know they killed someone recently.


#59 2018-03-29 13:31:09

Registered: 2018-03-18
Posts: 36

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Cyniko wrote:

This must be happening more on certain servers. Its certainly not rampant, Ive been playing all day and some yesterday and have been killed via PvP once.
Jason wrote earlier in this thread, "Really, I just need to keep tweaking it until it's possible for "police work" to take place.  Right now, it sounds like there's just not enough evidence to pursue or convict."
I love this line of thinking, pvp solutions to pvp problems. Especially when the community comes together against griefers! I just hope he sticks to his original and core ideals for the game. I have no intention of ever killing players but would hate to see the danger of it leave!

I haven't played this game for like a week or so, so it might have gotten better. But back then it was insane. Not in small settlements, but beeing born inside a larger village basically was a guarantee to beeing brutally murdered.


#60 2018-03-30 02:13:01

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 30

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

jasonrohrer wrote:

Well, the scream is in there.  I just turned its volume all the way up.  That will happen in the next update.

For now, I will also really slow down the murderer more, and make their weapon-holding last longer, and make the bloody grave last longer.

I'll also reduce the range of the bow a bit.

Really, I just need to keep tweaking it until it's possible for "police work" to take place.  Right now, it sounds like there's just not enough evidence to pursue or convict.

It's also interesting to think about "justice" in this game.  Just like in real life, if you are murdered, you are counting on those around you (your family) to seek justice on your behalf after you are gone, but you will never know for sure that they did.

We're so used to seeking justice ourselves, on our own behalf, in video games, that this feels rather muted.  But that's what getting murdered is actually like, I'm betting.

The experience of BEING murdered is sudden and frustrating and pretty horrible in this game.  As it should be.

Im glad that you've implemented the changes you have so far, because i've been running into less and less dead villages. Which is an incredible improvement. But you are right.

The biggest problem in the game is that the average working player doesn't notice people dying at all. Murderers can easily go unchecked and unnoticed until everyone is completely dead or too many are dead for the situation to be salvaged.

If you are looking for more ways to make it more exciting and more fair; one good idea that I heard from someone else is that the murderer should get blood on their clothes for a period of time, so that it forces them to change their clothes to stay undercover and avoid getting caught. It would be an interesting mechanic.(Edit:whoops, also like someone above said ha ha)

Last edited by Shallotte (2018-03-30 02:23:13)

Professional 3D Animator


#61 2018-03-30 02:16:43

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 30

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Cyniko wrote:

This must be happening more on certain servers. Its certainly not rampant, Ive been playing all day and some yesterday and have been killed via PvP once.
Jason wrote earlier in this thread, "Really, I just need to keep tweaking it until it's possible for "police work" to take place.  Right now, it sounds like there's just not enough evidence to pursue or convict."
I love this line of thinking, pvp solutions to pvp problems. Especially when the community comes together against griefers! I just hope he sticks to his original and core ideals for the game. I have no intention of ever killing players but would hate to see the danger of it leave!

Its been a lot better recently because now there is a knife cooldown; so they can't just run unto a group of people and click into everyone sequentially with no fallback anymore.

Last edited by Shallotte (2018-03-30 02:18:05)

Professional 3D Animator


#62 2018-03-30 17:51:59

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 99

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

oh my god it is so hard to kill someone who is running around. I tried killing a griefer with a knife and a bow, but kept dropping my own weapon or stopping at other objects. I accidentally killed the other person hunting them down (i'm so sorry about that), and the person just kept being reborn anyway. I'm sure they were loving the chaos and destruction they were causing.

I don't mind murder being a thing in the game, but holy hell trying to stop them is so frustrating right now.


#63 2018-03-30 22:19:06

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Did you killed an woman holding a baby ?  Guess it was me.

Last edited by TrustyWay (2018-03-30 22:42:38)


#64 2018-03-31 00:47:16

Registered: 2018-03-18
Posts: 14

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Getting frustrated.....whatever


#65 2018-03-31 01:47:20

Registered: 2018-03-07
Posts: 51

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Am I the only person who runs away when a murder spree is going down? I know one can get very attached to a particular spot, but it's often true now that within fairly easy reach of a major settlement there'll be several small or medium sized settlements. Grab one of your kids, flee to the new area, then pick up where you left off. If different people run in different directions, the killer may be able to follow and kill some of them, but they're not going to be able to get them all. 

...or does fleeing just feel less "proper" than standing and facing the killer, even if it has a worse outcome?


#66 2018-03-31 01:53:08

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

lesslucid wrote:

Am I the only person who runs away when a murder spree is going down? I know one can get very attached to a particular spot, but it's often true now that within fairly easy reach of a major settlement there'll be several small or medium sized settlements. Grab one of your kids, flee to the new area, then pick up where you left off. If different people run in different directions, the killer may be able to follow and kill some of them, but they're not going to be able to get them all. 

...or does fleeing just feel less "proper" than standing and facing the killer, even if it has a worse outcome?

Honestly, I don't think you even need to flee. If you just leave town for a little bit then come back. If they want to destroy all the resources in the town they might be there for a while, but if they just kill people they will likely be gone in a few minutes.


#67 2018-03-31 12:34:32

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

worst was one when i was barely mad into adulthood, everybody died, me and momma found a traveler, she born a child, i offered to feed them before going south, better to get privacy. she born another, i geared both almost completely, told her agian wait a bit till moma dies, when we started walking south, i wanted to carry the arrow so she can take the second child. she shot me. after farmign for her and taking care, felt so bad.

other game my mama geared me, my uncle just asked me over to side of scrren and shot me, probably to stole my gear for other kid.

were a lot of things liek farming half of my life and some idiot just shot me for no good reason.
or when kids dont appreciate what you do for them. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#68 2018-03-31 13:17:20

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 7

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

I had some really beautiful roleplay moments, saying goodbye to my loved ones.
And then there's this:


#69 2018-03-31 15:37:31

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 336

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Once there was a killer in my town. We both spotted us and she started to run after me.
I just run and run and run. She was always behind me.
I managed to grab a bow, but couldn't find any arrows.
I then saw a bear cave with a bear outside of it. I run over to it. She was still behind me.

The bear almost got me, but thank god he smelled the blood on the knife of the killer. And run over to her.
The knife dropped to the ground and I kept running.

Its a rought world - keep dying untill you live <3


#70 2018-03-31 20:16:30

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

I was playing this game today. Got born into a thriving village as a girl. Helped farming and started making pies as the first. Then I started getting babies. 3 daughters, 1 son. Told them to make pies or go farm or hunt. When i finished nursing my youngest one, my son, one of my younger daughters told me suddenly there was someone with a knife running around killing folks. I had seed 3 knives in a basket when a gave one of my offspring a tour, but I didnt really react. I had never experienced murder, though heard of it. I am a rather new player. I think it was one of my daughters who, as soon as sh could hold it, ran around killing everyone. Thankfully I reacted quickly, as I had seen an arrow lying around. After first running away, I quickly decided that I had to find that arrow and a bow, and kill that son of a b*** (hehe). I did find the bow, and I shot the b*stard. I and two of my daughters were left. They were still young, I old, so I hope they continue to carry on the legacy. I gathered all 3 knives and ran away with them till I died. I ran fast, dont think they will be found.

I kind of think it is stupid to compare a game to real life. Sure, its kind of realistic. But it still stupid that anyone with a bit of money can walk around murdering honest player.

Like gosh, I have a very busy life. Im a student, I will have exams in a month. I just want to relax for an hour, and feel like Ive accomplished something (since reading is not the thing, as you see). It stupid that some 8 year old kid can take that enjoyment away from me or anyone else....

My two cents


#71 2018-04-01 05:15:12

Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 31

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Okay... I didn't have a real issue with murders until today, when I realized you CANNOT kill a moving person. It's the only reason I outlived the rest of my village - the griefer never caught me standing still. It also meant I never managed to kill him, because he knew not to hold still. Even during the cooldown period when he was forced to move very slowly, I physically COULD NOT click on him not because I couldn't aim with my own bow and arrow, but because the game wouldn't let me. The new balances are great, but this is a major flaw that completely nullifies them.


#72 2018-05-04 16:34:26

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 34

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Plankst wrote:

I honestly think it should stay the way it is because it feeds to the realism. But like stated before there should be a system where if there are people around someone who JUST murdered someone, an icon should appear above them (bloody skull). kind of like a witness system.

I like this idea.



#73 2018-05-04 17:22:22

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

I would love some sort of heal feature. An ointment or something.. mabey a bandage made from wool that has been boiled... requiring someone else to apply it quickly.

Last edited by Turnipseed (2018-05-04 17:23:37)

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#74 2018-05-04 20:35:28

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Turnipseed wrote:

I would love some sort of heal feature. An ointment or something.. mabey a bandage made from wool that has been boiled... requiring someone else to apply it quickly.


Learn to how to fight !


#75 2018-05-04 20:37:36

From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 565

Re: Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game?

Oh god. Such necrophilia... Thread revived after over 30 days (and a lot of updates) when most problem with killing were already fixed! It's time to stop.


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