a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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So, I had this amusing idea that we should all swarm one of the more empty servers and it should be breeze and all of the people who love zoom but they can't use it and see what it's like. It would be rehab for zoom mod addiction. Anyone in?
But more seriously I think there is a point to be made about being aware that not everyone is using zoom if you choose to use it. I'm going to limit it to lives where I think I'll be gathering, organizing and building because it's just soooo much better for those tasks. But, it's not a more serious way to play it's just easier. And I think we should at least talk about it in that way.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Be aware that you may have short sighted babies who don't know where to go! I love when mom takes me on a village tour
So, I had this amusing idea that we should all swarm one of the more empty servers and it should be breeze and all of the people who love zoom but they can't use it and see what it's like. It would be rehab for zoom mod addiction. Anyone in?
But more seriously I think there is a point to be made about being aware that not everyone is using zoom if you choose to use it. I'm going to limit it to lives where I think I'll be gathering, organizing and building because it's just soooo much better for those tasks. But, it's not a more serious way to play it's just easier. And I think we should at least talk about it in that way.
especially the building part is one of the main problems
if you use a zoom mod to build, then you build for zoom mod users
vanilla players would build in a different way, but we'll never know since all builders now use zoom mod, aren't they ?
vanilla players perceive the town in a different way than zoom mod users
that's the big difference here
& you can't bridge that with using it "a little bit"
because you are using it for exactly the reasons why it is being used
& where i am presented with the results, which harm my gameplay in direct way as vanilla player
that's the conflict
& there is no rehab
because players using zoom mod don't see themselves as violating anything, since Jason allows it
players can pretty well live & play knowing that "Jason doesn't like it", because, SO WHAT ?
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