One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 2019-04-28 06:50:07

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Less clutter by changing how the animal feeding system works

This is what the typical pen looks like atm:


Full of dead lambs, baby cows etc

The reason for this is because adult animals (non sheared) keep making babies indefinitly which ends up cluttering any pen of any size given enough time.

But why do we have to feed baby animals in order for them to grow?

Dont they drink their mother's milk?

If instead of indefinitly spawning babies, you would feed an adult animal (non sheared) and only then it would make a baby, and that baby wouldnt need to be fed to grow since it would drink it's mother's milk.

It would reduce the clutter significantly since baby animals would only spawn when an adult is fed, also the consumption of ressources would be the same since you still have to feed to get babies.

Only problem with this is there would be no more dead lambs, dead pigglets etc, yes that's sounds like a weird issue but they are still content in some way.

But what if the baby lamb,cow etc wouldnt be hungry but thirsty and you have to give them a bowl of water so they dont die

It would be a trade between having a lot less clutter in a pen but needing to give water to a baby animal

Wild baby animals would still need food since they cant drink their mothers milk


#2 2019-04-28 07:31:50

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Less clutter by changing how the animal feeding system works

i'm game, plus pigs should be the ones to poop


#3 2019-04-28 09:25:15

Registered: 2019-03-14
Posts: 202

Re: Less clutter by changing how the animal feeding system works

Everybody poops


#4 2019-04-28 13:58:36

Registered: 2019-04-13
Posts: 88

Re: Less clutter by changing how the animal feeding system works

If the sheep are sheared they don't make lambs, and if you don't want dead domestic baby cows kill the buffalo the domestic cow only makes a baby cow when fed. The bigger problem in my mind is all the animals in one pen cows should be in a seperate tiny pen for milking.


#5 2019-04-28 14:00:20

Registered: 2019-04-13
Posts: 88

Re: Less clutter by changing how the animal feeding system works

I do like the idea of feeding non sheared sheep for lambs but we do have the ability to keep down the dead animal clutter.


#6 2019-04-28 20:04:39

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Less clutter by changing how the animal feeding system works

well the reason is that wool keeps them warm so they can have babies, but i think reversing would make more sense

for the poop, a good solution would be egg into poop would use the poop
honestly goose pen is just show casing them, tried a life of goose breeding

made a pen, but then realized if i move poop in it, then that poop gonna be used and i cantuse them again as incubator
then i tried to deccap them but not that easy, i would say a dig a berry bush alone level hard, but the bushes dint wiggle, then they got a long animation and even run away so might as well use 3 stumps and 3 goose at once then collect them

trading corn for egg might worth but i just started to hate eggs, people do eggs in any  city cause that what they learned then they cant make pies and kids eat omelettes anyway
so it really not worth doing goose if they don't have far superior buff to eggs
and they dont
lot of waiting and garbage
maybe if it would give more bites and food value, cause the processing is long

domestic goose could also have feathers for decor items, we don't use duvets and pillows, but maybe as décor would be good, also hat feathers and feather head bands. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#7 2019-04-28 20:20:01

Registered: 2019-04-03
Posts: 180

Re: Less clutter by changing how the animal feeding system works

I miss to see the problem here ? Just change b/c of idea of changing things ?

I've had even today several ppl carry dead sheep out just by saying "you hear baby sheep, plz carry dead ones out meanwhile". I do fail to see problem. If people don't do things, things don't get done. Needlessly add changes for J to code in ? Why ?


#8 2019-04-28 20:24:06

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 364

Re: Less clutter by changing how the animal feeding system works

It would be nice if we could build a feeding trough and that the lambs would know enough to go eat rather than starve.

And in the piggy feeding trough, any food should be able to go in and feed the piglets.



#9 2019-04-28 20:24:24

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Less clutter by changing how the animal feeding system works

Yeah sheeps can be shorn to prevent lamb clutter and cows only make baby when fed, but pigs make piglets constantly and every other animal added in the future will probably have the same model which means more clutter.

But always needing to feed then wait for baby then need to water could get annoying, so maybe we could have a water tank where they drink on their own



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