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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-05-01 04:51:54

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

My husband the new player

After badgering him for weeks I got him to try the game. My husband isn't a gamer and the only thing he's ever played are pokemon go, dr. Mario and Tetris for the NES. So, getting him to try a game is kinda hard. But, he wanted to see what the fuss was about.  He got the controls rather fast, though explaining how to eat and how to use the backpack took a bit of time. He was born in a big bustling town with a lot of drama. I was like "maybe let's look for a different town..." but he wanted to stay. 

There are some things I think we forget that new players notice. He was very worried about the bones! Kept stopping. "look bones! How did they die?" (so many ways, dear, so many ways...) At first he was worried that they were not safe to walk on. When I told him that it was the people who had died, and that towns get covered in bones if you don't clean them he thought it was creepy.

He really wanted to know a way to make the bones go away... not just sit them on the edge of town "it's so much death" he said.  I don't even notice them anymore... but yeah, there is death. But, I think some of out shovel abusers are feeling that same thing. It's nice to burry people. It makes the town look nice. I really think baby bones (no name or under 1 year) should vanish in like 3 min. And I wish we could use the shovel for graves without making an extra iron trip and apologizing and explaining to everyone in advance. Just because we are all used to bones all over the place doesn't make it nice.

Then there were some murders in our town. I could tell it was *that* kind of place: people in fancy clothing standing in a group talking most with weapons. Crowns... that always ends in murders. My husband was worried about getting killed so we went out of town to explore but he wanted to go back right away --all of the wild animals and my warnings about them put him off my idea of looking for some wild food and milkweed.

When he got back in to town his character had a kid and he kept asking if it was really another person. I got him to name her. Then he handed the game over to me feeling overwhelmed.

But I think he liked it! He was like "I thought this was your happy little farming game?"

I was just like "Uhhhhh"

He was so overwhelmed he took a two-hour nap to recover. What even is this game?

Last edited by futurebird (2019-05-01 04:57:50)

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#2 2019-05-01 05:09:45

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: My husband the new player

I also remember that feeling of "Oh god oh god oh god ... why are there so many skeletons?  Why am I the only one who cares about all these bodies?   For the love of god, why are we not burying them?"

In time, of course, I got use to the way we handle the dead in this game and now when a little baby dies in my arms before I can name it, I just let the bones fall at my feet without a thought.   Hmmm ... not sure if that is such a good thing.


#3 2019-05-01 06:23:26

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 464

Re: My husband the new player

I still dislike bones in town, especially in the kitchen and wherever babies are kept. It just feels unhygienic. (Less so near crops... I mean in Minecraft we can grind bones into magic fertilizer, so...) I usually spend some time moving bones out of town, and I would love it if I could bury them without feeling guilty about the iron waste.


#4 2019-05-01 08:04:49

Registered: 2019-02-21
Posts: 28

Re: My husband the new player

CatX wrote:

I still dislike bones in town, especially in the kitchen and wherever babies are kept. It just feels unhygienic. (Less so near crops... I mean in Minecraft we can grind bones into magic fertilizer, so...) I usually spend some time moving bones out of town, and I would love it if I could bury them without feeling guilty about the iron waste.

No worries! If the town is established and has at least one stack of raw or wrought iron and a few steel bars standing idle by, there is nothing wrong in making three shovel heads and keeping two for grave digging. Yesterday, I wasted around twelve steel bars just for steel pipes to drill for oil. The other day, I brought back over 80 pieces of iron in under thirty minutes just from one badland. Iron is not that scarce if you have a horse. Also, burried graves vanish faster than just bones. So, it's actually pretty useful to dig bones besides aesthetics.


#5 2019-05-01 08:23:41

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: My husband the new player

olooopo wrote:
CatX wrote:

I still dislike bones in town, especially in the kitchen and wherever babies are kept. It just feels unhygienic. (Less so near crops... I mean in Minecraft we can grind bones into magic fertilizer, so...) I usually spend some time moving bones out of town, and I would love it if I could bury them without feeling guilty about the iron waste.

No worries! If the town is established and has at least one stack of raw or wrought iron and a few steel bars standing idle by, there is nothing wrong in making three shovel heads and keeping two for grave digging. Yesterday, I wasted around twelve steel bars just for steel pipes to drill for oil. The other day, I brought back over 80 pieces of iron in under thirty minutes just from one badland. Iron is not that scarce if you have a horse. Also, burried graves vanish faster than just bones. So, it's actually pretty useful to dig bones besides aesthetics.

Yeah, I don't recommend this at all. All you do is speed up the time bones decay by half for shovel uses. Even if you're making some special graveyard of important people you need to go through the effort of moving them one by one to their dedicated areas or else you'll jumble up the data on the bones.

Gravedigging is bad and you should feel bad for suggesting it to other people.

fug it’s Tarr.


#6 2019-05-01 09:41:41

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: My husband the new player

one time today we had the iron so i woudlnt of mind that they dug the bones but they did it in the place they died
one was even near the kiln

also this graves near each other you already know nobody gonna put a stone on it from inside out
it would look decent with dirt road between them and maybe people would bury them if it doesn't cost shovel

maybe we should do some fences for the mand dump everyone there livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#7 2019-05-01 10:09:17

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 353

Re: My husband the new player

Yeah I still laugh about Jason saying he wants us to care about families. The second my mother that did a great job her whole life turns into a pile of bones, its now a nuisance. Pretty much it seems like the ONLY thing that makes people hate of graves is the shovel. I would totally devote a life to making a graveyard with rose bushes, trees pillars and such, if I didn't feel like I was using town food up and griefing the iron supply. Pleasefix


#8 2019-05-01 11:18:19

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: My husband the new player

There is a github issue about this:

Made by someone else since it's an ongoing thing.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#9 2019-05-01 14:43:57

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 464

Re: My husband the new player

futurebird wrote:

There is a github issue about this:

Made by someone else since it's an ongoing thing.

Uhm wrong link smile


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