a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I would like to design an in-game study to find out if giving a kid a BP leads to them living to a longer age. Would need to control for things like town size and food supply. But, since making a good study would be hard I'll just ask: do you find that you are more likely to live to say 30 at least if you get a BP when young?
Do you notice it has an impact on the kids that you have?
I know some people are anti-kids with BP, but I think for moderate players (new but not noobs) they can save lives. And I think a lot of kids die because if they don't have a BP or clothing they grab a basket and needle and head out of town to make one which is dangerous. I know that's what I do. And most of the time I don't die *now* but when I was newer to the game. I most have left dozens of baskets with one berry and a rabbit trap in the prairie trying to get myself dressed.
Since the bug fix about items blocking spawning rabbits are abundant. So, now is a great time to see the impact getting everyone dressed in your town can have.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
I've tested this beforr and got some interesting results!
#1 You give your child basically *everything* everyone in town chips in, this baby has it all!
#2 You give your child a backpack, because you trust em
#3 Your child asks for a pack (give or take politness)
#4 you go hunting together and (if no one dies) the first thing your kid gets is a backpack!
#1 = tends to die in mid 20s, or if unlucky in thier teens!
#2 = Pretty sound, especially if they are a son, since they can make the best use may die in 20s grom yellow fever but not before shpwing thier family the fruits of their labour!
#3 = This one depends on how they ask. I've noticed that those who ask politely and don't chase you around normally live longer than those who don't!
#4 = Best scenario of all, since even if they die they learn, mainly get early 50s
However these all depend on players, these are just trends I've noticed
Recent favorite lives:
Favio Pheonix,Les Nana,Cloud Charles, Rosa Colo [fed my little bro] Lucas Dawn [husband of magnolia] Jasmine Yu,Chogiwa, Tae (Jazz meister)Gillian Yellow (adoptive husband),Jason Dua, Arya Stark, Sophie Cucci, Cerenity Ergo ,Owner of Boris The Goose,Being Maria's mom, Santa's helper.
I've never done any formal testing, but I tend to do #2 or #4, depending on availability of clothing/packs, sometimes #1 if the town is rich and can afford the excess. I almost never do #3, because I'm not giving some random kid my backpack until I'm cold and dead, politeness be damned. If there are productive teens or adults in town who lack packs, especially men, I'll usually give spare packs to them first, instead of handing them to random infants. But if most of the adults have backpacks and we have a decent supply of rabbits coming in, there's no harm in putting packs on babies. Ideally with a pie already loaded in there.
On the other side of the coin, as a veteran player, my survival does not depend on getting an early backpack BUT I do really enjoy lives where I start off with a backpack. Saves so much time and wasted effort. Allows me to work more efficiently and get a lot more accomplished when I'm too small to pull a cart. I really don't like towns with no clothing or too few packs/carts/horses. I will not ask for backpack, but I'll grab any pack I can find or scrounge together the supplies as soon as possible. I've lived a few lives where I was too busy doing other things to focus on making a pack and I really dislike it. Especially since that usually means that I'm so busy that I run the real risk of an in-town starvation death, if I forget that I don't have a back-up pie and fail to react to my hunger bell in time.
why test on your kids ? why not testify for yourself about backpacks ?
i cannot say anything with certainty involving any other player in game, since it's random, so the question if a kid does well or better or not or griefs with or without backpack is same random
what i know from my runs for sure, life with a backpack is more productive
in those lives where i was left without a backpack i was not able to be productive, what wonder ? if i have to run to & fro between a food source & workplace, that's waste of productivity 101
add to that no clothes & you are doomed as kid
in such cases, no backpack, no clothes, i went to get a basket, ball of yarn, needle, snare & something to eat, to go then to hunt rabbits & make my own backpack
usually such a life was about getting rabbits for the town, if i was a female, my kids got a loin cloth & a backpack as well, cause that's the most basic - loin cloth & backpack
another thing - old backpacks
it's very vexing if a backpack someone gave to you decays on your back while you are working, cripling your ability to do so
& about other players i gave a backpack, nobody said "no"
don't give packs to kids
you can give hot clothes
if you spoil the girls with full clothing, give the guys the packs
a pro player wont die without a pack, it's just convenience but surely will gather a lot more stuff with it
a kid fully spoiled with clothes might become a useless bully who doesn't understand why others stressing so much, and thinks herself as a leader while doing nothing and that will encourage kills or bear poking
my experience is that when a bear comes a naked guy gets arrows first and the geared girls die to it first
the life where i gave packs only if they did something useful turned the camp into a good place where naked idiots were easy to recognize, and people asked the right people for jobs
some people beg for packs for 15 straight minutes and i wont give them anyway also some babies risk their life to bump on clothes, i will give everything for other kids
gear the older people, the adolescents and the adults, if you skip over a few kids then gear their dumb little sister that is annoying
also when i make pack for myself and all noobs get one for free it's annoying cause i could have made a lot of progress on that 10-15 minutes
test your kid, if cant use a pack then no reason to give a pack, she can stay home in full clothes and work with food while males go out to scavenge
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
When I was first learning the game, I didn't really like having a backpack because I had trouble misclicking when eating. I'd just give mine away most of the time. I got better, but in those first dozen or so hours (don't judge, i'm old!) it was more a hindrance than a help.
I don't think a kids personality is gonna change if they get geared as a kid, Apart from crowns maybe.
Could make them more efficient or they just hoard four pies.
"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"
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