a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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There is a neat idea floating around and Jason seems to like it: what if the speech bubbles of people who are not in your family are garbled, unreadable. You know they said something but you don't know what. And what if what you say seems garbled to them as well?
I think this could be very neat, but if this is the only change I think it will just lead to some funny interactions with pantomime, and extended families keeping to themselves as they mostly do right now. There needs to be a way to break the ice and gain more languages and I suggest that method is *marriage*.
1. you can marry anyone with a different last name.
2. any two people can marry if they are ... say 16 years old, gender isn't an issue.
3. marriage gives man/woman couples a fertility boost (but we still get those sky babies)
4. when you marry you can now understand your spouse, you, your spouse and your kids are all bilingual. But no one else in your family gets this bonus.
This would give us family units with something in common binding them together. I love extended families and they are most typical in human history but we need that nuclear action too IMO.
I've suggested that gold rings be required for marriage but people don't like this idea much, and it's not central to the idea. I do think it's key that if we have language divides we have a way to get past them.
-role players will love it.
-men can have kids of their own at last, every child born after the marriage would be that guy's kid (or perhaps just make it all of the kids of his wife)
-these people become pivots between clans, and can translate, with all the stress that comes with that.
Anyway. I wanted to put this proposal in it's own thread, since there is some talk on the discord about the current direction of the update, but also ask about other ways people could get to know each other's languages. Some have suggested that you learn by hanging around, and that could work too, but seems less exciting.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Tbh I like the idea of marriage giving a fertility boost rather than babies being reliant on it. Instead of changing the game entirely, it just adds a useful element- though I can imagine people abusing this by trying to get people to do female-female marriages so both ends get the fertility boost.. hmm.
Maybe it should just be your traditional male-female pairing? It would give males a bit more of a use, since right now their only benefit is getting to work without interruption [which not many people care about, it seems.] Now they'd be able to boost fertility. That'd help a bit with balance.
Maybe the children could also carry the male's surname. That gives them also the power, in a way, to continue their lineage.. No more fertile females? Send your son towards town in search of a wife to continue your line. Children could appear on both family trees.. Also it goes without saying that after death, their family tree has a little "married to x" line, similar to the current murder system.
Another idea is that they can choose a new surname upon marriage, and create a new family tree together. That'd be an interesting dynamic. People did want the ability to branch off of their original lineage, this'd be a nice way to implement that.
Mostly just spitballing here. I like the potential of this tbh.
Last edited by Jk Howling (2019-05-09 02:53:40)
-Has ascended to better games-
I think that the marriage will unite the lastnames, for example:
A girl of lastname "Z" get married with a boy of lastname "H", if the first who name the kid is the father the kid's lastname will be "H-Z" and if the mother is the first who name the kid, he will be "Z-H". Then the kid grows and now he is a boy, he get married with a girl of lastname "N", if the boy is the first who name the kid, the kid will be "H-N" or "Z-N" (if the mother named he), if the girl name the kid, the kid will be "N-H" or "N-Z".
Idk if u can understand what I'm trying to say, lol.
Last edited by NiGB0 (2019-05-09 02:57:59)
Eve Gomez
So why is the different last name so important to you?
Believe you're right, but don't believe you can't be wrong.
Days peppers/onions/tomatoes left unfixed: 120
Do your part and remind Jason to fix these damn vegetables.
It gives a reason for communities to connect to each other mostly. You want marriage fertility boost? Find new people.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
It gives a reason for communities to connect to each other mostly. You want marriage fertility boost? Find new people.
Seems arbitrary...hmmm, wait. If it's supposed to be a fertility boost, why does gender not matter? Seems like it'd be essential?
Edit: ahhh, read further. Nevermind on the gender thing.
Last edited by FeignedSanity (2019-05-09 04:34:55)
Believe you're right, but don't believe you can't be wrong.
Days peppers/onions/tomatoes left unfixed: 120
Do your part and remind Jason to fix these damn vegetables.
Fertility boost because you've now added gene diversity, having children with your sister is always going to cause problems, if you even get so far as to have a living child come from the union.
I think same sex marriage would be fine honestly, just don't allow it to affect the fertility boost unless it's male/female. No real reason to exclude it otherwise
The Frank to your Cleopatra
Fertility boost because you've now added gene diversity, having children with your sister is always going to cause problems, if you even get so far as to have a living child come from the union.
Hmmm, now that's some logic I can get behind. Although I wouldn't go so far as to take away the option (same thing for same sex), but just don't give the fertility bonus (again, same for the same sex marriage).
Believe you're right, but don't believe you can't be wrong.
Days peppers/onions/tomatoes left unfixed: 120
Do your part and remind Jason to fix these damn vegetables.
I guess there is no reason to make brother sister marriage role play impossible. It's creepy IMO. But, so is murder and child labor. So... yeah.
You get fertility and language for marrying out of your name but can still make a link on the tree locally.
3rd cousins isn't so bad even by modern values.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
I guess there is no reason to make brother sister marriage role play impossible. It's creepy IMO. But, so is murder and child labor.
lol, yeah. Also, I'd just like to point out that there are people that are of the opinion that homosexuality is creepy. Personally me, it doesn't bother me as long as it's two consenting adults.
Although this has me thinking more and more how interesting it would be to have marriage in game. I'm against marriage in general, so I wonder if I'd ever do it (if it wasn't a gameplay requirement).
Believe you're right, but don't believe you can't be wrong.
Days peppers/onions/tomatoes left unfixed: 120
Do your part and remind Jason to fix these damn vegetables.
I might sort of like this idea -- it's at least really interesting -- but how are you going to arrange to marry someone if you can't talk to them?
Have you ever seen The Little Mermaid? Love isn't about words, happynova!
Give a rose.
Give a basket of pies and goodies.
/happy smile at them
Write a note for them (I think notes were not to be impacted by this change, as if everyone writes in latin)
Show you care about their work by bringing supplies.
Names should not be impacted by language, so the command could be
/love NAME
If you both say it while next to each other or on the same tile in a short period of time you are now linked on the family tree and the language barrier is gone.
Last edited by futurebird (2019-05-09 17:39:38)
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Have you ever seen The Little Mermaid? Love isn't about words, happynova!
Give a rose.
Give a basket of pies and goodies.
/happy smile at them
Write a note for them (I think notes were not to be impacted by this change, as if everyone writes in latin)Show you care about their work by bringing supplies.
Names should not be impacted by language, so the command could be
/love NAMEIf you both say it while next to each other or on the same tile in a short period of time you are now linked on the family tree and the language barrier is gone.
/yoohoo /hubba works like a charm when trying to get attention
.-.. .. ..-. . / .. ... / ... - .-. .- -. --. . .-.-.- / ... --- / .- -- / .. .-.-.-
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he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl
Pages: 1