a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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So here is a small change that could have a big impact ...add an item called the "purse" it's made by putting a rope on a rabbit skin water pouch then sewing them together.
The purse holds say... 10 items! But, those items can only be:
-gold ingots
-copper ingots
-steel ingots
-electrum ingots
-zinc ingots
Ideally the purse would go on the players waist and be visible and bulge when very full (this would help with issue of theft)
These items already have intrinsic value, but they can't be carried in large quantities meaning they don't meet one of the major requirements for becoming a currency. It also isn't good that some of these items can be used up. A currency starts with a trade item that is easy to carry, never spoils, and with high value.
Gold is the best canidate since it can't be destroyed except when made into a bell (should be possible to break and melt bells IMO if 3 players hit a bell with a smith hammer quickly it should revert to bars.)
But gold isn't that useful. One use for it could be to make gold foil using the same process as we use for copper foil. This foil could be used to wrap sterile pads making them portable. When the pad was used the foil could be melted a beaten again and reused.
Another idea is to add a gold plated knife (gold foil on a knife hit with hammer) this knife would not need to be heated when treating wounds.
Every large town would want these items.
And of course you could make gold needed for wedding rings (but I know some people don't like that, I do since it's one of the sources of the value we place in gold IRL, some of that value is an illusion, yes, but that's how currency starts...)
This is still just barter though-- for real currency we would need some way to mint coins. And the value of those coins can't just be the metal in them. But I don't think we have the population or town longevity or culture for that yet.... so first step? The purse.
-too easy to hide all the steel
-one person could get stung by skeeters and vast wealth is lost forever
-probably no easy way to make purse hang on people's waist, so it'd be an item in your bag or pocket. (maybe you can only use the purse with shorts? were this done I must insist that skirts get pockets)
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
I like the idea of currency and a pouch and this would undoubtedly aid trade however I can see some problems arising
-The hoarding of ingots
-Killings for wealth, which would not stop at one victim.
-The Smith profession would become much harder.
A similar idea is that the pouch and currency are virtual rather than physical. Every child is born with a favour point or currency point.
This point can be traded with others by typing "Give ---- 4 coins"
It would be the duty of the elders to distribute their currency among the next generation.
If someone dies with currency it gets deleted.
This method would be easy to use and could be used by all members of the village without the extra murders.
Eve Audette
I would prefer the vrtual currency, rather than an actual bag stuffed with gold bars. It would be easier to implement in-game and provide a closer approximation to how money works in the "real world" without requiring a bunch of finicky balancing.
The biggest problem with virtual currency is that it is purely symbolic. Like paper money, it is only worth something if people will honor its symbolic value. On its own, it does nothing and can't be used for anything. Fortunately, gamers tend to be natural hoarders. Some people will want to be the richest guy in town, even if it is effectively meaningless. That alone might be enough to fuel the creation of an economy. Or we could add player-made vending machines to the game which accept coins in exchange for items. This would allow people to trade the products of their labor without lengthy negotiations and provide a direct use for coins.
Destiny I really like the idea of vending machines, we may not have the time to sit and wait for a customer to buy our produce. I wonder if an approach that combines all our ideas would be possible. Virtual currency which is held in a pouch. You would use the pouch on vending machines instead of coins. Trade currency with another by typing the command.
Some problems might be that each pouch would need its held currency recorded and we still would have the murder for greed.
Last edited by JackTreehorn (2019-05-09 19:47:17)
Eve Audette
I kinda like that just about everything in this game is a physical object, though...
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
i like the purse, physical currency idea
people killing other for money shpuld definitely happen occasionaly in a game like this
but most impotantly, this game needs to develop a deep player driven economy
currency started with battering which SUCKED
you are a corn farmer and you need some new tools so you go to the smith but the smith doesn't want any corn! but he does want eggs, and the egg man wants carrots an the carrot farm needs seeds, ext ext
once a monarchy (government) was developed the idea of currency was created because its very hard to collect taxes if every one has an individual produce how do you determent the value of certain items?
because sure corn is important but if carrots are more important should the carrot farmer pay more?
and also have currency made it easer to trade! no more bartering!
originally the government would mint coins witch would made by the government and were made out of precious metals, but when we realized how rare they were and as the economy inflated we needed an easier way to make money so we started to print out money!
I think instead of making coins we should make paper bills because paper is easy to make!
this would be a undyed stack of cards + green/black/yellow/red all work (except for blue makes cards) = bills
"hear how the wind begins to whisper, but now it screams at me" said ashe
"I remember it from a Life I never Lived" said Peaches
"Now Chad don't invest in Asian markets" said Chad's Mom
Herry the man who cheated death
but if no one has to pay taxes what is the point of paper money?
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
but if no one has to pay taxes what is the point of paper money?
its easer to make
"hear how the wind begins to whisper, but now it screams at me" said ashe
"I remember it from a Life I never Lived" said Peaches
"Now Chad don't invest in Asian markets" said Chad's Mom
Herry the man who cheated death
Currency isn't useful if there isn't any trade
no money pls no money, we've already discussed this.
theft is a bad thing in games, 100% theft even worse
but in ohol there are no half solutions
beat someone for money? they will curse and kill you
the other issue is value
in order to have useful currency you need value for everything
but then you need access to items
simplest would be an ai trader shop
the other issue is inflation
when you create money, the worth of money is dropping
then there is the issue of sharing
either everything you make needs to be sold or has no meaning
you could technically have items which can be only bought then a new category would be needed
we could have buffs for money only but that's kinda magical
then the problem of inheritance
i could see a system where you do quests for money or xp system but it just doesn't seem to fit into the gmae right now
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.