One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2019-05-13 03:46:23

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Late village life is really good right now

Yeah last live I had was in a town that definitely seemed to have ruins around. Found the crumbling remains of an eve camp barely 100-150 tiles south of our little place. Found a handful of broken down fenced in areas around. Land was nearly barren surrounding us- no milkweed, no wild foods, no saplings. Everything had been picked clean except the trees and the ponds.

Our little town was doing pretty well though. We had a charcoal pump on our well and a real fence pen for the sheep I finally got [was nearly completed when I was born, so I decided to add the corner entrances and finish it. Our land had a good number of maple trees, even if everything else was picked clean, so there's that.]

Weird thing was that there were already sheep pelts and even a felt hat laying around.. so I can only assume there was a larger, possibly dead civilization nearby somwewhere. I considered making a lasso to tame a horse and riding out but I was getting a bit old by then and we needed the ropes for other things.

-Has ascended to better games-


#27 2019-05-13 06:31:16

Registered: 2018-12-30
Posts: 943

Re: Late village life is really good right now

wondible wrote:

But something seems off, looks like lots of eves are still on a spiral.

From my understanding that spiral will now continue onto itself instead of moving at the end of it. So yes a spiral still, but one that should only reset location with updates. I think it will start over at the oldest lineage like it does now.

Last edited by Grim_Arbiter (2019-05-13 06:31:42)

I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.


#28 2019-05-13 18:47:23

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Late village life is really good right now

Wondible, do you have code written that makes that birth plot?  It's nice!


#29 2019-05-13 19:18:00

Registered: 2019-05-08
Posts: 328

Re: Late village life is really good right now

jasonrohrer wrote:

Wondible, do you have code written that makes that birth plot?  It's nice!

It looks like it's made in R to me.

Really straightforward scatterplot (x,y) with points colored by timestamp.


#30 2019-05-13 19:32:44

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 855

Re: Late village life is really good right now

jasonrohrer wrote:

Wondible, do you have code written that makes that birth plot?  It's nice!

This is out of my R project, which is derived from the player time vs. suicide question, so it still loads all of history to calculate the player time. I probably should stop doing that, though it's still used in the cohort graphs. This map could probably run off just births. The map is very one-off right now, using a manual cutoff time and coordinate area.

In theory you can run setup R and springsmap R. I use concatenated files (concat sh) to try and speed up loading.

It depends on the lifelog cache from my family trees project. But you should be able to change the directory pretty easy if you have your own mirror.

Last edited by wondible (2019-05-16 14:30:09) -- --
Custom client with  autorun, name completion, emotion keys, interaction keys, location slips, object search, camera pan, and more


#31 2019-05-13 20:39:00

Registered: 2019-03-02
Posts: 43

Re: Late village life is really good right now

Spoonwood wrote:
Dodge wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:

Nope.  That woman could have produced more if she hadn't made the property.  The rope is a bucket, say for milk.  Also, I doubt that you used up all closeby springs.  That's really late for a diesel engine.  And making a diesel engine before oil just isn't good to begin with.  Your experience doesn't tell much about late village life in general, more like a late village life with inferior players.

Three pipes?  Are you that slow are using the roller and bore Jason, or was the family out of iron?

Oh hey... a loom before oil also.  Making that also consumed water earlier that could have gotten used to get oil up.  And a sword.  I don't blame Dodge for 'testing' it, but it does indicate a problem, since he was clearly NOT playing for his lineage there, when you experienced the water crisis later because of him NOT playing for the sake of his lineage.  Really, Dodge's comment should clue you in that this update worked AGAINST the goal of people playing for their lineages.  Oh... and Dodge was a woman, wasting water and wanting to go to war.  Fertile women dying doesn't contribute to lineages also.

The abundant resources had an aesthetic effect that was more pleasing.  As someone else said it made it feel like you were out in the wilderness instead of in some picked over teenage wasteland (alright, the person I've parphrased... I think it's Psykout... didn't say 'teenage wasteland').


You have no serious refutation, let alone a comment, on anything I say, so you end up resorting to some silly meme in the hopes that it distracts from the points I made.

Man, I think that you have some serious problem with this game/Jason personally. Dodge's comment is summary od your forum activity. You just bashed a guy for "not contributing to the linage" beacuse he was just having fun. The reply wasn't about to refutate your arguments, it was just a riposte. Pretty funny IMO

Stop forcing people to play the way that YOU like them to. And stop whining about it when they don't listen. Spoiler: They never will.

Remember fun? Check it out sometime...



#32 2019-05-13 21:22:06

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Late village life is really good right now

Mushroom wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:
Dodge wrote:


You have no serious refutation, let alone a comment, on anything I say, so you end up resorting to some silly meme in the hopes that it distracts from the points I made.

Man, I think that you have some serious problem with this game/Jason personally. Dodge's comment is summary od your forum activity. You just bashed a guy for "not contributing to the linage" beacuse he was just having fun. The reply wasn't about to refutate your arguments, it was just a riposte. Pretty funny IMO

Stop forcing people to play the way that YOU like them to. And stop whining about it when they don't listen. Spoiler: They never will.

Remember fun? Check it out sometime...

I NEVER said that my personal desire was for people to play for their lineages.

No, Dodge has not summarized my forum activity accurately.

On top of that, I think I already said that I wasn't talking to Dodge, I was talking to Jason.  Jason has said:

jasonrohrer wrote:

As I've said many times, I want your decisions in the game to matter, at all levels.  I want running a successful village to be hard, and I want you to care enough to get good at handling that challenge.  I want town leadership to be necessary, because the challenge is so difficult, and I want disagreements and politics to unfold around that leadership.  I want the survival of your family to really matter to you.

But then people play in a way contrary to that, because, in this case, the design changes he choose to implement... in particular swords.  He had a problem with steel pipes, and those require steel rods as do swords.  And they had a water crisis, and you have to run the roller to make steel rods, and that requires a bucket of water.  So Jason's take away should be that he made a mistake with this update if he wants people to play for the sake of their lineages.  You don't want to play for your lineage, that's your choice, and I'm not judging your choices.  But when Jason says that he wants people to play for their lineages and then they don't in part because they got encouraged by an update that Jason made, well, then Jason should get held responsible in so far as he can be said to do so for discouraging people to play for their lineages because that's the standard that Jason set.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#33 2019-05-13 21:35:50

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Late village life is really good right now

Creating an interesting game means that you can't always be "nice" to players. So, adding obstacles to reaching the games goal isn't bad, in fact it's necessary. The question is are the obstacles a developer cultivates exciting and interesting or stressful and repetitive?

And it's hard to know how a change will play out, to some degree, before you try it because humans aren't predictable.

I think the massacres (which aren't really war, war has more purpose and strategy and involves two groups of people not just one bad actor) are more stressful than interesting. But, not everyone seems to agree.

I just hope future updates offer some balance and the sword is nerfed a bit because it seems to kill too many people to quickly.

This means I kind of agree with you spoonwood, but I don't understand the accusatory tone or your lack of appreciation for the complexity of changing and balancing a game this complex. Frankly I worry that the antagonistic way you complain will make the rest of us less likely to be heard because the people who don't really like the sword get lumped in with you as a bunch of complainers who never like any changes to the game.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#34 2019-05-13 22:04:29

Registered: 2019-05-08
Posts: 328

Re: Late village life is really good right now

I'm actually fairly neutral about swords.

Like @futurebird, I agree that obstacles are important to adding complexity to the game, and I see the validity of Jason's desire to stop the game from becoming a "Garden of Eden" by adding obstacles. I think there's a deep philosophical objective that Jason carries to OHOL (and all of his games), and in my opinion it's elegant in its own unique ways.

-- I do think Jason really likes evoking strong emotions with the game (whether it is the "fluffy" warm feeling or the shock of being massacred without purpose or warning).

So I'm not really complaining about swords from an artistic standpoint.

I'm worried that it will negatively impact the playerbase who hates PvP, attract more PvP-loving "griefers" who find great delight mass-massacres out of fun, trolling, and in general have a negative impact on the playerbase as a whole.

Actually there were two instances in the past few days where I spawned to a mom who was using blatantly nazi/racist language -- e.g. "we don't like n*ggers here" -- and I'll give the benefit of the doubt that they were joking/rp-ing/meme-ing and referring to something in-game, but there's something about this that bothers me deeply, even if it's just inside of  a game.

I'm not black (I'm Chinese-American), but there's something that rubs me the wrong way.

Maybe someone can help me find the words for this?

I don't find it funny. Maybe some people find it super funny to joke/meme about racism, but for some people (including some people in our own playerbase), racism is very real.

There's something inherently disgusting to me about playing a "racism simulator".

Right now in OHOL sometimes I find myself in a town where people are joking: "Kill all the gingers!" (I got spawned in the middle of a raid to a raider mom with blood splattering everywhere)

These kinds of jokes are just distasteful to me.

Of course, this happens rarely, and most of my games right now are still quiet and normal, but it happened twice to me (so I'm sure it's probably happened to a bunch of others).


#35 2019-05-13 22:35:30

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Late village life is really good right now

futurebird wrote:

Frankly I worry that the antagonistic way you complain will make the rest of us less likely to be heard because the people who don't really like the sword get lumped in with you as a bunch of complainers who never like any changes to the game.

Look, I said this:

Spoonwood wrote:

I think players need time to adapt to this new change.  I think the change will be positive overall.

with regard to the pump overhaul  No, I didn't edit that part, at least not for it's content, perhaps phrasing, but not it's content.  I think the pump overhaul has been a positive change for the game and became convinced of that playing in the week on bs2 after it came out.  Even with fewer wild resources (which I don't think is a good change, but I don't find it all that clear cut either unlike swords), I still think the pump/water overhaul made for a good change to the game.  It made people more likely to play for their family's survival, because people would make that tech anyways, and now had a good contribution to make.  Less expectedly to me, it encouraged more strategic road building, and I think that such road builders have played for their family's survival.  So, that update worked out even better than I expected, and the positive results seemed fairly fast.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2019-05-13 22:38:45)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#36 2019-05-13 22:43:47

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Late village life is really good right now

I don't find it funny either. I think it's that it doesn't occur to people that some people have heard words like like that in contexts other than game chats where they are used just to be crude and brash, but had that kind of stuff directed *at* us.

There is a kinda happy story though. I was one of the black Eves and wandered in to this ginger town on the first day of the update. I was on edge not just in the game but because it was a lot like being the only black kid in a school which is like half of my real life. It could go bad or good.

But, even though no one could understand me they were really nice and I helped with the oil well and had two kids who got along just fine despite not being able to communicate well.

The language really worked to make my little family seem essential it was nice to have two people I could talk to.

I mean it's not super surprising that it was a positive experience most people who play this game are nice.

And I wonder if being in that role of not knowing how to talk to anyone and sticking out like a sore thumb because you look so different would teach players who haven't had that experience anything? Like that could be good.

I suspect the player base is a lot more diverse for this game than for many other games. So, IDK maybe think about that before making a racist-sounding "joke" or naming you black child "Niguel" (The name my mother wanted for me the TWO times that happened was another word. And in one case I killed her later which is one way to deal with negative emotions I guess.)

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#37 2019-05-13 23:56:37

Registered: 2018-12-29
Posts: 579

Re: Late village life is really good right now

wow why is their so much hate on spoonwood? sure some times he is nitpicking which we all do at some point but usually he us just challenging ideas and common beliefs...

I don't really like this nitpick attitude but with out the people who nitpick we wouldn't be able to see problems that would or have arrived...

"hear how the wind begins to whisper, but now it screams at me" said ashe
"I remember it from a Life I never Lived" said Peaches
"Now Chad don't invest in Asian markets" said Chad's Mom
Herry the man who cheated death


#38 2019-05-14 00:05:55

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Late village life is really good right now

I don't hate him. I just get tired of all the "well actually" I tend to agree with him more often than not.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


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