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Eating a variety of foods is more nutritious than a mono diet. So it makes sense that eating 6 different foods provides more nutrition than only eating berries.
However, the order than you eat foods isn't that important IRL, but in the game you can cut the value of food in half by eating foods in the wrong order.
Yum should be determined by: number of distinct foods eaten/total number of food items eaten
It shouldn't be a chain. It just makes people furtively eat raw corn.
I can hear you munching! Don't think no one noticed.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
I think the current way yum works, albeit a little big gamey is good, it doesen't need to make sense.
The only thing we need is better storage and even more food from the ingrdients we alread have
Cabbage salad? We have vinegar.
Raw tomatoes eaten raw please.
Yum isn't affected by the order of foods. If you eat a mutton pie as a child and then popcorn as an adult you've probably not gotten as much as you've could have by eating popcorn as a child and then mutton pie as an adult, if you're eating at 3 bars left for each food. But, that has nothing to do with yum. Yum is determined by the number of distinct foods eaten.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
Yum isn't affected by the order of foods. If you eat a mutton pie as a child and then popcorn as an adult you've probably not gotten as much as you've could have by eating popcorn as a child and then mutton pie as an adult, if you're eating at 3 bars left for each food. But, that has nothing to do with yum. Yum is determined by the number of distinct foods eaten.
It is affected by order:
berry in a bowl
mutton pie
Would be yum +5
berry in a bowl
mutton pie
Is only +2 even though you ate the same items.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
If I'm understanding futurebird correctly, they would like the yum chain to reflect the number of unique foods eaten in the past N foods.
For instance, suppose the game tracked the last 20 foods that a player ate, and the yum multiplier = number of unique foods out of 20.
Yumming is simpler and more challenging as it currently is.
OK fine so not my best idea. I just think if it was about overall variety rather than the rather gamey "perfect chain" more people would pay attention to the variety of food that they ate even though the "perfect yum" mini-game would be gone for those who like it.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Yes, there are some weird side-effects to the way it currently works (eating the same "food basket" in a different order, as you point out, results in different results).
However, I worry that any other implementation would be much harder for players to reason about. Yes, it is gamey.... but you pick up a food and see YUM or MEH, so it's pretty clear, and you get that nice little number. Also, building up a big chain is rewarding. When you walk by a cactus on happenstance, you're like SWEET, a cactus fruit! It maps closely enough to the attraction you'd have in real life to a food you haven't eaten in a long time. So there's a nice "jackpot" feeling there, when you see some interesting new food... it's close enough to the real feeling that it probably counts as real playing.
Thanks for the clarification futurebird.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
However, I worry that any other implementation would be much harder for players to reason about. Yes, it is gamey.... but you pick up a food and see YUM or MEH, so it's pretty clear, and you get that nice little number.
You probably underestimate your playerbase here..
I know you're proud of your hud design with regards to yumming but, not to be rude or anything, we're not dogs.
Don't worry, we can take in much more than just "bad " or "good
Besides, nobody is really suggesting anything more complex than the current pokemon-go game.
When you walk by a cactus on happenstance, you're like SWEET, a cactus fruit! It maps closely enough to the attraction you'd have in real life to a food you haven't eaten in a long time. So there's a nice "jackpot" feeling there, when you see some interesting new food...
Ironically I'm pretty sure that feeling is completely forgotten by the people who go on literal yum quests.
The kind of people who do this probably memorized tons of recipes and know where to find any food and can get them effortlessly.
In fact, most players know they will likely get it if they go in nearby deserts and then they get it. Pretty underwhelming if you ask me.
In fact, I'm talking from experience. I do yum sometimes. Sometimes I don't even bother eating the cactus fruit. I forget about it.
Yes, there are some weird side-effects to the way it currently works (eating the same "food basket" in a different order, as you point out, results in different results).
However, I worry that any other implementation would be much harder for players to reason about. Yes, it is gamey.... but you pick up a food and see YUM or MEH, so it's pretty clear, and you get that nice little number. Also, building up a big chain is rewarding. When you walk by a cactus on happenstance, you're like SWEET, a cactus fruit! It maps closely enough to the attraction you'd have in real life to a food you haven't eaten in a long time. So there's a nice "jackpot" feeling there, when you see some interesting new food... it's close enough to the real feeling that it probably counts as real playing.
Completely right about that feeling when you see a cactus fruit, it feels nice because its a new food that you can yum off, but that breaks down immediately. The fact its an uncapped chain makes you look at foods either as awesome or worthless with no in between. Also it confines foods to only being balanced off of pips gained, rather than if it could be a extra yummy tasty food that took a lot to make. It's cheaper to just grow corn so people can get one yum from eating shucked corn than it is to make tacos or icecream. I feel like it would be a great addition to have foods be balanced around either being nutritious or yum filled, and would give you space for making complex foods that aren't dumpstered by the playerbase because its not cost effective from a pip stance.
Cap yum at 10
When reaching max of 10, next food eaten resets chain
Specialty foods give +2 yum
This is pretty rough with loopholes, and reasoning how raw and basic foods figure in I am not fully sure on so don't want to just throw out ideas. One ingredient pies I don't think should count, but rabbit+carrot or carrot+berry would. Something that makes us actively yum more, made it a more widespread and utilized mechanic. Every time you add a new food it makes an uncapped chain easier to do, to the point that you will eventually not need to eat for 1/3 of your life. By making it reset as part of the feature, you would want to pay attention to when you reset it and why. About to leave to find iron, get up to 8 yum and bring a couple snacks with to get to 10 while you are out. Leaving with max stacks could be sketchy if you are gone too long and need to break it in the wilds. That second banana might save you, or kill you in the long run, that sounds fun.
Also it wouldn't be as infuriating if someone accidentally or intentionally breaks your chain. Rather than ruining a lifetime of work, making you want or to actually murder the feeder (happened to me before), you'd just think "well I wasn't planning on doing that quite yet, dang it" It would pay off to have people actively making specialty foods for the town, you would be happy to see some tacos or burritos laying around to get a easier yum boost without overeating to get there. I hate wasting food to stack up a chain to increase my fertility, eating a raw or wild carrot with only two pips down just to see a little x13 on my screen. How much bonus food you get from the chain would most likely need to be reduced as it would be common to have a chain going, might be the best candidate to get rid of the server wide extra food value though.
That would also stop all the got dang baby shacking. I hate being shook, but if I need kids shake the baby I shall. Gotta eat the berry rabbit carrot pie as soon as I get one pip down!
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
That would also stop all the got dang baby shacking. I hate being shook, but if I need kids shake the baby I shall. Gotta eat the berry rabbit carrot pie as soon as I get one pip down!
EXACTLY that. Since the food bonus has to go down before you can eat again, in order to get a higher stack you feel compelled to eat with barely any pips down in order to get the fertility boost, or just a higher yum number.
Thing is yum is hard to teach in-game. I'll say "don't eat the same thing all the time and you won't be as hungry" and maybe the player takes my advice, but it's hard to notice a plus +3 or +2 yum. For the longest time I thought that yum didn't do anything and it was just some odd obsession for weirdos because I was breaking the chain at like +5.
So maybe make the time bonus of yum bigger for +2-+5 and have it taper off to the point where it has no real effect at higher levels. Make it so eating two berries in a row is NOTICEABLY worse than at least alternating foods?
Last edited by futurebird (2019-05-14 04:48:04)
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
If it was capped and reset after max, maybe eating same foods doesn't break it, but doesn't stack it either? As said, you can't eat if you have the bonus, so you would notice that when eating the same foods over you never start getting a bonus again. After X amount of time without eating a new yum food the chain also resets. Make the +bonus and the YUM/MEH graphic 10% larger or add some color to grab attention, and people would figure it out quicker.
That would also stop all the got dang baby shacking. I hate being shook, but if I need kids shake the baby I shall. Gotta eat the berry rabbit carrot pie as soon as I get one pip down!
Perhaps something with lifetime unique foods / pips consumed (not gained) would discourage waste.
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