One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-05-15 05:00:01

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 467

Idea: Males giving passive boost to fertility

Alright , so I'm getting highly put off by the misandry going on recently.

Born into Amazonian families twice where I was a boy once and promptly stabbed to death on birth, and another time as a girl and was asked to pledge to destroy any boy I give birth to or any boy another woman give birth too.

It sickens me, and for the first time I fist-pumped use /die

Maybe it's because I'm a guy IRL but I can't help but think these people are just gaming the system. In a system where guys have to scrape the bottom of a barrel to justify our presence

I've seen some ideas
Like making marriage possible
Guys having advantage at physically demanding actions

Is it possible to have guys radiate increased fertility rates in a given radius? At least we don't get faulted for ending the line because as it stand we are all basically eunuchs

Disclaimer: I'm in no way implying everyone basically shags everyone of the opposite sex when we apply this sort of mechanic but I guess this does look that way


#2 2019-05-15 06:46:16

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Idea: Males giving passive boost to fertility

RodneyC86 wrote:

Maybe it's because I'm a guy IRL but I can't help but think these people are just gaming the system. In a system where guys have to scrape the bottom of a barrel to justify our presence.

If it makes you feel any better, I feel the same way and I'm a girl.   

If I'm born into an Amazonian clan, I'll nope right out of there ASAP, because I can't stand that boy-hating stupidity.  Male villagers are VERY important to having a healthy, balanced village.    You need to have non-fertile adults who can focus on important and dangerous or time-sensitive tasks, like rabbit-hunting, iron retrieval, smithing, and more.   Women are important too, obviously, but having to juggle random sky babies puts a serious hitch in your stride when you are a reproductive age woman.   Almost half of a woman's life is overshadowed by reproductive duties, so you either have to put your projects on hold so you can focus on fertility or get repeatedly interrupted by unwanted babies and risk losing the opportunity for more kids.   It's not a great choice and one that can be difficult to balance with the needs of the village as a whole.   Having a mix of adult men and women allows for greater gender specialization and also helps to prevent the out-of-control population growth that can happen when you over-select for female offspring.    You really don't want your population to grow faster than your village infrastructure.

I'd love to have some way for men to be more involved in the lineage's survival and able to have a direct role in parenting.  It sucks that there are no fathers in this game, except for the adopted fathers.


#3 2019-05-15 07:30:30

From: Polska
Registered: 2018-08-12
Posts: 271

Re: Idea: Males giving passive boost to fertility

I'd like fathers but killing your male babies is not misandry lmao. It's a video game, not real life. Also it is likely your mom and other people from amazonian tribes are males irl, so yeah... don't complain about misandry just because males are not as good as females in ohol.

I sign my ingame notes as Gio or Truz.
big baby:
most kids:


#4 2019-05-15 07:57:03

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Idea: Males giving passive boost to fertility

Honestly, not a fan of the whole "it's just a game, so the hate isn't real" excuse.    If someone is preaching a "kill all male babies" philosophy to their village, that's no better than someone who preaches "kill all gingers" or "kill all blacks" philosophy in a different village.   They might not actually hate red-haired or black-skinned people in real life, but that doesn't make me feel any happier to be playing the same game as them.   It's really distasteful, especially in a multi-player game with a diverse player base. 

And even if I didn't have a moral objection to it, I think it is a dumb strategy from a game perspective too.   Which makes me even more mistrustful of anyone who tries to push the "boys are useless" meta by forming female-only villages.


#5 2019-05-15 08:58:23

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 467

Re: Idea: Males giving passive boost to fertility

hmrka wrote:

I'd like fathers but killing your male babies is not misandry lmao. It's a video game, not real life. Also it is likely your mom and other people from amazonian tribes are males irl, so yeah... don't complain about misandry just because males are not as good as females in ohol.

Okay virtual misandry then. It still sucks we have to put up with it, virtual or not.


#6 2019-05-15 12:08:37

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Idea: Males giving passive boost to fertility

i was cursed several times lately and the common thing is that im a male
they seem to hate on males , last time they told "i stole clothes" when i made my own and had everything since kid age, i swapped something on a kid but swapped it back, but was enough to every stupid roleplayer to jump on me

the other life this twins didn't work at all cause they need to get girl kids, but then they poke bears to kill us all
and i was cursed cause the griefer is their mother, and im just an old male who fed everyone for a life

we quite need some buffs to them
my idea was a taunt system where you cn protect one female if agreed upon livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#7 2019-05-15 12:40:46

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Idea: Males giving passive boost to fertility

hmrka wrote:

I'd like fathers but killing your male babies is not misandry lmao. It's a video game, not real life. Also it is likely your mom and other people from amazonian tribes are males irl, so yeah... don't complain about misandry just because males are not as good as females in ohol.

Fair and true points. But, killing all the boys is still crumby game play, it's not even a good strategy. Take this family I was in. I was one of Eve's son's. I scouted and found the location for the town, brought food and not to brag (OK I'm bragging) this whole linage wouldn't have existed without me. (I was Champ Wild) … id=4448841

OK my mom and sister were pretty tight players too. But, being a dude I was able to do so much for them.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#8 2019-05-15 18:01:11

Registered: 2019-02-04
Posts: 4

Re: Idea: Males giving passive boost to fertility

I find it pretty pointless being a male, because the main fun I have in playing the game is seeing my children and grandchildren continue to build the camps that I help start. I like the idea of males being a passive fertility boost, but even better, - I'm not saying add the gory details of human reproduction to the game - but it would provide a different angle to gameplay if the male could even choose a designated female to have babies with, while the other females in the camp could get work done with less of a chance of random sky babies, and I think it would be great if the males could appear on the family trees and take a little bit of credit for the babies that they help bring about.

« All of my children's first names have the same first letter. »


#9 2019-05-15 18:45:41

Joseph Stalin
From: Москва
Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 207

Re: Idea: Males giving passive boost to fertility

does the pregnant belly have any use?
just asking


#10 2019-05-16 03:50:10

From: United States
Registered: 2019-05-10
Posts: 59

Re: Idea: Males giving passive boost to fertility

RodneyC86 wrote:

Alright , so I'm getting highly put off by the misandry going on recently.

Born into Amazonian families twice where I was a boy once and promptly stabbed to death on birth, and another time as a girl and was asked to pledge to destroy any boy I give birth to or any boy another woman give birth too.

It sickens me, and for the first time I fist-pumped use /die

Maybe it's because I'm a guy IRL but I can't help but think these people are just gaming the system. In a system where guys have to scrape the bottom of a barrel to justify our presence

I've seen some ideas
Like making marriage possible
Guys having advantage at physically demanding actions

Is it possible to have guys radiate increased fertility rates in a given radius? At least we don't get faulted for ending the line because as it stand we are all basically eunuchs

Disclaimer: I'm in no way implying everyone basically shags everyone of the opposite sex when we apply this sort of mechanic but I guess this does look that way

Hoo boy, I've never been born into an Amazonian town before and I'm glad. Boys are super important even though they can't have kids! Who's gonna do exploring? Or foraging? Or hunting? It's so hard to do that when you're popping out babies every thirty seconds...and boys can even babysit in a pinch by feeding babies berries. I've done that as a guy to a couple kids who've gotten lost, before their moms or another woman scoops them up again.

I think giving guys more physical strength wouldn't be super helpful in the long run, but I like the idea of passive fertility going up when adult guys are in the area (same age range as moms able to give birth). Or maybe they only give that passive fertility boost to a specific woman when the two get married, which would encourage marriages to happen early on and might lead to some interesting team play dynamics.

Then again, that might decrease the gay wedding rp (which doesn't really serve a purpose other than companionship but makes my heart happy) and perhaps more importantly, isn't super true to real life...I mean, especially in a stone age survival setting, how many people are waiting to get married before they impart their "fertility bonus"? lol

Maybe guys could have like three "fertility points" they could bestow on a woman or different women if they both want, which would up her chances of birthing a child within a certain time period...maybe one to two minutes?

Anyway, as much as I love playing a loving mother, some of my favorite lives have been as men because I get to explore and/or focus my life on a single pursuit like carrot farming or baking, without constantly being interrupted by kids.

I hope you get born into less misandrist towns from now on.

My name's Ash. And yes, I want to be the very best, like no one ever was.

And no, I've never played Pokemon. It just...kinda happened that way.


#11 2019-05-16 07:19:12

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Idea: Males giving passive boost to fertility

Joseph Stalin wrote:

does the pregnant belly have any use?
just asking

stores pips lost by eating berry, so the berry fields don't go dry as fast and you can spot out the sponges to kill, they also will run slower
also you can throw them snowballs to boost their metabolism to motivate them working faster

and it's a preparation for beer update where adult males can drink a lot of beer when all the females die out livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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