One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-05-16 04:03:25

Registered: 2019-04-13
Posts: 88

How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

I would love to hear ideas people have that would keep late game city life interesting.

Some ideas that could be interesting are:

1. Crop diseases! after 100 years of the berry bushes being in the same location crop blight starts to attack some of the berries and will spread to nearby plants. You need to make new fields or treat the bushes with a fungicide.

2. More reasons to build buildings. Sure we have warmth but the downsides of buildings seem greater than the upsides. Since you can't have a city without buildings maybe they could prevent decay of food and clothing etc if stuff was stored inside

3. More late game jobs! There are a lot of fun food recipes to make and people jumped on the new fashion options. What about Leatherworking? if you look up the process for making leather it is extensive and right in line with other processes in this game. We could make leather backpacks that hold 6 items and never decay or leather jackets but the process to make them would take a while.

I really like the creativity of this community so please share your ideas smile


#2 2019-05-16 04:11:07

Registered: 2019-05-08
Posts: 328

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

I would like to see don't starve style deerclopalypse (bosses that are attracted to large towns/cities).

And maybe occasionally lightening strikes that start fires.

Or maybe the ability to drill deeper into exhausted mines -- but the higher you go up the tech tree there's a chance you'll dig your way into hell and all these evil devil creatures start pouring out (Dwarf Fortress).

Honestly, there should be an iron tech tree for iron sustainability just like there's a water tech tree.


#3 2019-05-16 04:15:01

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

Climate change/Over Farming Migration Crisis:

-areas that are intensively farmed (hoe used more than 6 times on one spot, berries that are watered more than 15 times) turn to desert and desert cannot support crops of any kind.
-this is a slow creeping process that takes two generations
-once the process starts it's spreads to adjacent tiles slowly taking over the area

This alone would just annoy me as would crop diseases, just another dang problem! so at the same time as you add the problem add the solution:

-add two horse carts that can carry two people (or four people if it's women with kids) and 6 large items
-they are a little complex to build it takes about a generation to make a pair of carts.

Because when the desert creeps in to your town the only thing to do is pack up and move the whole family. Some on foot some in carts a group migration to a spot ideally scouted by some of your better young explorers.

Or you could try to find an abandon town, or blend in to an existing town and learn their language and ways.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#4 2019-05-16 04:15:19

Registered: 2019-04-13
Posts: 88

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

lychee wrote:

I would like to see don't starve style deerclopalypse (bosses that are attracted to large towns/cities).

And maybe occasionally lightening strikes that start fires.

Or maybe the ability to drill deeper into exhausted mines -- but the higher you go up the tech tree there's a chance you'll dig your way into hell and all these evil devil creatures start pouring out (Dwarf Fortress).

Honestly, there should be an iron tech tree for iron sustainability just like there's a water tech tree.

ooh mining equipment could be so cool!


#5 2019-05-16 04:18:20

From: United States
Registered: 2019-05-10
Posts: 59

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

I've personally always thought meat decay should be a thing, although it would make the game as a whole more difficult, so maybe it's not the best idea on the planet. Say, for example, I run across a bunch of skinned long have they been sitting there? Who knows? Cook 'em anyway! It's super convenient for the early game, but I think it would be more realistic and in line with the game if raw meat decayed after a certain amount of time (say, five real time minutes) of disuse. Maybe cooking and eating said meat could cause character illness and/or death.

Then, in a big city, you could start finding ways to preserve meat so that doesn't happen. Maybe people could cart in blocks of ice and snow from the tundra, keeping it cool in boxes filled with straw and storing it in a cold room. That would incentivize buildings as well, since you'd need a room to keep the meat cool in. That would allow people to store meat indefinitely and support a larger population.

In the case that people still ate bad meat, further medication could also be available to develop to treat those illnesses. Maybe some people could devote their lives to gathering/farming certain herbs that could be combined into cures for certain illnesses that only spread among large populations (Black Plague, anyone?).

With the new language update, language learning is more in demand than ever, and maybe, a schoolhouse could be crafted that would allow characters who speak the target language or bilingual characters (using some sort of language learning algorithm) to teach children different languages, increasing the speed at which they learn and can help communicate.

Like your suggestion about leather, maybe people could devote themselves to practical arts, blowing glass instruments like beakers (for medicine) and drinking glasses and creating large plates of steel for steel buildings (more durable and holds more temperature than wooden?).

Maybe more food options could become available, including the brewing of wine, beer, and other alcohol (which could have interesting effects on gameplay!). Maybe better tech for farming could be developed (like tractors), allowing people to farm huge tracts of land and expand their growing population.

As a side note, I just lived one of my best lives in a large town because our abundance of resources meant we had time for rp drama that wouldn't kill us (well, it killed the guy who I turned down for marriage, but that was his own damn fault for being a drama queen and For people who don't like rp, however, more technology to help with farming would be fun, I think.

My name's Ash. And yes, I want to be the very best, like no one ever was.

And no, I've never played Pokemon. It just...kinda happened that way.


#6 2019-05-16 04:20:06

From: United States
Registered: 2019-05-10
Posts: 59

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

futurebird wrote:

Climate change/Over Farming Migration Crisis:

-areas that are intensively farmed (hoe used more than 6 times on one spot, berries that are watered more than 15 times) turn to desert and desert cannot support crops of any kind.
-this is a slow creeping process that takes two generations
-once the process starts it's spreads to adjacent tiles slowly taking over the area

This alone would just annoy me as would crop diseases, just another dang problem! so at the same time as you add the problem add the solution:

-add two horse carts that can carry two people (or four people if it's women with kids) and 6 large items
-they are a little complex to build it takes about a generation to make a pair of carts.

Because when the desert creeps in to your town the only thing to do is pack up and move the whole family. Some on foot some in carts a group migration to a spot ideally scouted by some of your better young explorers.

Or you could try to find an abandon town, or blend in to an existing town and learn their language and ways.

Along with that, could there maybe be a way to restore the land by planting trees and grass? You might still have to move because it'd take a long time for the land to go back to normal (maybe a generation or two, whereas if you did nothing the desert might last for three to five generations).

My name's Ash. And yes, I want to be the very best, like no one ever was.

And no, I've never played Pokemon. It just...kinda happened that way.


#7 2019-05-16 04:22:29

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?


I'm serious. If it were possible to make towns better organized I'd really like to do that but the tools just don't exist right now.


A high tech way to get more iron that could be used for...


Each of these would be huge projects so you would need to pick one to focus on:
-pie factory
-rubber factory
-car parts factory
-cloth factory
-plate and bowl factory

These automate some of the more boring aspects of producing these items and over time towns could specialize. Perhaps the factory uses the spring location in some way so you are limited to just one or two types of factory per town.  The point is to produce a glut of one kind of item in each town and THEN you'll have trade.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#8 2019-05-16 04:26:48

Registered: 2019-05-08
Posts: 328

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

Some time ago I also suggested a Blueprints system for advanced technologies.

The rationale for Blueprints is that it's a little silly that a five-year-old can walk out the nursery and magically know how to build a Newcomen Atmosphere Engine from scratch. In real life, I don't know how to make a Diesel Engine (and I doubt most people here do) -- however, if I had an instruction manual (a "Blueprint") with a step-by-step guide on how to make one, I might have better luck at constructing a Diesel Engine.


In a Blueprints system, certain advanced technologies will require a Blueprint to manufacture. Players are not born with the inherent ability to create complex items like Radios or Cars -- they would have to read a Blueprint once in their lifetime before they unlock the ability to craft an advanced technology.

There could be Newcomen Atmospheric Engine Blueprint, Diesel Engine Blueprint -- these would be physical items that are crafted from paper.

The only way to make a Blueprint for an item, is if someone who already knows how to craft it records the recipe on a sheet of paper. Perhaps, one day in the distant future, Blueprints could be duplicated in printing presses and distributed en mass... even uploaded to computers and put on the Internet... but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Getting the first Blueprint is the hardest. It's like researching a new technology, and it's very time consuming and laborious.

In the absence of a Blueprint, players can attempt to build a "Prototype" for something like a Newcomen Atmospheric Engine, but this process will take multiple generations (kind of like the apoc tower timers), special rare ingredients that may require extensive exploration, and simply just be very tedious. After all, inventing a new technology is bound to be tedious. However, the rewards are tremendous after a "Prototype" is made and the first Blueprints are produced. A new invention is likely to spread like wildfire among the neighboring villages. Perhaps we might even want to trade Blueprints?

As long as the Blueprints are kept safe (Grandma's secret recipe? Libraries? Museums?), the technology of civilization can continue to advance.

Beware of griefers -- they may try to burn books and rewind the technological advancement of civilization back to the stone age -- but it's up to your family and descendants to keep the treasure of knowledge safe for perpetuity!

Last edited by lychee (2019-05-16 04:30:09)


#9 2019-05-16 04:27:35

Registered: 2019-05-09
Posts: 257

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

Seasons would be cool... obviously with 1 minute being 1 year that would be not enough time, each season being 15 seconds. Maybe seasons could last 3-5 minutes? It would require people to perform more long term planning.

For example, during fall for a couple minutes everyone needs to help with harvest, before winter comes and destroys all the crops.

Contrary to popular belief, people would often starve in spring rather than winter, because food from last year is exhausted in spring and crops have not had time to grow yet.

Maybe making foods spoil to encourage preservation methods? ex: meat needs to be salted or smoked quickly after sheep is butchered, berries need to be dried, pickling some foods like eggs and carrots. Maybe adding canning as the main way to preserve food? sauerkraut would be the new meta. Maybe implement some form of refrigeration that requires a lot of pressure, making use of some of the current tech?

Also, adding thirst would make early and late game more challenging. Some of that limited water now has to be used for drinking. After all, you can go about a month without food but you can only go a few days without water.

Adding plagues triggered by population density or too many livestock in town would be interesting too, and cause drama. You flee your town to a neighboring one, but you unwittingly brought it with you to the new village.

Then there's also implementing human waste, a need to build an outhouse that must be regularly maintained, especially in high population areas.


#10 2019-05-16 04:30:16

Registered: 2019-04-13
Posts: 88

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

futurebird wrote:


I'm serious. If it were possible to make towns better organized I'd really like to do that but the tools just don't exist right now.

haha this goes without saying. We need storage but it feels like yelling into the void. I don't think I have ever seen Jason acknowledge this. Maybe they are just too complicated to code in a week? I mean look at the "will it cart problems" now, I have played over 300 hours of this game and I still don't know what I can carry in carts


#11 2019-05-16 04:31:51

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

Keyin wrote:

Then there's also implementing human waste, a need to build an outhouse that must be regularly maintained, especially in high population areas.

But we already have enough poop in large towns from the sheep.... LOL I didn't think there was something worse than the poopocolypse but... yeah.

I do like the idea of a harvest. IDK how it would be implemented. Maybe if you harvest crops at the right time you get a bonus amount. At the wrong time you get less.. so pick milk weed in the fall and get a string... otherwise you get stalk.

That reminds me:

-add a plant called hemp
-requires higher tech to be used, like maybe you need to build a machine to twist it.
-produces tons of rope.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#12 2019-05-16 04:35:51

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 467

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

futurebird wrote:
Keyin wrote:

Then there's also implementing human waste, a need to build an outhouse that must be regularly maintained, especially in high population areas.

But we already have enough poop in large towns from the sheep.... LOL I didn't think there was something worse than the poopocolypse but... yeah.

I do like the idea of a harvest. IDK how it would be implemented. Maybe if you harvest crops at the right time you get a bonus amount. At the wrong time you get less.. so pick milk weed in the fall and get a string... otherwise you get stalk.

That reminds me:

-add a plant called hemp
-requires higher tech to be used, like maybe you need to build a machine to twist it.
-produces tons of rope.

Dude we have the same rope idea.
Honestly even if it requires attaching a diesel engine to it it's worthwhile if it can make loads. Load a hemp into it, pop out a rope in 6 seconds, repeat as needed. Each kerosene runs engine for 2 minutes


#13 2019-05-16 04:42:37

Registered: 2019-04-13
Posts: 88

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

RodneyC86 wrote:
futurebird wrote:
Keyin wrote:

Then there's also implementing human waste, a need to build an outhouse that must be regularly maintained, especially in high population areas.

But we already have enough poop in large towns from the sheep.... LOL I didn't think there was something worse than the poopocolypse but... yeah.

I do like the idea of a harvest. IDK how it would be implemented. Maybe if you harvest crops at the right time you get a bonus amount. At the wrong time you get less.. so pick milk weed in the fall and get a string... otherwise you get stalk.

That reminds me:

-add a plant called hemp
-requires higher tech to be used, like maybe you need to build a machine to twist it.
-produces tons of rope.

Dude we have the same rope idea.
Honestly even if it requires attaching a diesel engine to it it's worthwhile if it can make loads. Load a hemp into it, pop out a rope in 6 seconds, repeat as needed. Each kerosene runs engine for 2 minutes

I am so sick of farming milkweed. I would learn the most complicated tech tree to avoid it lol. There aren't many things in game I feel that way about either I don't complain about making compost or farming when we need it... but milkweed is just so unrewarding to farm sad so few ropes from so many plants


#14 2019-05-16 04:55:29

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

Make the map limited with limited ressources, earth is round.

An upgrade to the iron mine maybe with a diesel engine that uses kerosene.

Oil nerf but balanced so that getting enough iron is possible

Something beyond oil but very hard to achieve like electricity maybe

A possibility to either win or fail, Sustainable ressources trough making the right choices vs Using all the ressources and running out

Watch everyone cooperate or fight over the limited ressources


#15 2019-05-16 05:08:31

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 467

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

Dodge wrote:

Make the map limited with limited ressources, earth is round.

An upgrade to the iron mine maybe with a diesel engine that uses kerosene.

Oil nerf but balanced so that getting enough iron is possible

Something beyond oil but very hard to achieve like electricity maybe

A possibility to either win or fail, Sustainable ressources trough making the right choices vs Using all the ressources and running out

Watch everyone cooperate or fight over the limited ressources

A finite earth would be pretty interesting yeah, I would love the world to evolve to having a central city where city/town/village heads convene and argue about resources, it will amount to nothing though, like real life , but maybe it will turn into a conference room stab fest while everyone e is wearing suits. but that's fun shit RP.


#16 2019-05-16 05:20:22

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

RodneyC86 wrote:
Dodge wrote:

Make the map limited with limited ressources, earth is round.

An upgrade to the iron mine maybe with a diesel engine that uses kerosene.

Oil nerf but balanced so that getting enough iron is possible

Something beyond oil but very hard to achieve like electricity maybe

A possibility to either win or fail, Sustainable ressources trough making the right choices vs Using all the ressources and running out

Watch everyone cooperate or fight over the limited ressources

A finite earth would be pretty interesting yeah, I would love the world to evolve to having a central city where city/town/village heads convene and argue about resources, it will amount to nothing though, like real life , but maybe it will turn into a conference room stab fest while everyone e is wearing suits. but that's fun shit RP.

A good use for the fancy clothes lol


#17 2019-05-16 05:48:44

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

the game should recognize the systems and subsystems, like cities, or even county, country
this could be predefined borders, but to control it you need to work for

smaller world wouldn't hurt, like we don't use most of it, we wandered from 0-0 to 30k,-30k but nothing major changed
maybe instead of full random map, parts of map could be hand edited ones giving you challenges to overcome

more team level thinking
i mean the game is similar o strategy games if you see the bigger pictures, and managing people isn't easy
like having allied Eves and families, teams to compete daily then reset
you could choose any but the first team or randomly (any but first would create a nice fluctuation) so your lifes would matter

maybe some emphasis on bad guys, people who can do trouble but non lethal way, kidnap a person (without starving) or make a dumb structure which can be deconstructed after you take care of this bandits

nomad style with portable resources and some way of finding each other

generally better UI and information about food, population and resources

maybe time to time Ai attacks livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#18 2019-05-16 06:40:41

Bob 101
Registered: 2019-02-05
Posts: 313

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

I'd say more tech worth making, Things essential and non-essential stuff that just improves quality of life.

Last edited by Bob 101 (2019-05-16 06:48:15)


#19 2019-05-16 07:58:41

Registered: 2018-08-11
Posts: 476

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

I really think wild berry bushes and cacti are a problem. They should stop producing overtime and not be a free infinite food source. You can't easily sustain a whole town off them, but they do help. Late-towns shouldn't get any help.

Last edited by BladeWoods (2019-05-16 08:05:03)


#20 2019-05-16 08:06:55

pedrito confesiones
Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 65

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

skeleton piles make you sick and turn food into rot


Bottom text


#21 2019-05-16 08:16:01

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 467

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

pedrito confesiones wrote:

skeleton piles make you sick and turn food into rot

Ooooh I like this one. Support!
Nothing is more metal than dying by a disease caught from your grandma's corpse


#22 2019-05-16 13:29:44

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

Rocket ships that can orbit the Earth.  And then later moon shots complete with pictures that everyone can see.  Unfortunately, people are going to say that the moon shot pictures were faked and the moon landing never happened, but what are you gonna do?!

Thinking on moon shots, maybe televisions that can transmit images say of what's going on in another camp.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#23 2019-05-16 13:40:09

From: Under your bed
Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 781

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?


Magical apocalypses are overrated.

Last edited by Amon (2019-05-16 13:42:51)

My favourite all time lives are Unity Dawn, who was married to Sachin Gedeon.

PIES 2.0 <- Pie diversification mod


#24 2019-05-16 14:18:24

Registered: 2019-04-13
Posts: 88

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

pedrito confesiones wrote:

skeleton piles make you sick and turn food into rot

This would make sense and give a real reason to clean up the bodies often the nursery is just full of dead babies doesn't seem healthy


#25 2019-05-16 14:20:35

Registered: 2019-04-13
Posts: 88

Re: How would you make the late game more challenging or interesting?

Spoonwood wrote:

Rocket ships that can orbit the Earth.  And then later moon shots complete with pictures that everyone can see.  Unfortunately, people are going to say that the moon shot pictures were faked and the moon landing never happened, but what are you gonna do?!

Thinking on moon shots, maybe televisions that can transmit images say of what's going on in another camp.

Haha I love the television idea it would be like a more fun radio.


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