One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 2019-05-16 15:22:08

Registered: 2018-08-11
Posts: 476

Poor interaction between language update and property gates

I was living in a town with just me and another lineage (I was Eve and they were the Killers) and tried giving ownership of some property gates to a few of them. None of them knew what I was doing since of course they couldn't tell what I was saying when I said "You own this" or "ABC Killer owns this" and I couldn't explain to them what I was doing or that they owned the gates. Don't think any of them ever realized they owned the gates afterwards.

Would really like it, not just for foreigners but for your own family too, if there was feedback to ownership transfer. When you curse someone the words are purple and there's a ding. When you give ownership the words could be blue and there should be a corresponding sound. And the person you give ownership to should also hear a sound even if they are distant, but maybe not if they are too distant. And when you mouse over a gate you can't even tell if other people own it when you own it, so currently you can't be too sure about when you've successfully given ownership or not or to whom. Would be huge improvement to gates.


#2 2019-05-16 15:45:42

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Poor interaction between language update and property gates

Yes, this is a funny consequence of language that I never thought about.  I mean, these kinds of snafus are pretty hilarious and reminiscent of the human condition.  Jumping around the gate, opening and closing it, trying to lead them back to it.  But they just don't understand!

Paper and writing are extremely powerful in this situation.  And so is (after the latest update), raising a baby around them so that the baby can help translate when older.


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