One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-05-16 22:19:13

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 850

Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

Ok, just came back from an experience that started off really well, but ended in absolute disaster. I was in the Lovelace family (named aaberg) where we lived peacefully alongside the Waters family. We were white and they were brown. They seemed to even have coexisted with us for so long that I could understand some of them. There were a few accents where stuff like ironically was translated to ironifly (like this new system a lot). I spent most of my childhood talking to some of the people in the Waters family, and it was nice to understand a foreign family. In the later part of my life I searched the city outskirts for clothes from corpses, and after being back for a short period absolute chaos insued. One guy from the Waters family killed one of ours with a sword. I found a sword, chased him down and killed him, but not before he killed a few others. After I had killed them it was too late. The town was reduced to utter chaos, and people from the Waters family and Lovelace family alike began slaughtering each other, even after I proclaimed that I killed the instigator to the people. I was killed by the berry farm by a guy with sad expression on his face. I'm sure he wasn't at all happy at the prospect of participating in the chaos, but it was kill or be killed at that point.

Now to the point. I absolutely hate that this whole language update is all for nothing since having foreigners in your town is just a ticking time bomb ready to go off if one bad egg is born. We had so much fun communicating with each other up until the point the sword was being used. The sword definitely needs a lot more nerfs before it's safe to house foreigners in your village, and until then it just doesn't seem worth it.

My lineage link: … id=4481765

The Waters family: … id=4481765

I know the sword issue has been discussed at length, but I just felt like venting.

For the time being, I think we have enough content.


#2 2019-05-16 22:26:39

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

It's really frustrating and the way that I've dealt with it is by not being as invested TBH. I try to enjoy the good stuff like learning languages and if people get killed I just kind of roll my eyes and move on to the next life.

I don't feel like boxing out people just because they are different. And my own kids are as likely to be bad apples as anyone else. I guess it isn't too bad to have a person or two with a sword in your town, but I'd rather make a car with that iron or drill for oil.

I'm glad for the recent changes, and I don't intend to let the fact that swords exist destroy the things that I like about the game.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#3 2019-05-16 22:34:39

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

Interesting to point out this thread which actually seems to have taken place earlier within the same village/families.

Yeah it's extremely unfortunate that quite literally every multi-family town is inevitably going to fall to this bullshit. It's impossible to prevent. We literally require the devices that make swords to obtain water lol.

And everybody knows to some degree that, no matter how peaceful a family might be for a time, eventually there will be that one asshole who comes along and spoils it for everyone. Because thats fair right? As is 1 person being able to single-handedly slaughter an entire village and have literally no consequences bc they can't curse him, amirite? XD

-Has ascended to better games-


#4 2019-05-16 22:37:15

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

I've cursed one of my own family and killed them for attacking a visitor from another town. And I'm so ready to do that again.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#5 2019-05-16 22:40:54

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 57

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

sigmen4020 wrote:

I absolutely hate that this whole language update is all for nothing since having foreigners in your town is just a ticking time bomb ready to go off if one bad egg is born.

This is what I was trying to get at HERE.

And then at 13:19 he explicitly talks about the the importance of a persistent identity system, and how problem players can and will use anonymity to get away with their bad behavior with impunity if you allow them to.

If your social VR or AR system does not have a persistent account system with persistent identity that players invest into, you're effectively making every player get away scott free because all they need to create a brand new account every single time they log in.

^With OHOL, they don't even need to go to the trouble of creating new accounts, the anonymity and ability to come back completely unknown is baked right into the game's spawning system.

The fact that every spawn is a new identity, that you can't control who will be your baby, that a new person born into a lineage could start a war and end generations of peace, it totally negates the following assertions:

(Griefing) gives the good guys in the game something to fight for.  It gives them a villain that they can all agree on.  And it motivates certain pro-social behavior and organization.


(Griefing) allows people to forge relationships of deep trust, which are only possible when not everyone can necessarily be trusted.  I don't trust you because it's impossible for you to harm me.  I trust you because you are fully capable of harming me, but you choose not too.

And this is doubly true with the new war swords and language update.  Here is this outsider who can't necessarily be trusted.  You can't even communicate your intention to them directly.  But if you can establish a trusting relationship with them, that trust will be very deep and meaningful indeed.  That is a place where the human spirit can really shine through.  I've built an enormous wall for the two of you to climb over.  If you can forge a friendship in the face of those odds, it will be amazing.

How can you determine who is the villain vs who is your friend in a game where identity is fleeting? How can anybody all agree on who is the bad guy or the bad lineages when people have no persistent identity, lineages are constantly changing, and one bad apple can ruin the bunch?

As soon as somebody respawns, they are somebody totally new and might not care one bit about the peace brokered between your two families. The "amazing" friendship and trust built over generations could be dashed in the blink of an eye by one war sword-wielding menace who kills 20+ people without retribution.

Your guard was down because, for generations, that other family was working with you, learning your language, showing no sign of hostility. But, then a xenophobe is born into their midst and chaos erupts, annihilating BOTH families in the process. All those players had their progress and fun ruined and one person, the perpetrator, laughs at all the mayhem he caused.

So, the answer as always, distrust everybody and be on edge all the time. Better yet, you should just kill every stranger to avoid the inevitable time bombs going off down the road because at least you can curse problem actors in your own lineage and can avoid trojan horse conquest by letting a potential enemy have access to your settlement.

The distrust and endless conflict sounds pretty inevitable and important to me hmm

Last edited by RedComb (2019-05-16 22:44:46)


#6 2019-05-16 22:41:58

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 7

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

So I was part of the Waters family at generation 7 definitely been a few hours since I last played. I found that living that life there was at least two raid attacks on the Waters town resulting in all my kids and me being killed except my granddaughter Bless who actually posted their own story. Overall I feel like swords  are a horrible weapon and it sucks that they do help griefers against people that aren't as good at combat and I'm sorry about your life being filled with chaos because of them. sad I do have a question though did your family migrate to the Waters town or did the Waters come to yours? If there was a building by the berry farm it was the same town I played in .


#7 2019-05-16 22:45:38

Registered: 2019-05-09
Posts: 257

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

Yeah I was alive when this happened. I could understand the waters family as well. Some random woman (I think her name was Alyssa) wanted to start a race war and was instigating.  I would have cursed her if I had been old enough


#8 2019-05-16 23:17:28

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 850

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

Looking at the family trees it seems that the Waters prevailed in the end. It is a shame that the peace I experienced for the majority of my life had to end so brutally.

For the time being, I think we have enough content.


#9 2019-05-16 23:22:11

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

It makes me really sad that the war sword was added at the same time as the language update.   I would love to play around with the languages and meet new people without the constant threat of being killed  by a griefer with a war sword.  The language barrier does really interesting things to the family dynamic in the game.   The war sword is just ugly.


#10 2019-05-16 23:43:49

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

DestinyCall wrote:

It makes me really sad that the war sword was added at the same time as the language update.   I would love to play around with the languages and meet new people without the constant threat of being killed  by a griefer with a war sword.  The language barrier does really interesting things to the family dynamic in the game.   The war sword is just ugly.

Pretty much this. The sword is a huge blemish on what has evolved into a really cool update which is a huge shame.

fug it’s Tarr.


#11 2019-05-16 23:52:07

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

Clearly, since both families ended up in a war full of causalities plenty of people were not playing for the survival of their lineages.  This update also rather clearly DISCOURAGES people from playing for the sake of their lineages.  Jason has said the following:

jasonrohrer wrote:

As I've said many times, I want your decisions in the game to matter, at all levels.  I want running a successful village to be hard, and I want you to care enough to get good at handling that challenge.  I want town leadership to be necessary, because the challenge is so difficult, and I want disagreements and politics to unfold around that leadership.  I want the survival of your family to really matter to you.

Jason should admit that he made a major mistake with the idea of war swords.  No, they should NOT get nerfed.  They should get REMOVED ENTIRELY from the game.

Good seeing you around also sigmen.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2019-05-16 23:52:26)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#12 2019-05-17 00:30:14

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

As the last survivor of a village that chose to raid a neighboring village rather than peacefully tending to our own problems, I can confirm that raiding is bad for the lineage, regardless of if you are the raiders or the ones getting raided.

The existence of a Jason-approved war sword encourages people to play the game like Rust and kill each other for the sake of killing each other.    There is no purpose or profit to the raiding.   Just kill or be killed.


#13 2019-05-17 01:30:02

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

sigmen4020 wrote:

Ok, just came back from an experience that started off really well, but ended in absolute disaster. I was in the Lovelace family (named aaberg) where we lived peacefully alongside the Waters family. We were white and they were brown. They seemed to even have coexisted with us for so long that I could understand some of them. There were a few accents where stuff like ironically was translated to ironifly (like this new system a lot). I spent most of my childhood talking to some of the people in the Waters family, and it was nice to understand a foreign family. In the later part of my life I searched the city outskirts for clothes from corpses, and after being back for a short period absolute chaos insued. One guy from the Waters family killed one of ours with a sword. I found a sword, chased him down and killed him, but not before he killed a few others. After I had killed them it was too late. The town was reduced to utter chaos, and people from the Waters family and Lovelace family alike began slaughtering each other, even after I proclaimed that I killed the instigator to the people. I was killed by the berry farm by a guy with sad expression on his face. I'm sure he wasn't at all happy at the prospect of participating in the chaos, but it was kill or be killed at that point.

Now to the point. I absolutely hate that this whole language update is all for nothing since having foreigners in your town is just a ticking time bomb ready to go off if one bad egg is born. We had so much fun communicating with each other up until the point the sword was being used. The sword definitely needs a lot more nerfs before it's safe to house foreigners in your village, and until then it just doesn't seem worth it.

My lineage link: … id=4481765

The Waters family: … id=4481765

I know the sword issue has been discussed at length, but I just felt like venting.

A few hours later your ancestors expressed their pent up anger with three murder chains in the same decade. King Aaberg, who claimed that all foreigners were evil. Another Aaberg woman who locked herself in a room with a Waters mother and her babies, and proceeded to kill three people with her sword. After that the only Waters woman alive told all her children that they weren't to trust the Aabergs. And of course there was a random argument that killed my mother and four other people from both families.

.-.. .. ..-. . / .. ... / ... - .-. .- -. --. . .-.-.- / ... --- / .- -- / .. .-.-.-
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he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


#14 2019-05-17 03:19:50

Registered: 2019-02-10
Posts: 52

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

It's hard for me to continue to say that I dislike the war sword update.

I have been in a town where the two lineages had learned each other's language exceptionally well. I was the last member alive from my lineage but I also controlled the only War Sword. They were able to tell me to kill a griefer in their family with it. Now, I did consider that maybe my destiny was to go on a sword rampage. Especially when my yum chain was lining up nicely in my later life; I would have plenty of time to deal damage without feeding interruptions. To choose not to engage in a rampage is an interesting choice to have.

On the other hand, I have been on the receiving end of a couple massacres. I don't enjoy seeing a nicely arranged and operating village suddenly destroyed by a lone raider. But, with closer spawns you need to protect your towns access to iron and other resources. Two large villages may have trouble existing nearby.

The War Sword update obviously generates new scenarios to play. You can be the lone survivor of a massacre to go on to populate the town, for instance. This life is a pretty interesting one that wouldn't exist without the update.


#15 2019-05-17 03:23:36

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

mensrea wrote:

It's hard for me to continue to say that I dislike the war sword update.

I have been in a town where the two lineages had learned each other's language exceptionally well. I was the last member alive from my lineage but I also controlled the only War Sword. They were able to tell me to kill a griefer in their family with it. Now, I did consider that maybe my destiny was to go on a sword rampage. Especially when my yum chain was lining up nicely in my later life; I would have plenty of time to deal damage without feeding interruptions. To choose not to engage in a rampage is an interesting choice to have.

On the other hand, I have been on the receiving end of a couple massacres. I don't enjoy seeing a nicely arranged and operating village suddenly destroyed by a lone raider. But, with closer spawns you need to protect your towns access to iron and other resources. Two large villages may have trouble existing nearby.

The War Sword update obviously generates new scenarios to play. You can be the lone survivor of a massacre to go on to populate the town, for instance. This life is a pretty interesting one that wouldn't exist without the update.

To say being the lone survivor is not a new thing, people have used knives to cull entire towns before the sword was ever added the only difference was you could actually punish the person killing everyone. Knives and bows still both exist which take care of people trying to loot or steal from camp without risking someone dying/dropping/losing a sword which leads to a bad time. All the sword added was easy one man massacres which if you like that's fine but I don't think it adds anything that wasn't already here.

fug it’s Tarr.


#16 2019-05-17 03:34:02

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Having foreigners in your town is not worth it. And I hate that.

In my opinion all of the good that came out of this update was due to bringing spawns closer together so that families can interact more and adding language barriers to make those interactions more challenging and ripe for conflict/misunderstanding.    This creates some interesting dynamics and encourages tribalism and education, which I find very interesting and organic.

The addition of the war sword was unnecessary and largely detrimental.   It tips the balance in favor of hostility and violence without adding anything new or interesting to the game.

Last edited by DestinyCall (2019-05-17 03:40:01)


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