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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-05-19 00:38:36

From: New Jersey, United States
Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 314

Civilization Eras - Current - By Ian

Have you been confused on what the town is probably needing, want to know some cools eras on town time period, or want to read this for fun, well you came to the right place. I will do my best to put a list of eras in the town on a fourm post. (Was inspired by a old outdated fourm post I can't find.)

[EVE] You spawn in brand new family you probably want to get a base started, get a farm, rope, milkweed, carrots, berrys, kiln, pottery, etc. Although there is a new technique which is somewhat hard to do but is very effective if you get lucky and almost guarantees a long family we will get back to that later.

[BERRY ERA] You got your stuff together working on a farm maybe 20 or so berry bushes and your ready to start working on a pen, at this point the Eve is crippled, just died, or died a few mins ago. also you want to send a hunter to get clothes.

[SAVIOR SHEEP] You are desperately lacking clothing and soil so your favorite hero gets the sheep in the pen, you now start to make berry and carrot feed for your sheep, at this point you may or not have some tools and if you don't you need to send a person (boy preferably) to get iron.

[FIRST TOOLS] "Bob" gets the iron and you turn it into steel the first things you should get in priority (my opinion) is Shovel, Hoe, and Axe.  (Also you should have a well foundation already established by this time.)

[WATER WORKS] You use the shovel to make the shallow well and attack the compost. at this time you should probably be working on a stew farm, wheat farm, milkweed farm, expanding berries, and carrot farm if you haven't done so already.

[SURPLUS ERA] You have farmed your crops and are ready to make pies, stew, and more sheep feed. You will probably make a kid be a lonely stew boi and get a couple girls to be cooks.

[STEEL OVERLOAD] You have made most of the tools by now but you are probably still lacking a knife and stuff for buckets, you should get those asap and give the cooks the knife. You also sent a decent amount of males to get iron.

[DRAMA ERA] You have probably not gotten enough stuff for the pies and stew, you maybe got 1 or 2 stews and a couple pies, but your are probably also lacking fertile woman and if your really unlucky when you made your knife someone murdered Bob sad You are thinking about giving up but just then people bring back iron and a girl is born. You are now almost ready for buckets, also your well might of depleted by now so you should do it fast!

[DEEP SEA] You have gotten your first deep well and a bucket or 2. You also have the tools to make carts and carpentry stuff.

[PIE GALORE] You have gotten more farmland and have made some delicious mutton and rabbit pies also sorry for the long delay but you should probably have hunters getting clothes and you have most of the clothing by now.

[GREED ERA] Players are getting bored and confused so they try to make junky things such as pine panels (if you have big noob like I once was.) Paper, (which isn't useless just isn't great.) They also have a lot of junk on the ground by now and probably some other useless stuff that no one will ever use. Might want to make some trash pits.

[CROCK POT CRISIS] You knew it had to happen your old stew bois are complaining about no more crocks and there is no clay nearby, you send a person to get clay with one of your carts hopefully he doesn't die.

[SISTER STEW OVERLOAD] Why don't people eat stew I do not understand?

[WATER PROBLEMS] Your deep well runs out of water you quickly make more shallow and deep wells if you didn't already. Maybe people have even worked on roads for the next wells.

[WAR NEVER CHANGES] A person or couple of people come in with a weapon possibly a war sword. You think all hope is lost (Probably is.) But your greatest fighters kill off the foreigners. You now claim the sword and protect your might village.

[A GREAT BUILDER] Some guy comes in as a kid says he wants to build, 60 years later he has made a building such as a Hospital, Nursery, Private Room, Kitchen, Library, etc. (Best are hospital nursery and Kitchen)

[STUPID MURDERERS] Some people have fight and it results with a stabbing luckily your shepherd made some pads and you heal him up. You consider making a hospital and more pads.

[INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION] Some great engineers make a mutlipurpose newcomen and newcomen well. They also get a bore roller and lathe. You are also looking into getting oil, an engine, and a distiller but that takes time.

[HOSPITAL ERA] After several murders you finally have a place for pads and maybe a couple red aprons. smile

[MORE FOOD] People who are obsessed with Yum work on many types of food could be potatoes, fries, bread, chips, chips and salsa, meats, icecream etc (Icecream is terrible btw.)

[OIL PUMP AND DISTILLER] You finally have a oil pump and a fractional distiller, a little more time and you will have a engine for diesel water pump.

[COWS] If you didn't get it already you should probably get some cows, although it is advised you have a lot of buckets and bowls before so. Now you can make butter milk and skim milk. smile

[DIESEL WATER PUMP] You are now a water god you now make the kerosene and have a almost unlimited amount of water. Stew production is amazing, everyone is clothed, many pies and milk, you are a crazy op mega city, but theres much more missing.

[EXPLORATION AND WAR] You have found some cities and have probably made some war swords by know. Will you enslave them, murder them, or make peace the choice is yours.

[GODLY] If you are really op and at this stage your like gen 70 or something and if you are extremely bored here are some ideas. Get crowns get dogs get pigs. (Yes I am aware this will offend a lot of people but don't you guys want to catch em all and get that mega yum bonus and who doesn't like a bossy king. tongue)

[THE GREAT LIBRARY] You have made a library and put lots of paper in it you may even have photographs.

[COLONYS AND ROADS] Now that you are decked out why not make more cities and a big road.

[DEATH] This will mostly happen way earlier on but you could get rekted by other familys loose to many fertiles starve to death get murdered and much MUCH more ways to die.

The new EVE method like I said earlier in the recent updates eves will tend to spawn pretty close to a town. If you can find a town, loot it get a horse, and stuff that would be great. But if you can't do all that its still okay. (Yes you would be stealing another familys stuff.) Now you can either walk or use your horse and this is where luck comes in. Depending on your skill to find remains of players and luck you may or may not find a abandoned city. The abandoned city eras will also be very different from one another you may find a eve camp or you may find a mega city. I would recommend settling at a city at the age of 30 or less 35 is possible but not likely.

That's all I have to say folks I hope you like my hour I've spent into writing this feel free to add your suggestions for me to add in the replies below.

Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!


#2 2019-05-19 01:03:19

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 467

Re: Civilization Eras - Current - By Ian

To me the era that stands out the most is when there is surplus and everyone just takes up stab-fu to fill up their time. I'm honestly surprised so many people resort to this sort of activities when they are bored with a lot of surplus. Why not paint the walls, make a new town, build something nifty instead of stabbing people? It makes me worry about how these people behave in real life


#3 2019-05-19 01:04:47

From: New Jersey, United States
Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 314

Re: Civilization Eras - Current - By Ian

RodneyC86 wrote:

To me the era that stands out the most is when there is surplus and everyone just takes up stab-fu to fill up their time. I'm honestly surprised so many people resort to this sort of activities when they are bored with a lot of surplus. Why not paint the walls, make a new town, build something nifty instead of stabbing people? It makes me worry about how these people behave in real life


Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!


#4 2019-05-19 01:25:11

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Civilization Eras - Current - By Ian

Yeah... I've scanned this and find it a joke, not so much of a guide.  The clues come as drama era and greed era appearing before some useful things, and an early era getting classified as a berry era, even though carrots take 4 minutes to grow and berries take 12 minutes to grow initially, making carrots early on much better than berries.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#5 2019-05-19 03:18:56

Bob 101
Registered: 2019-02-05
Posts: 313

Re: Civilization Eras - Current - By Ian

Funny but not exactly accurate.

Tribel: Eve Era as described, Lasts the lifetime of the original Eve.

Small Village Era: At this this stage most tools and Sheep become  a thing. Eve's Kids and Grandkids.

Town Era: The rest of the tools are made and Shallow well is upgraded to deep. A horse is usually made at this point  and an iron vein is mined.

Large Town Era: Deep Well runs dry and newcoman pump and cistern is contructed. This is usually when the depression begins, Water becomes more precious and less people want to live in the later Era's.

The crisis Era: Oh no!  The newcoman has gone dry and We don't have the knowledge and/or resources to get diesel going.
Let's just build a roadway to the next spring, That'll fix the problem tor awhile.

The City Era: Diesel engine and fuel source is finally built, The end of the practical tech tree. Let's build looms so we can rp in our coloured dresses.

The meaningless Era: People are now truly bored.

Last edited by Bob 101 (2019-05-19 03:37:33)


#6 2019-05-19 10:06:42

From: New Jersey, United States
Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 314

Re: Civilization Eras - Current - By Ian

Yeah I guess its a bit of a joke, I don't know everything about the game but I just wanted to write a little piece of fun before I went to bed for the night.

Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!


#7 2019-05-19 11:47:33

Registered: 2019-02-18
Posts: 85

Re: Civilization Eras - Current - By Ian

RodneyC86 wrote:

To me the era that stands out the most is when there is surplus and everyone just takes up stab-fu to fill up their time. I'm honestly surprised so many people resort to this sort of activities when they are bored with a lot of surplus. Why not paint the walls, make a new town, build something nifty instead of stabbing people? It makes me worry about how these people behave in real life

AHAHA stab-fu thats brilliant i'm gonna use that one.

With surplus I like to take on silly projects like decorating a graveyard or planting as much milkweed as possible.

Also Quirky I wouldn't pay too much heed to other posts here, they're just articulating the 'um actually' meme wink I enjoyed the list.


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