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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-05-21 20:51:39

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Locked OPEN gate

Fencing a town like it's a big house with the aim to lock out "bad people" is the wrong move. But having a boundary around a town can be a good idea it does a few things:

-Makes it clear how far trash must be carried to be dumped
-Makes graves with stone kept in town more significant
-Limits the locations of entrances and exits so that theft is harder
-Makes it clear what parts of forest should be preserved like a park and makes tree farms more noticeable.
-Keeps towns from getting too spread out

The problem is if you build such a fence someone could slap gates on it and create either a trap or just a great annoyance by blocking a key exit. My idea is as follows:

-----fence-----[adobe base] [tower base] gap with road [tower base] [adobe base]----fence---

This means the exit needed to be blocked is much wider and sever tools are required to make it a totally sealed property fence. Even if the road is torn up and the gap blocked using water, or a shovel it's possible to open it again. A town with 4 such exits, each centered on the 4 faces of the  fences would get the (modest) benefits of fences and not face the downsides as easily.

Since many people really want to build fences rather than wasting both of your lives putting down and pulling up the same fence why not try this compromise idea and we can evaluate it's defensive value over the next few days?

Also please don't kill every Eve on sight. If she has a bow that's another matter (see pein's post) but, let's not let the worst among us bring us to their level. If you kill Eve's on sight you are killing harmless nice people most of the time. It's not worth it to put someone through that just because there are more griefers living as Eves.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#2 2019-05-21 21:02:35

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Locked OPEN gate

Build the gate yourself.  Keep it open.  No one else can close it.  Before you die, pass the gate on to someone else, and tell them to always keep it open.


#3 2019-05-21 21:40:21

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Locked OPEN gate

Easiest solution.   No property gates.   Make a big gape - three or four wide and put down stakes to prevent building.   You get the benefits of a wall that defines your town and reduces entry points without the worry of being trapped inside a large death box if someone forgets to leave the door open.   It won't stop raiders from walking inside, but neither will an open gate.


#4 2019-05-21 23:33:41

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Locked OPEN gate

Town halls kept the bear out-- so wild animal protection is a thing... but they didn't stop this from happening.


I could not sort out what caused the chain of murders but it seemed like it stared with a strange guy (NOT an eve and he looked similar enough to blend in) killing someone then twin red-head griefers got involved.

This town was under siege, sheep were dead, things hidden behind trees outside of town.

Down side of the fence is people don't leave the area much. I kept finding stuff while gathering wood. Also saw some woman who was building some kind of trap out of tower bases right outside of town but couldn't get anyone to help me figure out what was going on.

Later the murders started. I think it was the same two people maybe coming back multiple times with different accounts? IDK.

Would have been nice if I could have cursed one of those twins.
But all we could do was kill them and they will be back again in another life to complete their "project."

Don't see how wall would help here.

Though they did make the bear someone was trying to lead to town very confused. I was able to curse the kid leading the bear since he was in my family. So there is that.

Anyway it looks like every other game I play will be like this.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


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