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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2019-05-23 02:08:31

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Buildings double plus good

wio wrote:

I think a big deterrent for buildings is that they're materially expensive. It costs a big stone rock for each wall and a log for each floor. You've got to have a really good reason if you want people to make that investment. It's also important to consider that people have to be outside for activities like farming.

If you want people to do it despite it being a big investment, I would suggest that you have certain objects deteriorate conditionally based on whether they are in a building or not.

this isnt true, if it was people wouldnt be able to build stuff like temples and shrines for fun only

Building is laborious but not expensive. Logs can be planted and stone has not many other uses. If we had a construction hammer for wall/floor stakes only it would actually help buildings.


#27 2019-05-23 05:42:49

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Buildings double plus good

wio wrote:

I think a big deterrent for buildings is that they're materially expensive. It costs a big stone rock for each wall and a log for each floor. You've got to have a really good reason if you want people to make that investment. It's also important to consider that people have to be outside for activities like farming.

If you want people to do it despite it being a big investment, I would suggest that you have certain objects deteriorate conditionally based on whether they are in a building or not.

Buildings don't have to get made out of stone.  Adobe exists, and full abode walls can get upgraded to plaster walls.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#28 2019-05-23 05:51:27

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Buildings double plus good

it will be 13x13, seen on discord, makes sense cause you the middle of the airspace so odd numbers got middle, even ones are offset, and your airspace controls the fire range which is weird in case of 8x8 cause top left and bottom right is 1 tile difference then

13x13 is actually big enough
that's 15x15 with walls, half of it is two rooms of 5x5 so you can technically make a pen and an oven or a nursery then attach a 13x13 to it and save up 25%

in a square based game circles are squares, and squares are the cheapest  as they give more tiles per walls as they have more center tiles than other rectangles and i don't see why would you make a 12x4 when you waste a lot of resources for it

also it's maximum not minimum, if you build 13x15 then wont detect walls standing in middle of it, but yo ucan still have fire or something else, like a shrine or something

he didn't say floors give bonus, so yeah, this sound like indoor farming will be buffed also just need to segment rooms to 13x13 size
just pretty please no bushes near walls livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#29 2019-05-23 13:21:25

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Buildings double plus good

pein wrote:

he didn't say floors give bonus

I thought he implied that 'indoors' means that all tiles indoors need floored:

jasonrohrer wrote:

indoors or not (completely surrounded by walls and floors).

If you are indoors in a cold environment, it doubles the benefit of whatever other insulation you have around you, including the air itself.

Doesn't 'indoors' as Jason use the term mean every tile is floored and inside of a building with a closed door?

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#30 2019-05-23 13:24:09

Registered: 2019-03-14
Posts: 202

Re: Buildings double plus good

wio wrote:

I think a big deterrent for buildings is that they're materially expensive. It costs a big stone rock for each wall and a log for each floor. You've got to have a really good reason if you want people to make that investment. It's also important to consider that people have to be outside for activities like farming.

If you want people to do it despite it being a big investment, I would suggest that you have certain objects deteriorate conditionally based on whether they are in a building or not.

People DID build alot of houses right after the temperature update. The cost wasnt the main problem, it was the locking of doors, the walls taking up space, and the fact that bad buildings are hard to remove


#31 2019-05-23 13:30:55

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Buildings double plus good

Ya'll keep on asking for a leveling up system for some kinds of crafting what if you can't place a wall until you've carted 5 stones?

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#32 2019-05-23 14:22:24

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Buildings double plus good

futurebird wrote:

Ya'll keep on asking for a leveling up system for some kinds of crafting what if you can't place a wall until you've carted 5 stones?

That sounds odd since adobe and plaster walls exist.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#33 2019-05-23 15:34:10

Registered: 2019-03-14
Posts: 202

Re: Buildings double plus good

futurebird wrote:

Ya'll keep on asking for a leveling up system for some kinds of crafting what if you can't place a wall until you've carted 5 stones?

So you would have to go get your own stones before you build, before you can use the 5 piles ready to use that your grandmother got home before she died?
This would feel kinda weird

Last edited by Guppy (2019-05-23 15:34:36)


#34 2019-05-23 16:24:12

Registered: 2018-11-30
Posts: 51

Re: Buildings double plus good

Booklat1 wrote:

this isnt true, if it was people wouldnt be able to build stuff like temples and shrines for fun only

Building is laborious but not expensive. Logs can be planted and stone has not many other uses. If we had a construction hammer for wall/floor stakes only it would actually help buildings.

Guppy wrote:

People DID build alot of houses right after the temperature update. The cost wasnt the main problem, it was the locking of doors, the walls taking up space, and the fact that bad buildings are hard to remove

I think both of you fail to see the big picture. When people construct buildings, it is largely done for novelty or for fun. Even before the temperature update, people constructed buildings and even would wear clothing. The issue is that it didn't happen as often as Jason would expect, and so the incentives for it were modified.

The primary downside to buildings it that they restrict people's freedom of movement. For a building to actually be useful rather than just novelty, there has to be a serious incentive for it.  This wouldn't bother people as much if buildings were larger, but they tend to be rather small because of material costs. A 4x5 building is small if we're being honest, and it takes 20 floors, 18 walls or doors, and 4 corners. If there were a labor intensive way to mass produce these materials, similar to how soil is mass produced, it would make construction much more compelling.

Who wants to be confined to some tiny room for a hunger bonus? People are going to prefer to waste food over that.


#35 2019-05-23 16:47:50

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Buildings double plus good

I agree with wio that if buildings end up too small, this change won't be so good.  But, that would be more on the players building bad buildings, since it isn't like the game designer builds building via changes to the source code.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#36 2019-05-23 18:24:26

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Buildings double plus good

wio wrote:

The primary downside to buildings it that they restrict people's freedom of movement.

This is also their primary upside. Buildings keep people from walking across your workspace.

wio wrote:

This wouldn't bother people as much if buildings were larger, but they tend to be rather small because of material costs. A 4x5 building is small if we're being honest, and it takes 20 floors, 18 walls or doors, and 4 corners.

5x6 is the ideal size for a bakery. I tend to find buildings to be too large more often than they are too small. A large building is a pain to keep organized. A small-ish one allows your to work more efficiently and no one can put junk in your space because there is exactly enough room for the items that you need.

Smiths are a bit harder to size correctly, since you need space for 2-3 kilns and the hammer/lathe etc.
Nurseries work best as adjoining buildings to the bakery, 5x5 is pretty good if your have boxes for clothing.

The smith should be at least 8x8, though 8x12 is probably better.

We also need to think about building kitchens for cooking items other than pies. If there were some kind of grill or stove this would be much more possible but right now there is not item like a kiln or oven that screams "this is the kitchen" so that type of room isn't a thing and often get repurposed.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#37 2019-05-25 14:57:52

Registered: 2019-05-24
Posts: 12

Re: Buildings double plus good

This has Improved Nurseries written all over it


#38 2019-05-25 14:58:56

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: Buildings double plus good

BarnabyJones wrote:

This has Improved Nurseries written all over it

Doe your name have anything to do with Barnaby Jones Pickles, the deceased (RIP) dog of Jenny Lawson?

.-.. .. ..-. . / .. ... / ... - .-. .- -. --. . .-.-.- / ... --- / .- -- / .. .-.-.-
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he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


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