One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-05-27 03:06:31

Registered: 2019-05-24
Posts: 12

Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

This community is toxic. I'm a new player, sort of. I actually ended up watching a lot of videos on this game for some reason which then got me interested. I started watching more and eventually bought the game to try out. I immediately loved it. I sucked, but I liked it. I kept getting a lot better. I have a very quick learning curve and adapt really well to games that I get involved in. This was the case for this game.

Cut about three weeks into the game where I feel it has stagnated a bit and there are several griefers and communities way too close together. I join a family after that is in a gated town. I can't leave it, but that's fine, I make the best of my situation. I realize that there are many clay pots empty without any stew ingredients but plenty to harvest so I begin getting everything ready and go to town. I get 5 raw stew pots ready and several more ready just needing the pots and water. However, I can't grow any more crops because I need a skewer to till the soil. I simply go to the middle of the town and ask if there are any skewers, and immediately someone tells me to go find some (I can't leave and there are none within the gates) and that I'm a lazy fuck. Other people then jump on an tell me to fuck off and die and that I need to work harder (I had been working non stop to get the stews ready). The guy completely berates me, tells me to play a game more adequate to my IQ level, they all tell me to start Apex Legends and cry (I have no idea what this means), and eventually I just get surrounded and killed by people hating me (despite being my immediate family) because I simply asked if anyone knew where any skewers were.

Fuck this game - fuck this community. It's so small, yet there is a huge percentage of total elitist assholes. Not gonna miss it, peace!

(Edit; this wasn't the first occurrence, toxicity has been rampant lately in games I spawn into for simply asking where things are to help me help the family)

Last edited by BarnabyJones (2019-05-27 03:10:49)


#2 2019-05-27 03:18:22

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 467

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

BarnabyJones wrote:

This community is toxic. I'm a new player, sort of. I actually ended up watching a lot of videos on this game for some reason which then got me interested. I started watching more and eventually bought the game to try out. I immediately loved it. I sucked, but I liked it. I kept getting a lot better. I have a very quick learning curve and adapt really well to games that I get involved in. This was the case for this game.

Cut about three weeks into the game where I feel it has stagnated a bit and there are several griefers and communities way too close together. I join a family after that is in a gated town. I can't leave it, but that's fine, I make the best of my situation. I realize that there are many clay pots empty without any stew ingredients but plenty to harvest so I begin getting everything ready and go to town. I get 5 raw stew pots ready and several more ready just needing the pots and water. However, I can't grow any more crops because I need a skewer to till the soil. I simply go to the middle of the town and ask if there are any skewers, and immediately someone tells me to go find some (I can't leave and there are none within the gates) and that I'm a lazy fuck. Other people then jump on an tell me to fuck off and die and that I need to work harder (I had been working non stop to get the stews ready). The guy completely berates me, tells me to play a game more adequate to my IQ level, they all tell me to start Apex Legends and cry (I have no idea what this means), and eventually I just get surrounded and killed by people hating me (despite being my immediate family) because I simply asked if anyone knew where any skewers were.

Fuck this game - fuck this community. It's so small, yet there is a huge percentage of total elitist assholes. Not gonna miss it, peace!

(Edit; this wasn't the first occurrence, toxicity has been rampant lately in games I spawn into for simply asking where things are to help me help the family)

Yikes, that is horrible. I can't say I ever ran into this kind of family. I can say that though at least half the families I have been in will make an effort to help you out and the other half will just nonchalantly say sorry can't help you or something along those lines. I have yet to be berated

Been playing for 3 weeks by the way, I don't consider myself a very fast or skilled player - generally a big klutz actually. I think many games communities are way worse


#3 2019-05-27 03:33:16

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

That's really awful. There is def an issue with players not being supportive. And making stew is one of those tasks that people just don't appreciate enough. Oh your making the pump? Cool what was that you were eating again?

Anyway. It sucks that people were so rude. I hope some of them see this post and understand that there is more to being "good" at this game than knowing a lot. You need basic interpersonal skills too. I don't care how pro you are if you are rude and will drive people away from my town I'll take the noobs over you.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#4 2019-05-27 03:37:01

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 353

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

BarnabyJones wrote:

It's so small, yet there is a huge percentage of total elitist assholes.

I feel compelled to say thats pretty logical. With a small playerbase, it only takes a small amount of asshats to make that percentage be higher. Sure I was super pissed when someone just came up and stabbed me earlier while I was trying to make an engine. I did nothing to provoke it, was barely typing, shit don't even think I made it to 15yrs old that life. I was at a glance being way more productive than those around me, so they thought it would do most damage, because thats how they get their rocks off. The group of three women doing absolutely nothing, talking about juvenile topics and phallic jokes, naming kids Thanos... I knew it was a ticking time bomb and sure enough 10 minutes later my screen was flooded with red chat bubbles. The thing is though, they weeded themselves out pretty quickly and another 15 minutes later the village was peaceful. It's easy to get discouraged, and you might have just burned yourself out.

I do think how these players are handled could use a change. Donkey Town was created to get rid of destructive griefers that were breaking pens, hiding tools, locking rooms. The punishment was/is fairly steep as a deterrent. I don't think that is working anymore. I think cursing needs to be lightened up as more of a timeout instead of a prison sentence. Lower the curse limit to end up there, make the stay shorter at first but moves up in severity linearly. To stop people from abusing it, change it so you can only be cursed once per hour. If your past three lives you were doing stuff that really rubbed people the wrong way, have fun being in donkey town for 30min-1hr. I am not particularly happy about it, but my curse tokens have been burned like its my super special ability in an RPG - if it's up I am probably going to use it. Do I want to condemn someone to multiple hours of confinement, No. Do I want to remove them from the server for a brief time for myself and others and potentially make them log off for the day, Yes.


#5 2019-05-27 04:50:34

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

I would recommend taking a break and trying the game back out when Jason gets this griefing situation under control. Between genocide simulator and normal big town drama I think the game has taken a dip in quality since the sword was introduced in the first place. Plenty of great stuff has been added along side the sword but the sword basically was a big fuck you to the cooperative nature of the game. I know Jason's priority this week is dealing with the griefer Eves but hpefully eventually he'll actually give us back the tools to deal with regular griefers.

You joined the game at a terrible time which is mostly unfortunate. The best parts of the game have been stripped as of recently: You used to work together with people regardless of their background in an attempt to make the best town possible (swords ruined this because one bad actor is all it takes to devolve a town into murder central), early game has been pretty much completely removed in favor of city Eve life (players returning to their projects bad! Eves returning to grief good!), and of course the curse system got neutered because of the whole twisted fiasco so now griefing is rampant (and approved by Jason.)

I do think you're awfully unlucky to run into so many assholes at once, I generally don't run into too many and if they're being especially dickish I tell them to be nice or they can leave (people who just want to be rude dudes aren't worth having around so it's worth any curses.) Go play something you enjoy and maybe when the game is in a better spot it'll be something to look back into but until then I recommend just playing something else. Ohol is a great game, just not great right now.

fug it’s Tarr.


#6 2019-05-27 05:38:18

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

That's a weird story.

"I simply go to the middle of the town and ask if there are any skewers, and immediately someone tells me to go find some (I can't leave and there are none within the gates) and that I'm a lazy fuck."

So you asked if there was skewers and got immediatly told that you are a lazy fuck?

It seems like you either encountered someone in a really bad mood


There is holes in that story

"Other people then jump on an tell me to fuck off and die"

You ask for skewers then right after people tell you to go die?

Something just seems off in that story

Anyway having those types of moments happen in every game at some point and in real life too, but that's only a small part of it.

I played this game since months now and only had those type of situations a few times, sometimes i ignore and sometimes i just kill them to teach them a lesson.

PS. Snowballs are better than ever now with the new fighting system, probably even OP...


#7 2019-05-27 06:45:07

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

maybe hoes?
skewers wotn be in a fully fenced town
that was one issue and the lack of buckets today, i actually couldn't find a skewer to free up a bucket and made loom making harder
and had to go 400 tiles for shafts as we had a stupid fence system above pen

use springy doors for fucks sake, one gate, 3 springy doors one way out livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#8 2019-05-27 06:45:17

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

BarnabyJones wrote:

This community is toxic. I'm a new player, sort of. I actually ended up watching a lot of videos on this game for some reason which then got me interested. I started watching more and eventually bought the game to try out. I immediately loved it. I sucked, but I liked it. I kept getting a lot better. I have a very quick learning curve and adapt really well to games that I get involved in. This was the case for this game.

Cut about three weeks into the game where I feel it has stagnated a bit and there are several griefers and communities way too close together. I join a family after that is in a gated town. I can't leave it, but that's fine, I make the best of my situation. I realize that there are many clay pots empty without any stew ingredients but plenty to harvest so I begin getting everything ready and go to town. I get 5 raw stew pots ready and several more ready just needing the pots and water. However, I can't grow any more crops because I need a skewer to till the soil. I simply go to the middle of the town and ask if there are any skewers, and immediately someone tells me to go find some (I can't leave and there are none within the gates) and that I'm a lazy fuck. Other people then jump on an tell me to fuck off and die and that I need to work harder (I had been working non stop to get the stews ready). The guy completely berates me, tells me to play a game more adequate to my IQ level, they all tell me to start Apex Legends and cry (I have no idea what this means), and eventually I just get surrounded and killed by people hating me (despite being my immediate family) because I simply asked if anyone knew where any skewers were.

Fuck this game - fuck this community. It's so small, yet there is a huge percentage of total elitist assholes. Not gonna miss it, peace!

(Edit; this wasn't the first occurrence, toxicity has been rampant lately in games I spawn into for simply asking where things are to help me help the family)


& again YES !!!

exactly such is a description of players which i call EGOTISTIC since months now, SINCE MONTHS !!!

the player base is tiny
& the aggressive, violent gameplay invites & retains increasingly only players who are NOT IN THE LEAST interested in cooperation or communication
all updates since the stacking carrots updates made the gameplay worse !!!

& that's also why i don't play anymore !

i am not about to ruin my day by a game & that's what was happening run after run in the last couple of months

i wrote, i suggested - NOBODY FUCKING CARED, Jason just adds his crap on crap

yes, toxic ...

- - -

Last edited by breezeknight (2019-05-27 06:47:26)


#9 2019-05-27 06:55:08

From: the Walmart clearance aisle
Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 79

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

Dodge wrote:


Victim blaming now too eh? Wow.

I think ya'll need to step back and not just blame the recent updates. You need to remember what it's like to be a new player and barely able to keep yourself alive in the berry field. I actually let a friend play once because he was interested after watching me play, and even with me telling him exactly what to do he still struggled. And then he got scolded by some villager for being lazy and only eating/tending to berries. He couldn't even feel accomplished for learning how to do that in the first place (imo supposed to be the first job you learn and understand the system).
Mind you, I have countless hours and know most recipes/builds and I was holding his hand through the entire game just to help keep him alive, and it was still a very frustrating experience for him. Most new players don't have the advantage of someone sitting beside them explaining the social norms and mechanics.
Even I have gotten yelled at for talking and 'standing around not working'. It's not just edge cases, god forbid I want to RP and have some fun without being accused of being Diogenes.

Do your part and help people learn, even if they don't ask - offer. Don't be toxic shits scolding people for 'not playing right'. The learning curve in this game is asinine, and it gets steeper with every update.


#10 2019-05-27 06:59:34

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 467

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

BerrypickerAF wrote:
Dodge wrote:


Victim blaming now too eh? Wow.

I think ya'll need to step back and not just blame the recent updates. You need to remember what it's like to be a new player and barely able to keep yourself alive in the berry field. I actually let a friend play once because he was interested after watching me play, and even with me telling him exactly what to do he still struggled. And then he got scolded by some villager for being lazy and only eating/tending to berries. He couldn't even feel accomplished for learning how to do that in the first place (imo supposed to be the first job you learn and understand the system).
Mind you, I have countless hours and know most recipes/builds and I was holding his hand through the entire game just to help keep him alive, and it was still a very frustrating experience for him. Most new players don't have the advantage of someone sitting beside them explaining the social norms and mechanics.
Even I have gotten yelled at for talking and 'standing around not working'. It's not just edge cases, god forbid I want to RP and have some fun without being accused of being Diogenes.

Do your part and help people learn, even if they don't ask - offer. Don't be toxic shits scolding people for 'not playing right'. The learning curve in this game is asinine, and it gets steeper with every update.

When playing OHOL is like a doctor internship in a federal hospital you know the culture is totally wrong

So much for parenting concept that so many players are pushing for


#11 2019-05-27 07:29:01

From: the Walmart clearance aisle
Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 79

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

RodneyC86 wrote:

So much for parenting concept that so many players are pushing for

Not just the players but the dev himself. And he can't figure out how to make it happen at this point either, but he sure is trying whatever he can to get us there.


#12 2019-05-27 08:29:33

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

BerrypickerAF wrote:
RodneyC86 wrote:

So much for parenting concept that so many players are pushing for

Not just the players but the dev himself. And he can't figure out how to make it happen at this point either, but he sure is trying whatever he can to get us there.

by introducing the war sword before the baby sling ? lol

burden after burden is put into the game
where is the rewarding OHOL gameplay if you're not a masochist or a griefer ?

- - -


#13 2019-05-27 10:32:11

Registered: 2019-05-12
Posts: 698

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

I agree there is toxicity in the game and the player base. I can share a similar story: new camp around gen3, trying to set up early farm, gma had chosen a place a little far to the south of green biomass wich had mass soil. Me starting with almost no clothing to care the berries -all good- (this is pre Loom clothing update btw). I realize theres no soil and start bringing soil from about 40 tiles north, one basket. Two kids stay right in the middle of the berry farm, full gear, and start talking between them eating berries doing nothing for ten minutes. I ask for help and for a bp to speed up soil (they both have) or to help me get soil. Get completely insulted and called names - lazy ass go get your own, work for it- and similar speech when it was clear they had it gifted from adults. I´d almost say it is the same person. Ended up angry enough to kill one of them and getting killed by my own mom... and called griefer lel.

They are these little kids that IRL won´t dare to look you in the eye if you crossed them on the street, but get a full ego boost on the Internet. Anonymity is the only thing that keeps them in the game (same as griefers).

However, there is also solidarity and kindness in the player base. Several times I have recieved gifts from players (not elders dying) and several other times I´ve given my own stuff to others. Several times I´ve asked for trust and recieved trust in return while asking for a lent cart, horse, BP or knife. Several times I´ve trusted and several times I´ve done what another player asks me to, in their less than polite message, because I understand sometimes there is no time to waste (last game I just said "palm oil" to a kid in the kitchen where the kernels were, while I was running in my last two minutes to get the latex). Smart enough, the kid had it ready when I came back just in time to get the newcomen ready  before I died.

So, my best advice is, don´t take it too seriously if they start insulting you. Worst case scenario just kill the annoying lil kid, or take a break and leave that family. Everytime I get annoyed and leave I just say to myself, whatever, it´s their loss if I don´t play with them. Also most veterans know when someone is being a dick to others, so you may even get praised for killing the toxic players.

- I believe the term "Berrymuncher" is derogatory and therefore I shall use the term "Berrier" instead.

- Jack Ass


#14 2019-05-27 15:10:13

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

BerrypickerAF wrote:
Dodge wrote:


Victim blaming now too eh? Wow.

I think ya'll need to step back and not just blame the recent updates. You need to remember what it's like to be a new player and barely able to keep yourself alive in the berry field. I actually let a friend play once because he was interested after watching me play, and even with me telling him exactly what to do he still struggled. And then he got scolded by some villager for being lazy and only eating/tending to berries. He couldn't even feel accomplished for learning how to do that in the first place (imo supposed to be the first job you learn and understand the system).
Mind you, I have countless hours and know most recipes/builds and I was holding his hand through the entire game just to help keep him alive, and it was still a very frustrating experience for him. Most new players don't have the advantage of someone sitting beside them explaining the social norms and mechanics.
Even I have gotten yelled at for talking and 'standing around not working'. It's not just edge cases, god forbid I want to RP and have some fun without being accused of being Diogenes.

Do your part and help people learn, even if they don't ask - offer. Don't be toxic shits scolding people for 'not playing right'. The learning curve in this game is asinine, and it gets steeper with every update.

to be fair yeah
he has holes in the plot

first of all you don't need skewer for stew
to plow you can use hoes and possibly he missed out on some, and im sure if others argued they had iron at least
i seen people going for soil and when i asked her she was new and didn't knew about composting. turned out she didn't wanted to look bad so when i asked about compost she said not sure. i spent teaching her how to eat stew and pie, possibly that gonna save him/her in next games.
the faster you compost the more dumb ideas they get
like expanding berry farm cause "we got no food"
and when i ell them they shouldn't do that and why they either quit or they want to kill me, that generally ends up them being dead or me quit that life

lot of people are useless in fenced towns, and make life harder for those who work
lot of people got the attitude of sponging the whole life and talking around while others feed them and they don't seem to comprehend how much work is to ake a city and keep it up

there is always some girl who is looking for some trouble, follows you and tells stupid shit then gets pissed

honestly you got no option causee this rôle players find you, provoke you and they spend half of a life to be butthurt, and they come in groups
and if you say something negative they get their stupid excuse

im sure he waasnt the fault but im also sure he missed the solution
and the ones who knew it, were overhelmed by the idiots running around
and then is just arguing wont help especially if you tell anything negative and his story is missing a few things, like what he said to others cause sure no one telling so many things without asking, and he seems not to stay silent during it

quite a big problem that only a few people got a gate access
i seen that the other game
only one lady had it and she was looking for smarter players
i also gave 2-3 people acces but most of em doesn't care until they need acces, and also having the gate so far wont help

also pro and anti fence players already filter your population
pro fence people are generally rp players

i don't believe in half solutions, i might stick with fences but make them secure and im generally the first who notices the asshole eves runnig i nto grief livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#15 2019-05-27 18:21:34

Registered: 2019-05-24
Posts: 12

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

Dodge wrote:

That's a weird story. ...


There is holes in that story

"Other people then jump on an tell me to fuck off and die"

You ask for skewers then right after people tell you to go die?

Something just seems off in that story

No, like, legitimately I minded my business the entire time. I was actually raised by my Aunt (Lis), and I noticed there was a lack of food, so I started working on stews. It was a mob mentality. I asked the wrong person at the wrong time apparently (he was working fast) and it was a simple request. He started aggressively berating me and everyone just sort of jumped on. I tried (briefly) to explain that I was just simply asking for skewers, but everyone was so focused on this guy calling me names and they just joined in. It was weirdly middle-school like. I'm an adult, I don't have time for that shit.

Dodge wrote:

PS. Snowballs are better than ever now with the new fighting system, probably even OP...

No idea about snowballs. I know you can make them at snow piles or mounds or whatever, but I only ever ran into one once. Remember, I'm new. I don't plan on playing until I see some updates that might bring me back. I have not played since this incident. I'm an honest person, I would not make anything up for my personal benefit.


#16 2019-05-27 18:28:30

Registered: 2019-05-24
Posts: 12

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

pein wrote:

to be fair yeah
he has holes in the plot

first of all you don't need skewer for stew
to plow you can use hoes and possibly he missed out on some, and im sure if others argued they had iron at least

I am new, I do not know what you mean. The soil was already spread out with a hoe, but it was dry after picking the plants. I've only ever seen people use a skewer to get the soil fresh again for replanting. I'm a newb, admittedly, so I'm sorry if I missed something obvious

pein wrote:

i seen people going for soil and when i asked her she was new and didn't knew about composting. turned out she didn't wanted to look bad so when i asked about compost she said not sure. i spent teaching her how to eat stew and pie, possibly that gonna save him/her in next games.
the faster you compost the more dumb ideas they get
like expanding berry farm cause "we got no food"

I do not know how to compost, but I just focus on one task during my entire "life". At first I really enjoyed hunting, I grasped that immediately and would always seek out family dens and make clothing for everyone, eventually I learned how to do all of the basics, so I started doing some road building, animal keeping, grave keeping, all the really small jobs that go unnoticed in a town. I started to advance more, and actually contributed to making a pump for a dried out well (I gathered the rubber from rubber trees and mixed with sulfur, etc). In this particular game I was confined inside my town due to not having ownership to any gates and was content with my little plot of land in the town to take care of, so that's what I did.

pein wrote:

and when i ell them they shouldn't do that and why they either quit or they want to kill me, that generally ends up them being dead or me quit that life

lot of people are useless in fenced towns, and make life harder for those who work
lot of people got the attitude of sponging the whole life and talking around while others feed them and they don't seem to comprehend how much work is to ake a city and keep it up

there is always some girl who is looking for some trouble, follows you and tells stupid shit then gets pissed

honestly you got no option causee this rôle players find you, provoke you and they spend half of a life to be butthurt, and they come in groups
and if you say something negative they get their stupid excuse

im sure he waasnt the fault but im also sure he missed the solution

Again, it's possible that I did, but how am I to know that? Think about it. How am I supposed to know something that I don't know. It's illogical. My boycott on this game is because the community I've encountered is way too toxic. I'm looking to enjoy myself when I play games, and I will avoid games that irritate me. End of story.


#17 2019-05-27 18:48:58

Registered: 2018-07-21
Posts: 1,062

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

I think you are confusing tool functions, hoes and skewers do the same thing, turn soil piles in shallow rows and shallow rows and double soil piles in tilled rows.

When a crop like beans and corn leaves shallow rows you need to soil it first and then till with either item.

I wouldnt be surprised if people thought you were trying to make a bow and arrow, which takes skewers

Last edited by Booklat1 (2019-05-27 18:50:15)


#18 2019-05-27 18:53:01

Registered: 2019-05-24
Posts: 12

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

Booklat1 wrote:

I think you are confusing tool functions, hoes and skewers do the same thing, turn soil piles in shallow rows and shallow rows and double soil piles in tilled rows.

When a crop like beans and corn leaves shallow rows you need to soil it first and then till with either item.

I wouldnt be surprised if people thought you were trying to make a bow and arrow, which takes skewers

That's fair, I did not know you could use the hoe after you resupplied dried out rows with new soil. I thought it had to be the skewer, that's the only way I've ever seen it done. In fact, I did not know that they were interchangeable, I only ever thought you needed a hoe to START the rows, and then a skewer to MAINTAIN them. Still not a reason to call me a lazy fuck and kill me, IMO.

Last edited by BarnabyJones (2019-05-27 18:54:14)


#19 2019-05-27 18:55:17

Registered: 2019-01-15
Posts: 156

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

BarnabyJones wrote:

I am new, I do not know what you mean. The soil was already spread out with a hoe, but it was dry after picking the plants. I've only ever seen people use a skewer to get the soil fresh again for replanting. I'm a newb, admittedly, so I'm sorry if I missed something obvious

I assume you have this:
and you want to produce this:

the wiki currently only shows skewer, but once you expand the ledger , you will see, that a stone hoe, or a metal hoe do the trick too, the skewer is simply one of the three tools in this game allowed to plough.

I remember when i was making mistakes, I would get yelled at, shearing the last sheep in our pen (before the poop update) or using a thread (two whole milkweed) to make a backpack, when we had sheep (making clothes with sheep thread is insanely cheaper than with milkweed, meaning only very early eve camps and griefers waste milkweed on clothes)

OHOL players want efficiency, often erratically so.

I am sorry you got killed and yelled at for making a minor mistake, generally, i advise asking for advice, I remember how stupid I felt when I learned that adobe could also be made from straw, not only reeds (for some reason straw and reeds together can not make a basket, though).


#20 2019-05-27 18:57:56

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

@BarnabyJones Definitly weird that you got jumped on just for asking where a skewer is.

Dont get me wrong it can happen, but usually that's not the full story and some pieces of conversations are missing.

But if thats true then that's just an extremly rare case, quitting the game just for one bad interaction seems a little excessive but each his own.

If you played 30 hrs im sure that's not the only type of interactions you had, why quit after just one bad experience? That's like stop eating apples completly because one apple didn't taste good.


#21 2019-05-27 18:59:40

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

BarnabyJones wrote:


yeah you missed the hoes
they till the soil, spreading it wont do much
skewers (not the weak skewers) can till soil, they are useful early game and sometimes even mid game
they can till 5-8 soil (best i seen was 15+)
and not makign hoe helps on getting the iron vein quick

my strategy is to recycle chisel then i need 7 iron (plus shovel if im able)
then make a quick pen, horse and get a vein

sure it wont help farmers early but overall all those milkweed is spared and to be fair early game you can scavenge food

smiting isn't hard but it's confusing at first
sometimes i also yell cause im confused, but those fast workers eventually make the tools if they see the town needs it, i bet other idiots jumped into the conversation

if you play every life then this will occur
you can suicide when you see a lot of lazy mid age people and lot of girls running around in loom clothes doing nothing

most fun people are the oens wh ostay at gen 2-5 camps and make it nice but you alwaays get not so newbees who don't work but act like dicks livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#22 2019-05-27 20:41:25

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

How unfortunate. This game is really bad at retaining players already, and the current situation in the game is probably the worst it has ever been.

I am still keeping clear of the game. I know I'm gonna submit myself to a very highly likely portion of crap if I go in for a life or two. I am awaiting for news how fence issues, swords and Eves will straighten out. Still positive they will. It just takes so much time that Jason may be losing a lot of players as it is now.

Even with a small community, these recent changes have favored griefers a lot. I think there still are loopholes in twinning too. So many things are left hanging that now the wires are sparking fire at the same time; all kinds of griefers have great times bothering others, maybe hiding tools in process, then perhaps throwing around insults. Then the few who still loyally play, get their experiences ruined and mood bitter, and then in turn their patience and helpfulness turns into bluntness and short-tempered bickering.

Ahh what a wonderful world, crap makes more crap go around.
Anyways, I hope you will be looking back after a while. Perhaps we are back to the state we had a month ago or so.

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#23 2019-05-27 23:35:09

Registered: 2018-12-04
Posts: 164

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

I'm still waiting to see if I want come back. I probably have clocked in about 800 hours or so, and the handful of lives I've come back to play in the past month have been alright. I just don't feel it anymore though. Probably just finished with the drama and killing.


#24 2019-05-27 23:39:45

Registered: 2018-07-15
Posts: 355

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

Man, reminds me of this one player I keep encountering who always calls people useless and lazy. I think I've encountered them 2 times, one of them I shot. Anyway, later that life, I got to be useful (unlike them, they just stood around ironically, then died at 23) and killed a bunch of thi-eves. Don't let it get to your head, I nearly did

Favourite Lives: MrDryer/ChirpChapley (Eva II) Town Nurse (Beth Storm) Ma's Best Li'l Helper (Law Autry), The Latex Lord (Kevin Youree), 60 Years a Blacksmith (Victoire Mom) The Egglord's Apprentice (Thomas II), Big Blood Brother (Dante), Horse racer on doomsday (Lilly Tana)
Profile Picture by MultiLife


#25 2019-05-27 23:42:28

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Newer Player, 30hrs+2weeks, Quitting

Unfortunately, with the xenophobia downgrade, I don't think that the playerbase is getting less toxic in game.  I know some people felt persuaded away from playing after that downgrade.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


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