One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-06-07 00:56:50

Registered: 2018-11-30
Posts: 51

What do you guys think about being able to jail people?

If OHOL had some way to pillory griefers, would you use it?

It could make it easier to wrack up curses on a bad player. Also if you fed them then you can prevent them from respawning. It could also allow us to get rid of tomatoes.


#2 2019-06-07 00:58:16

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: What do you guys think about being able to jail people?

How can we ensure that it's justice instead of griefing and punishing the innocent?

Last edited by Spoonwood (2019-06-07 00:58:29)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#3 2019-06-07 01:27:24

Registered: 2018-11-30
Posts: 51

Re: What do you guys think about being able to jail people?

Innocents will be punished as well from time to time. By making it simple enough for any player to free a captured player, it would undermine it as a means of griefing. Innocents always outnumber the griefers.


#4 2019-06-07 01:29:40

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: What do you guys think about being able to jail people?

what do you think about getting jailed?  especially for no reason? they would just quit or join other server, you could rack up curses on someone who is afk but that's it, it's more of a tool for griefers than the good guys

and even if you could only jail the killers, still not fully fair to punish in a way that is higher than the offense

like you killed someone but the person wasn't able to prevent it, nor others
the "combat" "system" is shit now and people are easily convinced to curse, even if they don't know what happened

but just talking about watching an idle character while others can do anythign to you doesn't sound like a good gameplay livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2019-06-07 02:30:32

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: What do you guys think about being able to jail people?

I mean I think it's worth a shot. If you dump someone in a cell you can pretty much force them to stay alive and basically tell people to curse the person being kept captive. Of course any sort of jail or prison will be used on innocent players regardless of outcome. At best a jail cell ends up being used for timeout "Don't shear all the sheep or you get five minutes in the pokey" and as a way to keep trolls out of other villages with either curses or by forcing them to stay alive.

At worst a jail system would lead to players being entrapped like they are/were with breeding cells where they just get held hostage until their warden decides to kill them or let them starve.

fug it’s Tarr.


#6 2019-06-07 05:00:44

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: What do you guys think about being able to jail people?

I'd rather exile people than put them in a jail. If I was put in a jail, I'd quit/disconnect. What's the point of staying? I opened the game to play, not to be captured and stared at.

Last edited by MultiLife (2019-06-07 05:01:21)

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#7 2019-06-07 05:51:06

pedrito confesiones
Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 65

Re: What do you guys think about being able to jail people?

we should have suicide pills then so we can escape jail
every jail should have a option to suicide in case you are held for many minutes

Last edited by pedrito confesiones (2019-06-07 05:51:54)


Bottom text


#8 2019-06-07 16:37:19

Registered: 2019-05-22
Posts: 393

Re: What do you guys think about being able to jail people?

I don't see this going well. People would just leave the game rather than sit there, and I have a feeling it would mostly be used to torment the innocent.


#9 2019-06-07 18:03:05

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: What do you guys think about being able to jail people?

I don't see the point.    To be an effective punishment for griefers, it would need to be too powerful and easily abused BY griefers to torment innocent players.   I don't see any way to balance it in such a way that it would not be abused.


#10 2019-06-08 00:01:53

Registered: 2019-04-11
Posts: 25

Re: What do you guys think about being able to jail people?

How about a portable prison-rope. Like a Lasso. I think capturing someone with a Lasso and being able to carry them would be nice. Carrying a person should slow the carrier down, so people can intervene if an illegal kidnapping occurs. The Lasso should dissolve after three minutes max. That way you can also starve a captive (if no one feeds them). Way better than killing someone with a knife, which often leads to chain murders. Using a knife or a sharp stone should destroy the bondage Lasso. Capturing people with lassos would be more practical than a stationary prison or property fence prison.

Last edited by ProNice (2019-06-08 00:03:29)


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