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#1 2019-06-04 16:32:02

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Some death stats for Monday

9693 deaths

5477 disconnects
5379 disconnects during age 0 (i.e., /DIE babies)

559 old age
225 murders
3392 other causes (hunger, animal, etc.)


#2 2019-06-04 16:35:12

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: Some death stats for Monday

I think that the life log data logs murder sometimes as starvation.
i think this happens when you get stabbed but starve to death before you die by the wound.


#3 2019-06-04 16:36:35

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Some death stats for Monday

Can confirm. You can get death by starvation while being fatally wounded.

fug it’s Tarr.


#4 2019-06-04 16:55:00

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Some death stats for Monday

True, the life log doesn't track this correctly if you starve before dying from the wound.  I think the family tree server does, though.

Lineage server sees:

10,052 Deaths
2,323 Starvations
534 Old Age deaths
268 Murders
432 Killed by deadly natural thing
5,502 /DIE suicides


#5 2019-06-04 16:55:23

Registered: 2019-05-08
Posts: 328

Re: Some death stats for Monday

In this thread (, futurebird raised the issue that it seems like there are a small subset of players who are SIDSing 200+ times per day.


#6 2019-06-04 17:40:06

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Some death stats for Monday

Here are stats for natural deadly things:

| count(*) | death_cause                         |
|      148 |                                     |
|        2 | Killed by Domestic Boar with Piglet |
|       62 | Killed by Hungry Grizzly Bear       |
|        3 | Killed by Mean Pit Bull             |
|        7 | Killed by Mosquito Swarm            |
|       44 | Killed by Rattle Snake              |
|        6 | Killed by Shot Grizzly Bear         |
|        2 | Killed by Shot Wolf                 |
|       34 | Killed by Wild Boar                 |
|       22 | Killed by Wild Boar with Piglet     |
|       42 | Killed by Wolf                      |
|      208 | Killed by Yellow Fever              |

Note that the blank line at the top is a catch-all for people who were killed by natural deadly things, but who haven't had their death string generated yet (it's only generated when they are viewed in the family tree server, and no one has viewed them yet).


#7 2019-06-04 17:43:36

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: Some death stats for Monday

In this list you can see "killed by mosquito swarm" and also "killed by yellow fever"


#8 2019-06-04 17:47:50

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Some death stats for Monday

Yes, I'm not sure what's causing that.


#9 2019-06-04 17:51:30

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: Some death stats for Monday

I think what might cause it is if you get bitten by a wolf for example, then you go into a mosquito swarm and get yellow fever but the wolf kills you.
But ofcourse i am not sure.


#10 2019-06-04 17:52:36

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Some death stats for Monday

Mosquito swarm deaths are triggered by stacking up wound triggers after having an injury already e.g. You run into a wolf then starting to run through mosquitoes. This stacks up the yellow fever triggers which then kills the player via mosquito swarm bites instead of just yellow fever.

Same thing can be done to get the death by snowball after removing lethal snowballs. Get bit by wolf > snowball > snowball > snowball  = death by snowball.

Yellow fever is caused by starving out while having the emote obviously.

Last edited by Tarr (2019-06-04 17:53:42)

fug it’s Tarr.


#11 2019-06-04 19:55:33

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Some death stats for Monday

And yeah, the top 100 /DIE players are really hammering /DIE:

| count(*) | user_id |
|      225 |    2696 |
|      177 |   18946 |
|      159 |   53385 |
|      150 |   50785 |
|      131 |   46391 |
|      130 |    4029 |
|      112 |   51212 |
|      109 |   50743 |
|      109 |   49512 |
|      108 |   51987 |
|       99 |   46724 |
|       94 |   35453 |
|       81 |   47075 |
|       81 |   44413 |
|       76 |   53148 |
|       69 |   52877 |
|       68 |   30004 |
|       67 |   50178 |
|       65 |      51 |
|       58 |   53118 |
|       57 |   53440 |
|       55 |   49605 |
|       54 |   50299 |
|       54 |   36669 |
|       54 |   48951 |
|       53 |   48417 |
|       53 |   42432 |
|       50 |   51479 |
|       50 |    3551 |
|       49 |   21416 |
|       49 |   28992 |
|       47 |   49069 |
|       46 |   54429 |
|       45 |   31360 |
|       44 |   47903 |
|       42 |   53945 |
|       41 |   51921 |
|       40 |   11277 |
|       39 |   52706 |
|       39 |   50010 |
|       39 |   50975 |
|       38 |   53414 |
|       37 |   30313 |
|       37 |   53325 |
|       37 |   53063 |
|       37 |   52035 |
|       36 |   25706 |
|       34 |     186 |
|       32 |   53860 |
|       31 |   54550 |
|       30 |   11204 |
|       30 |   37589 |
|       29 |     509 |
|       29 |   10427 |
|       28 |   54388 |
|       27 |   51841 |
|       26 |   49411 |
|       26 |   52075 |
|       26 |    1492 |
|       26 |    9376 |
|       26 |   28361 |
|       24 |   43839 |
|       24 |   12510 |
|       24 |   50457 |
|       23 |   34834 |
|       23 |   47612 |
|       23 |   52022 |
|       21 |   45865 |
|       21 |   53674 |
|       20 |   48862 |
|       19 |   48180 |
|       19 |   44715 |
|       19 |   52241 |
|       19 |   52163 |
|       18 |   18161 |
|       18 |   26540 |
|       18 |    4582 |
|       18 |    4699 |
|       17 |   48867 |
|       16 |   54250 |
|       16 |   53487 |
|       16 |   38377 |
|       16 |   52516 |
|       16 |    1075 |
|       15 |   52577 |
|       15 |   41679 |
|       15 |   13190 |
|       15 |   52280 |
|       14 |    1272 |
|       14 |   48901 |
|       14 |   39238 |
|       14 |    4971 |
|       14 |   41400 |
|       13 |   52823 |
|       13 |   39457 |
|       13 |   40750 |
|       13 |   18077 |
|       13 |   46909 |
|       13 |   52907 |
|       13 |   51091 |

Those user_ids don't divulge identities in any way.  Though 51 would be the 51st player to ever have lineage information reported.

Anyway, you can see that some players are really working the DIE feature a lot.

Server-wide, we've got 3.8 baby suicides per minute, which is a lot.


#12 2019-06-06 02:39:43

Registered: 2018-11-13
Posts: 61

Re: Some death stats for Monday

familySkipList of /DIE has bug.

Always familySkipList will be clear.
So, same baby born at same mother or linage.

Maybe that is cause of one, they uses lot of DIE.


#13 2019-06-06 12:06:37

Registered: 2018-10-15
Posts: 347

Re: Some death stats for Monday

Alec wrote:

familySkipList of /DIE has bug.

Always familySkipList will be clear.
So, same baby born at same mother or linage.

Maybe that is cause of one, they uses lot of DIE.

... that would seem a likely suspect for at least some of the epidemic, if you're not actually ever skipping a family...


#14 2019-06-06 12:59:44

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 855

Re: Some death stats for Monday

From a brief code inspection, the bug is minor. The server will forget a players skip list if they play for over two hours, which is enough time for situations to change. And that assumes they aren't doing a full cycle every time anyway. -- --
Custom client with  autorun, name completion, emotion keys, interaction keys, location slips, object search, camera pan, and more


#15 2019-06-07 08:26:03

Registered: 2018-11-13
Posts: 61

Re: Some death stats for Monday

I don't think this bug is minor.
After familySkipList update, I saw twins born and die again and again in same family, in short times.

First, FamilySkipListRecord::lastUpdateTime has set from nowhere.
So, always lastUpdateTime is 0 (or some value)

Next, this is code of condition, when clear familySkipList.
else if( curTime - r->lastUpdateTime > 7200 ) {
If r->lastUpdateTime is always 0, condition is true at always. Understood?

Finally, this happened when two people using DIE again and again.
Case, using DIE command doesn't clear own FamilySkipListRecord, because program return value at previos of this condition.

That means, last player's FamilySkipListRecord who used DIE at last, is available.

So what happen?
Same player born at same mother(who been good temperature and food-chain) again and again, with using DIE.


#16 2019-06-07 11:44:24

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 855

Re: Some death stats for Monday

Alec wrote:

So, always lastUpdateTime is 0 (or some value)

I believe it's passed at record creation time, which uses a positional list and does require naming the field. The value is never updated, so it's more record creation time than last update time -- --
Custom client with  autorun, name completion, emotion keys, interaction keys, location slips, object search, camera pan, and more


#17 2019-06-08 09:15:13

Registered: 2018-11-13
Posts: 61

Re: Some death stats for Monday

wondible wrote:
Alec wrote:

So, always lastUpdateTime is 0 (or some value)

I believe it's passed at record creation time, which uses a positional list and does require naming the field. The value is never updated, so it's more record creation time than last update time

Wow, you have a point.
Sorry, now I admit my misunderstanding.

In here familySkipListRecord has initialized by curTime. … ipList.cpp


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