a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl
So true. It's hard to see your own family when there's only four groups.
You have now laid eyes upon the one and only Raidan Allcock on the leaderboards.
Jason is too busy adding stupid changes that he will revert in a month
Build bell towers not apocalypse towers
Tipy, He said he is working on it. chill. I'd rather wait than have rushed and bad art
Last edited by Guppy (2019-06-17 11:05:41)
I'd rather wait than have rushed and bad art
If only he'd apply the same logic to mechanic changes....
Pages: 1