a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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http://onehouronelife.com/reviewServer/ … list_polls
You should see it after you die, assuming you have lived more than 10 lives and 2 hours total.
But I'm the only one who has answered it, so I'm worried that it's not working....
Also, you need the client update (which should be fetched when you die) before your client will fetch/show the poll.
Ah, some results are showing up now, so it seems to be working.
jup, it showed up after my life.
How long will the poll be running?
This was a test poll that ran for an hour.
The real poll will start in a bit.
I wasn't getting the pole the update didn't trigger because i had custom server on but the client was running fine, so i could play the game without needing the update, so that might be an issue for people that have custom server on and wont get the update to answer pole.
(still not getting the pole after the update)
When does the poll show up?
Pages: 1