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#1 2019-07-02 15:23:30

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Stacy Altringer the tutorialborn

images:!t0VXVSDR!yYejQXixAmZI … qhC8RVuamE

family … id=4899855
was born in the tutorial area, my daughter later claimed, "we are ten k away", which seems about right.
I had 10 births, 5 of them where suicidal.

mom sayd, her first attempt to found a family in the tutorial area failed, she just didnt get a girl after flying for ten k.
in her second attempt, i was born.
i had an older brother, who did a lot of farming and tool making.
in my youth i got to  make carts, explore north, and there where two airports and a plane, but only 4 tutotrial zones, then a large void.
i repeated to tell my children all this.
and that we only care for whatever is south, not north, not east and not west.
mom died and sure wanted to be born back into her family.
at age 40 i took one of my sons south with me, with a cart a shovel and an axe, we opened up roughly 30 tutorial areas to the south from the outside, 5 where already open, likely by mom of previous life to gather iron.
after opening fifteen tutorial zones, my son got curious "is this infinite" and i sayd "no, just a few million".
then my son either got scared about large sizes, bored by monotony, or just decided to bring back iron north sooner than i told him to, which was probably a smart choice.
i marched south till either my axe or shovel broke, and then back north asap, to save the cart.

then i typed /die a lot, and now you are stuck in this forum with me, as i am oout of lifes.

a moment of silence for my 2 sisters and one brother, who where born during a 10k plane flight without any hope. totally worth this family, that lasted only 8 generations.


Lifes now just got a lot more precoius, due to more away spawns having minor sucesses (i also founded cities 2k north of wherever i was a few times, not by plane though)
having half of your babies suicide, even when born in the tutorial area, shows that most people, who taype /die, do not kniw the tutorial area at all and do not like great oportunities when they get them.

The tutorial family area family sure is not immune to dumb deaths, knife greed and mass murder.
To the contrary, it attrackts murder a lot more, and the areas are full of deadly dead end traps and very long walls with nowhere to hide.
one of my daughters knifed her 2 year old daughter, born in the tutorial area, so there is that!

But at least it has a special flair there.
It is extremely easy to make huge animal pens in this area. this makes sheep slaughter griefing a lot harder.

there are near infinite not locked signs that read "go--south or--north", so, you can write signs a lot cheaper in this area, as long asd its mostly o,u,h,r letters.

Last edited by ollj (2019-07-02 15:25:56)


#2 2019-07-02 16:13:20

Registered: 2018-06-03
Posts: 114

Re: Stacy Altringer the tutorialborn

i was the only male kid alive on her first try i setup the fencegate to make it more homeish made 2 notes some dice and a crown for my mum when she came back as another fam it was a really nice life and i wish i woud have spawned back into the fam but alas i became a disney

im eve groot or eve degroot and if i dont care and spawn next to an item ill call myself eve (itemname)
420 mushroom cultist and proud of it!


#3 2019-07-02 21:17:41

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Stacy Altringer the tutorialborn

update, i asserted the family died, but apaprently it either never diid, or it got re-seeded by just another airplane drop.
there is now a 22th generation in the tutorial area.
but it may not live forever, because it sure has issues, and the tutorial area dooes decay fast, its only adobe walls.

the family there is now alive, barely, i was born like 5 times into it. they founded a larger city at the northern end of the tutorial area.
many dont know about the more advanced but mostly abandoned southern founding city.
the hell, many of them never once saw an airplane.
so they where just way too much in awe and confuseion, to bother making babies and gfeeding babies.

this has some minor benefits though:
twice i was abandoned by my mother, and asked to chosae my name, so i was "jesus" twice in this family, and once named allah (without being asked a name), once mars, sure epic names. … id=4901321 … id=4901756 … id=4901021

the tutoprial area has 3 very unique problems.
- it has too much of everything, that is, it grows too fast, and very different.
  so the areas have fires, that need no fuel, and more berries than anyone could eat, you just need 2 people to cooperate, to break adobe walls, and then yxou have opened a death trap into an easily accessible/escapeable baby making room.

but does this cause a baby boom?
nope, of yourse not, because 80% of people still waste their time farming capital city domestic berries, and worrying about upgrading technology just to get oil or water , which they barely need, because...

20% of all players there are suicidal mothers, low borth rate explorers, who are anyhwere but not close to any fire.
also the snake pits, i just had to spend a whole life to kill all snakes in the tutorial area, because mothers kept killing their babies, by dropping them into the snake pit, and closing the door.
and many people just killed themselfes in the snake pits for the griefd of it.

but thats not hte most annoying part.
the most annoying part fto me, as semi-founding mom of this area, born six times init, are people that ask "why" "why should i help you break walls to access infinite berries and fire, if i could just do my own nonsense" "why should i build a road south, before the tutorial areas in the south decay completely"
and the moms who cared for me, they didnt understand that i just wantged them to go south, where there is less chaos, mnore food and fire that needs no fuel.
no, they prefered to stay in the city, that was a mess of fools, low food and murderers.

the tutorial areasmay seem infinite, but with people living near them, they decay fast in a radius around the people there.
so, near the city are only 4 slowly-decaying tutorial areas, and below that are 5 fast decaying utotiasl areas (because people barely explore past 200 south if theres just rpetitive walls of stuff and deaht people), and outside of that, i only found ruined plains with VERY ugly and messy overwritten biome-data.
which is fine, because its mostly green strippes, with some rabbits in them, very mixed mild biomes north and south.
but also snake pits and the usual bear issues.


the main lesson here, people are so dumb, and griefing is just so easy, that even a family that lives and mostly thrives in the tutorial area, still most of the time struggles to reach 10 fertiles.
and that in  an area, that has 15 fires burn forever, that never need fuel, more rope, berries iron and branches than you could hope for, in very predictable locations.

i kept findinfg people who assisted me in breqaking walls, but this was more an exception.
the rule in this area was horribly neglecting moms, who chose to kill their babies actively, directly with snakes, or by letting them starve, or by just not caring of their babies live. this is the majority of mothers there. because players wantt not to waste time with babies, when they could just explore the tutorial area.
you know, they could just like, play the tutorial mode?
nope. that would make sense! that can not be done!
because this area is just too extiting to let others be born there, right?

well its a lovely mess no matter what, so im out of lifes just to get into it a sixt time, and have the time to write all this.
and then say "read forum" +"for city history" in ingame chat. which is just a lovely waste of time, because best case cenario is; they will ask "why?" and "what forum?"
and then i may respond either "stfu" or "please just stop asking why" , depending on character age or obnoxiousness on my mom, telling me how awesome and weird thius place is. this news gets old very fast mon, but i can only write 2, 3 or 4 letter acronyls at age 4, so please "st-fu" !

Last edited by ollj (2019-07-02 21:33:59)


#4 2019-07-03 17:53:00

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Stacy Altringer the tutorialborn

yes, it sure was a learning experience. i made many screenshots of its rise and decay, which cost me a lot of /die braggingpoints, but so far only the initial rise is uploaded.
I may upload them over time, i had six londer lifes in the tutorial zone, and 4 very short life of neglect and murder.

simple lessons for next time (you may want to make paper notes for this at old age and take them with you on the plane)
- most peole get confused and curious in the tutorial zone, which wastes lifes and time. they lack direction, they need notes to guide them. the "job - ***" notes actually seem to be very useful sometimes.

- make it VERY clear that you must build a road south to all the wild berries, and try to continuously migratee south, instead of farming ANY DOMESTICATED berries.
- - this significantly slows down the decay of the tutorial zones. they decay much slower while players are nearby. they will however decay within 8 hours, even with players constantly near them, so this is how much time you have to migrate south continuously, or else the domestic berries, ores and milkweed just vanishes faster than 8 hours.
- - berry farming is such a huge waste of time (compared to road building paths to wild berries, cati and other useful spots), especially in the tutorial zone, where you know where to find long arrays of wild berries and milkweerd extremely easily.
- - carrot farming is much more important in the tutorial zone, for pens/horses.
- make it very clear, that the tutorial zone has a very large number of columns of four fires close to each other, one of three fires of each tutorial zone is in a small room with a door, great to trap a horse insidde of. these fires need no fuel, but also can not be modified at all (no flat stone or clay pot can be put on them). these places are perfect to raise children though, as they have more than enough wild berries next to them, and likely one full set of cloth.
- - the only problem here is, that this zone is a initially death trap, any griefer may just enter the tutorial zones single entrance, and then you are just trapped in a death end, unless you break the walls with a pickaxe, sadly this needs two players, a bucket of water, and a clay pot, you must quickly water a wall twice, whole the other player continuooously uses the pickaxe on it.
- - breaking walls with water and pickaxe way may still be more efficient than just breaking the entrance with an axe and a shovel.
- the snakes must be killed fast, otherwise the suidice and baby murder rate are just way too high. this just takes a few dedicated snake killers.
- - its relatively easy to do, it just takes a knife, some nearby branches and some time, like 5-10 minutes per tutorial area, faster after walls are broken.
- make it very clear, that a town witoput babies will diminish everyones change to get reborn into it, so women that just wollow their curiousity and disregard babies without even gathering anything for a common wealth must be killed on sight.

make it very clear, that this locale is extraordinary, and it requires very different strategies/priorities.
- - water is more important
- - technology upgrades are much less important
- - if you make too much steel, you are just begging for treasonous mass murders. instead you must just mass produce tools, constantly have a surplus of tools (sticks for tools exist plenty nearby), but never a surplus of steel.
- - try to start a bell early, just for the fun of attempting to ring a bell 10k ar from any other town, yopur tuutorial zone may not live long enough to finish a bell, if it soedn get started early. its not thast i thing anyone will ever reach the bell from another town. i just want to see that 6k long trail of death people by mosquitos, starvation, old age, with horses running free and cars without fuel in a distance up to 8k, but only a plane may travel 10k within 30 years.

silly things you did:
- you made a pen way too smal, only a fraction of a tutorial zone was turned into a sheep pen. why not turn whole tutorial zones into sheep pens? sure, it takes a few more carrots to fill a whole tutorial zone wit hsheeps. And then the walls will decay, and then many sheeps roam semi-freely, which is vewry hard to grief. such a sheep-explosion may well be wooth a try.

Last edited by ollj (2019-07-03 18:08:11)


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