One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-07-31 11:37:56

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 689

Huge Flaws that need to be fixed

Murdering people doesn't area lock them because it can't. This means griefers continue to keep coming back, and back and back. You can kill them 10 times and nothing changes.

I know what you're going to say. Curse them! I did. But there is 40 people in a town, and nobody has any idea what is going on because there's too many murders, too many people, the names are all crazy weird because of the massive amount of births. You tell people to curse them but no one has any idea who is who. This is isn't fun. This is REALLY rough. REALLY REALLY rough.

The lack of families just makes this impossible to deal with. All of us, the entire player base gets born into a single town because there's only one family left. Even if you get born into a different village it's a VERY short walk back to the main town to cause more mayhem or simply /die until you're born back because you will be. There's no way to fight this Jason. What are we supposed to do? Seriously? Build fences? They're killing us from the inside.

I played for an hour, and I killed 5 people who were griefing. I was killed 3 times, and on my 4th life I decided to give up and kill myself when I watched a 3 year old run off with the bucket again. This is seriously hell. Hiding stuff behind trees has always been a problem, but it's out of control now with limited resources. Losing a bucket means death in a place with limited resources. "Plant more milkweed!" How are we supposed to water them? Walk across the map to find a pond over and over? Then when they're finally grown and you make a bucket, a 3 year old runs off and hides it behind a tree. Putting you in the same position.


This isn't fair.

My solutions for this? Make it so we can use bowls on cisterns. It's an unmovable water container. It would help a lot. My solution for the tree griefing? Make tiles behind trees taken up by the trees. This tree hiding is disgusting and unfair. You and I both know people can see through trees, but a large majority of the players cannot.

My solutions for the griefers being reborn over and over? Revert the rift. This is NOT working Jason. There is no possible way this can work anymore. The lack of families, and space for murdered people to go is making it so much harder on people just trying to play. I don't like having to watch my family to make sure they're not stealing shit, I don't like having to spend my time finding stuff behind trees because I'm one of the few good players that can, I don't like being born to the same town over and over and over and over and over and over. I don't like this.


Dealing with griefers isn't a story like you put it. It's a stressful time no one likes dealing with because the damage they cause can last a long time. They killed all the sheep? That's half a lifetime of work, growing rope and finding the sheep and stuff. They hid all the iron and tools behind trees? That's 2 lifetimes of work, between getting more iron and smelting it all and making more tools. Oh they hid all the plates? That's 10-20 mins of work to make new ones. All the while the times inbetween are hell because we can't work without the items that were stolen or hidden.

But guess what Jason. It takes only a few seconds to grief all the work that was done. That's the huge flaw. Pick up the iron, the buckets, the pies, the plates and put them far away. It takes them no time at all. Kill them, they come back and do it again.

The way the game is right now isn't going to ever work. This isn't OHOL. One family? One town? How is this your vision? At least get rid of the rift until you think of a way to fix it because me and a lot of other people are at our limit.

I loved this game. I have over 700 hours in it! But I just can't stand it right now. It's so draining. The only thing that makes me play is the community. There's so many good people here, but there's so many bad people too.

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#2 2019-07-31 12:09:59

Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 93

Re: Huge Flaws that need to be fixed

Really good point about the problem of things being hidden behind trees.. We need a solution for that.

Also a good point about griefing.. Limiting lives doesn't really do much when the amount of families is very limited.. it's easy to /die a couple times and get where you want.

I like the idea of limiting the creation of new families - it mirrors our world well.. there are no eves anymore - but does it create an intractable problem of making all families a bigger target?

I still see the value of the rift as a good avenue of exploration - the challenge is we're suddenly dealing with all these problems which were invisible when we were dealing with infinite space. Sure we could go back to not dealing with them, but they'd still be there.


#3 2019-07-31 12:46:28

Registered: 2018-06-03
Posts: 114

Re: Huge Flaws that need to be fixed

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

The lack of families just makes this impossible to deal with. All of us, the entire player base gets born into a single town because there's only one family left. Even if you get born into a different village it's a VERY short walk back to the main town to cause more mayhem or simply /die until you're born back because you will be. There's no way to fight this Jason. What are we supposed to do? Seriously? Build fences? They're killing us from the inside.

i was thinking of this as well its the main reason im thinking of quitting completely i dont feel like playing the same fam over and over
what if different eves spawn in a different rift bubble ajacent to the current ''bubble'' with the ability to bridge the gap
maybe something like a bridge that has to be build from both sides taking hours to settle (like belltower/apoctower) and comunication between the fams radio or learning the language staying at the edge talking to them
the eventual goal should be trade, peace, or war!

im eve groot or eve degroot and if i dont care and spawn next to an item ill call myself eve (itemname)
420 mushroom cultist and proud of it!


#4 2019-07-31 13:05:27

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: Huge Flaws that need to be fixed

The rift would be a nice thing if it would only trigger from pulling off succesful apocalypse. So instead of everything wiped off, we would get huge rifts spawning and grid locking people. Then the mayhem begins and eventually full wipe. Right now living in rift is like living in post apocalyptic world. Everything is in ruins, you lack basic means of survival and people have gone mental.

I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


#5 2019-07-31 15:20:41

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Huge Flaws that need to be fixed

I agree griefers have way too much power, they can ruin a village then die and just respawn to ruin another village.

It's not fun, it's not a good story, it's not drama, it's just random killing, hiding stuff and other annoyances.

Villagers dont have the right tools to act fast and in an efficient way.

I played a couple of lives and the number one challenge currently is not wildlife or ressources but people and not other people like other families or strangers but even your own family members.

I'm all about some interesting stories where there is a discussion, conflict and a fight happens.

But when it's just some family member that randomly kills you for the lulz it's not very interesting.

Sure there is ppl like that irl but it's not 5-10% of the population.

A lot of people play a radically different game, where their number one goal is to kill has many ppl has possible or cause has much trouble has possible, i've seen an impressive number of bows and arrows recently.

It's impossible to fully prevent that nor should it be, but the villagers are most of the time powerless against killers that can easily get away with it.

There is more "good" people than "bad" people so the number should win over the few but currently it's not the case because there is a lack of means to stop these situations.

The more i think about it the more i think having a simple mechanic that is easily accessible is the best solution.

If you have to run around to find a weapon the murderer is already gone and hiding behind a tree and nobody got his name so impossible to curse.

Plus there is usually more than one griefer so when everybody used their curse the next one is free to do anything and respawn at will.

The number should outweight the few and everybody should be able to take action against an offender in an easy an practical way.

That's why i think being able to punch someone to stun them could be one of the best way to stop griefers.

It doesn't require any item to craft or have in hand, so it can be done as fast as possible and action can be taken immediatly against an offender, the only condition required is to have multiple people doing it to matter so it's a group decision.

The group decides that this person is causing trouble so they take action and the number wins over the isolated causing trouble.

Right now it's usually only one person taking action and most people either ignoring or repeating "MURDER" over and over again without doing or having the possibility to do anything else.

Obviously griefers could punch too, so punching someone should be more detrimental to the person punching than the person getting punched, this way only if a number of people make a decision it really makes a difference.

And twins,trip,quads should not be able to punch the same person otherwise they would gang up and cause a lot of trouble.

It's not a perfect system but it's easily accessible and can be done very quickly which is the two most important things when dealing with a griefer.

And if using fists is an issue i guess using all sorts of different branches and sticks could work, but basically it's about adding a stun system that can eventually kill where the group is what matters and also being easily accessible to act as fast as possible.

So the weapons would be more for personnal vendetta and conflict or wars and the stunning would be a group thing that villagers agree upon.

Also it would make the whole situation more fun overall, everyone can participate and players would group together to chase the griefer and kill him which would be satisfying.

If you kill someone by punching him it's a group decision and the person getting killed this way should be exiled at the other end of the map for 1 hour, like some sort of donkey town but without the cursing.


#6 2019-07-31 15:50:51

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Huge Flaws that need to be fixed

So here's what used to happen:

The game had an infinite map.  There were families spread out all over the place.  You could kill a griefer, and they would get born far far away.  So far away that they could never find you.  So far away that you'd wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of interacting with that other family ever ever ever.  How would you find them?

So, in reality, it's like we mostly had 7 separate families playing on separate servers.  This is not what YOU wanted.  People have been complaining about this for 15 months straight.  "I never see another family.  A bell rings, and its 1000s of tiles away.  This sucks."

This is one of the many things that I'm working on fixing.

Furthermore, with the infinite map, MOST of what people built was lost within a day.  Yes, there was resettlement on rare occasion, but there was no ongoing story.  People have been complaining about this for 15 months.  "Everything we build is lost.  Why is there no permanent civilization that lasts all week?  This sucks."

Here's the thing:  these are hard problems to solve, folks.

You can't see other families without bringing people together somehow and keeping them together.

You can't have a permanent civ unless people are together, or people are born into the same area to keep working on it somehow.

And if there's a permanent civ that is known to everyone, guess what?  If you can find it, so can a griefer!  So that means it's not hidden in the infinite expanses anymore.

Another problem:  Eves keep griefing, and there are too many weak families around.  Let's try a limited Eve window.  Oh, well, within 8 hours, there's only one family left, always, and that sucks too.  So you need some Eves coming in, I guess.

But I don't even know why.  And you don't either.  Why in a 500,000 tiles with PLENTY of green/swamp starting spots do we get down to only 1 family in 8 hours?  What specifically happened to each of the 10+ families that took root there?

These are REAL and DEEP questions about the very fabric of this game.  They touch on resource distribution, respawn rates, Eve spawn rates, baby distribution, player behavior, player preference, etc. etc.

"REMOVE THE RIFT" is like saying


In an infinite map, all these problems are covered up, so we don't need answers.  The answer is always the same:  just keep walking into the wilderness.


#7 2019-07-31 16:02:15

Registered: 2019-07-20
Posts: 339

Re: Huge Flaws that need to be fixed

jasonrohrer wrote:

So here's what used to happen:

The game had an infinite map.  There were families spread out all over the place.  You could kill a griefer, and they would get born far far away.  So far away that they could never find you.  So far away that you'd wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of interacting with that other family ever ever ever.  How would you find them?

So, in reality, it's like we mostly had 7 separate families playing on separate servers.  This is not what YOU wanted.  People have been complaining about this for 15 months straight.  "I never see another family.  A bell rings, and its 1000s of tiles away.  This sucks."

This is one of the many things that I'm working on fixing.

Furthermore, with the infinite map, MOST of what people built was lost within a day.  Yes, there was resettlement on rare occasion, but there was no ongoing story.  People have been complaining about this for 15 months.  "Everything we build is lost.  Why is there no permanent civilization that lasts all week?  This sucks."

Here's the thing:  these are hard problems to solve, folks.

You can't see other families without bringing people together somehow and keeping them together.

You can't have a permanent civ unless people are together, or people are born into the same area to keep working on it somehow.

And if there's a permanent civ that is known to everyone, guess what?  If you can find it, so can a griefer!  So that means it's not hidden in the infinite expanses anymore.

Another problem:  Eves keep griefing, and there are too many weak families around.  Let's try a limited Eve window.  Oh, well, within 8 hours, there's only one family left, always, and that sucks too.  So you need some Eves coming in, I guess.

But I don't even know why.  And you don't either.  Why in a 500,000 tiles with PLENTY of green/swamp starting spots do we get down to only 1 family in 8 hours?  What specifically happened to each of the 10+ families that took root there?

These are REAL and DEEP questions about the very fabric of this game.  They touch on resource distribution, respawn rates, Eve spawn rates, baby distribution, player behavior, player preference, etc. etc.

"REMOVE THE RIFT" is like saying


In an infinite map, all these problems are covered up, so we don't need answers.  The answer is always the same:  just keep walking into the wilderness.

But Jason the rift can only support one family. You have seen this right? The hammers, the rings, Only one family comes out of it. IF you can actually add family interaction which wouldn't result in one family dominating that would be great. Or add more iron so that the rift can support two families.


#8 2019-07-31 16:11:42

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Huge Flaws that need to be fixed

Yes, I see that the rift ends up with one family only.

The question:  WHY.

And if I removed the rift, but kept everything else, what would happen?

2-hour Eve window in an infinite wilderness.

Do you really think that 24 hours from now, we'd have more than one family?  I suspect that we'd get down to only one family, rift or no rift.

I will run that experiment soon.

And this is a huge problem that I've never heard any good answers to.

Just keep spawning more Eves is the way it has been solved for 15 months.  New families start all the time, so that's good, but there are no families that last more than 24 hours, almost ever, so that's bad.

Now at least we have a family lasting.... but it's only one family.  That's not good either.


#9 2019-07-31 16:18:40

Registered: 2018-12-30
Posts: 943

Re: Huge Flaws that need to be fixed

jasonrohrer wrote:

Yes, I see that the rift ends up with one family only.

The question:  WHY.

And if I removed the rift, but kept everything else, what would happen?

2-hour Eve window in an infinite wilderness.

Do you really think that 24 hours from now, we'd have more than one family?  I suspect that we'd get down to only one family, rift or no rift.

I will run that experiment soon.

And this is a huge problem that I've never heard any good answers to.

Just keep spawning more Eves is the way it has been solved for 15 months.  New families start all the time, so that's good, but there are no families that last more than 24 hours, almost ever, so that's bad.

Now at least we have a family lasting.... but it's only one family.  That's not good either.

Well the last time with the ring family killing the king family and the unnamed family, you can literally see the perpetrators reason in his last words on the family tree.

"Only one family can survive" … id=5067543

So I mean not only are you battling the factors involved, but also battling a set of people that want to eliminate all families.

I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.


#10 2019-07-31 16:31:30

Registered: 2018-07-25
Posts: 212

Re: Huge Flaws that need to be fixed

Just remove these damn swords and remove this damn slit.

Then again, different families will be able to live in one city.

Griefers will not have the power as now.

Many people troll because it is frustrated with the world you created.

That is why they are constantly trying to finish the cycle.

Besides, many peaceful players have gone.

Griefers and new players have been left.

I remember earlier that the cities of Quin existed for a few days.

I was also in a city where there were two alien Eve graves, so everything lasted longer.

The most important thing - creating cities must make sense.

It can not be on the principle - nothing is permanent and we are constantly starting again.

How many times can you do this?

It's not funny.


#11 2019-07-31 16:34:36

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Huge Flaws that need to be fixed

Removing swords isn't going to stop griefing...

Most of the time they are from your own family.

Villagers need more ways to stop the griefers, easy and accessible ways because when griefing happens you have to react as fast as possible and not waste time making a bow or searching for a knife.


#12 2019-07-31 16:45:44

Registered: 2019-03-09
Posts: 136

Re: Huge Flaws that need to be fixed

jasonrohrer wrote:

Yes, I see that the rift ends up with one family only.

The question:  WHY.

And if I removed the rift, but kept everything else, what would happen?

2-hour Eve window in an infinite wilderness.

Do you really think that 24 hours from now, we'd have more than one family?  I suspect that we'd get down to only one family, rift or no rift.

I will run that experiment soon.

And this is a huge problem that I've never heard any good answers to.

Just keep spawning more Eves is the way it has been solved for 15 months.  New families start all the time, so that's good, but there are no families that last more than 24 hours, almost ever, so that's bad.

Now at least we have a family lasting.... but it's only one family.  That's not good either.

Try playing your own game. If right after a reset you joined and played and hour or two and recorded it you'd have first-hand experience. And as long as you glance at discord or the forums every once in a while you'd get a pretty big picture. Have a friend play in another family and record that too.

I don't know WHY things aren't working, I'm not nearly invested enough. And a big portion of the playerbase are casual, they don't have the big picture. But I'm sure if I really put effort into it and participated in conversations and asked about things WHILE they were happening I'd be able to figure out why family A didn't survive but family B did.

Maybe use an alias on discord so you don't get swamped and can just chat like an average player about why town A doesn't have any iron anymore. But I feel like if you just played OHOL you'd start to see what we're talking about.

How mods can give unfair advantages
how griefing becomes annoying to deal with
how villages are doomed due to lack of resources.

And you wouldn't have to complain that the players aren't telling you all about problems when you can find them yourself.


#13 2019-07-31 17:20:34

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: Huge Flaws that need to be fixed

Dont need to remove the rift, just make it much bigger, so its effects arent so hard hitting.

I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


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