One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 2019-08-04 16:14:49

Registered: 2019-07-26
Posts: 53

A complaint

Impossible to play as an eve now

I'm still lagging


#2 2019-08-04 16:36:12

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 855

Re: A complaint

Yeah, its rough. I was child of eve. We had little proto-town with dry deep well and two berry patches, a couple carrots that a sheep ate, a forge, bucket, and two knives. But no other tools, including smithing hammer. I piled up some stones on a spring, but no shovel. We had milkweed seeds, but water was tough.

The options I considered were trying to join a town, or running into the wilds hoping for a lucky strike. After further reflection, we could have slowly hauled water to grow milkweed for hoes and hatches, hunted rabbits for pies, and maybe made pottery and tires to try and trade. (The one town I had seen with iron was short on pottery a few hours earlier) -- --
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#3 2019-08-04 18:50:23

Registered: 2019-07-26
Posts: 53

Re: A complaint

It's real sad

I'm still lagging


#4 2019-08-04 22:08:28

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: A complaint

no its not impossible.
its just very sad for most people.
the 8 roads that go straight trough the map center sure make it easier for an eve to orientate.
and all the corpses on these roads sure make it easy to equiop faster, reach the map center, and dioe to bears and warswords there. but at least you have qa small chance of getting a warsword or horsecart on your way.
just dont waste time raising the bear-food that pops from your legs from time to time.

I had to hunt down a lot of eves and foreign stalkers during my initial roadbuilding, because otherwise the berries i needed to feed me would be wasted and theres a constant threat of someone messing with the roadbuiing cart.


#5 2019-08-05 06:14:11

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: A complaint

there is a few knives hidden on top side
like 2 i seen
middle generally has more of it
i seen north side a lost horse too

you can get some clothing behind trees

the problem is that people join towns then do nothing until food is gone, then a few elders and males survive, fix towns, then an eve ocmes in and all starts again

like i wanted to make oil for top right town, so they can make water
we had 2 oil, i made a pipe for distiller, made 2 kero, one is hidden, one is almost used up
every damn life people mess up stuff
a guy finds my hidden arrows, runs aroudn with the bow, even if i tell him that we are locked and no animals inside, that is for emergency
no skewers, goose, and no flints for like 150 tiles and they steal, hide, fuck up arrows all the time

i made pipes, thetarry spot is just south of it
if it would be an extra engine, then people could mine iron, i told on discord to steal an engien from rioto, as they had extra, take it up to NÉ side as it's very under developed in contrast to other sides

top left dobbie had a decent town, i moved as a girl to top right, we were doing well, but i had to make compost, plant trees, make shovels, deal with griefer, transport the stuff around, really had no time making oil

we need some sort diplomacy
lock up those depleted mine sites, keep engine there, get extra iron, maybe just lock it up, and put some outside or in baskets in a locked cchest in side of it, using engine on a mine has much more benefits than making a new engine well on the map
distribute some kerosene and iron

one way to help eves, would be to make smaller fence forts around wells, we got a lot of wells made already
we would need some eve starter packs, 2 bucket, fire tools, shovel. like top side of the map has quite a few viable spots on it, i would say 500 from top left corner, to right, has ponds, all the soil, clay, no city, why?
cause the bears and that no one started it

havent seen ancient walls, we could already have them

we could advance a bit then war in different clothes like East vs West or NW vs NÉ vs SW vs SE
havent seen too many painted clothes either

havent seen the full map but the wealth isn't distributed well, some towns had a lot of extra iron stolen from other parts, same with horses and other stuff

i really think i gotta lock up some shit cause every effort is ruined by hoarders and griefers livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#6 2019-08-05 06:56:33

Registered: 2019-05-12
Posts: 698

Re: A complaint

wondible wrote:

Yeah, its rough. I was child of eve. We had little proto-town with dry deep well and two berry patches, a couple carrots that a sheep ate, a forge, bucket, and two knives. But no other tools, including smithing hammer. I piled up some stones on a spring, but no shovel. We had milkweed seeds, but water was tough.

The options I considered were trying to join a town, or running into the wilds hoping for a lucky strike. After further reflection, we could have slowly hauled water to grow milkweed for hoes and hatches, hunted rabbits for pies, and maybe made pottery and tires to try and trade. (The one town I had seen with iron was short on pottery a few hours earlier)

Yesterday I played 2 games. In the first one I was a child from a ginger Eve. She feed me naked right next to the gate of a black family in the center north east part of the map (didn´t check the name). I had no name, my mom literally said something like "you screwed", I don´t really know why she fed me. We were denied access to the property while I tried to comunicate with the people inside. Mom just suicided I guess, I made it to chilhood just in time not to starve standing next to a berry bush.

So I started a wild nomad run. It sucked. Traveled most of the north west of the map finding nothing but dead early camps (A klin, a few stone tools, bowls, plates). I found also a property locked with no gates, with a lot of stuff hoarded inside and no one there. In the north west next to the rift I found some clothing, when I found a dead body with 3 pies and a BP I felt rich lel. Ended up traveling back with a cart of rabbits, gave them to the people that didn´t let me in in the black family. Then I went south west. I found a second black family, did something similar gave them some rabbits in their gate. I managed to sneak in and some smartass kid chased me with a loaded bow. Ended up back where I was born, they actually let me in this time. Another smartass stabbed me while I was holding a cart full of rabbits. One of the people inside saved me, she managed to understand that someone bringing rabbits is not likely to mean harm. Gave them my clothing and everything I had, I didn´t blame them for not letting me in until very old.

So, in my travels around the map I experienced:

A) There is no wild milkweed. I believe I got lucky with 2 milkweed (one was farmed in the north). I even started to think that milkweed seeds are the next thing griefed.
B) There is no wild iron. Literally zero. Several depleted veins.
C) A lot of wasted milkweed in stone tools, in some places up to 3 firebows randomly thrown away (Maybe griefers like to waste wild milkweed).
D) Most of the bananas gone (lel)
E) A lot of stuff griefed away in carts and locked properties (horses).
F) Many griefed mouflon.
G) A bunch of random wells.

TLDR: It is impossible to start as Eve because everyone else just deplete the milkweed and iron too fast. Then map is simply too small to allow for new settlements.

- I believe the term "Berrymuncher" is derogatory and therefore I shall use the term "Berrier" instead.

- Jack Ass


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