One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-08-10 09:25:16

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

10'000 Years prize

We reached 10'000 years with the current rift, Jason talked about winning something if we reach something like 5k years and we doubled it, what would you like to see as a reward?

Me personally:

A zippo lighter to make fire, juniper and fire in general is one of the main issues at this point

Being able to remove newcommen any stage, lots of building have been griefed this way

Fixing pickaxe so you can destroy more than one wall with it

Fixing engine so they cant be stolen in a second and hidden beind a bearcave/tree

Being able to remove ancient walls and ancient bell tower base with a removal notice, 5-6 person from the same family sign a notice to remove that structure.


#2 2019-08-10 09:58:20

Registered: 2019-05-03
Posts: 75

Re: 10'000 Years prize

I agree with Dodge's list.

I'd also like to be able to pass gate ownership to a whole familly ("familly X owns this") instead of saying everybody's single name.


#3 2019-08-10 10:13:00

Registered: 2019-02-23
Posts: 491

Re: 10'000 Years prize

i agree to everything above and would like to add:

Let some resources respawn randomly:
milkweed, wild carrots, trees, mouflon, surface iron ....

the way i would implement this (example milkweed):
every X time the server chooses a random location inside the rift,
first it checks if the biome is correct (green), if not it just aborts and waits again,
next it checks if there are no players around, if there are abort and wait again
if there are none it checks in Y radius around the point if it can find any milkweed,
if there are less than Z milkweed than spawn 1 milkweed at the random location, if not than just abort and wait again.

this is easy to program, is easy on the server,
and creates a rare event that spawns stuff when not much is around.

Last edited by Whatever (2019-08-10 10:19:04)


#4 2019-08-10 10:49:35

From: Under your bed
Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 781

Re: 10'000 Years prize

I really like all of these!
Useful pork and
~all animals poop~

My favourite all time lives are Unity Dawn, who was married to Sachin Gedeon.

PIES 2.0 <- Pie diversification mod


#5 2019-08-10 11:02:27

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 464

Re: 10'000 Years prize

Make it so that when you press and hold a specific button - maybe not shift since it's used for killing, but maybe ctrl or alt - you can see behind trees, walls and caves, and people's names appear above their heads.


#6 2019-08-10 11:20:19

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 200

Re: 10'000 Years prize

Dodge wrote:

Me personally:

A zippo lighter to make fire, juniper and fire in general is one of the main issues at this point

Being able to remove newcommen any stage, lots of building have been griefed this way

Fixing pickaxe so you can destroy more than one wall with it

Fixing engine so they cant be stolen in a second and hidden beind a bearcave/tree

Being able to remove ancient walls and ancient bell tower base with a removal notice, 5-6 person from the same family sign a notice to remove that structure.

This list should totally be a priority. How about a counter to swords as well, like a block that stuns both parties?

Insert OHOL-related signature here


#7 2019-08-10 12:14:45

Registered: 2019-06-05
Posts: 122

Re: 10'000 Years prize

CatX wrote:

Make it so that when you press and hold a specific button - maybe not shift since it's used for killing, but maybe ctrl or alt - you can see behind trees, walls and caves, and people's names appear above their heads.

You gotta try hetuw mod out.

schmloo wrote:

How about a counter to swords as well, like a block that stuns both parties?

You mean shields, right?

All of the above. Especially the lighter one.
+ make all trees, exept for swamp and dead ones, hard to greif
+ At very least make our little rift expandeble/climbable over somehow.
+ Make Apoc harder
+ Make babies able to speak full sentences at 5-6. It's not normal for elementary school-aged kids to still take so much time to talk properly.

Last edited by DarkDrak (2019-08-10 14:02:29)

Youtube guide to Oil and Kerosene:
Youtube guide to Diesel Engine:

World is not black and white


#8 2019-08-10 12:17:20

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 464

Re: 10'000 Years prize

DarkDrak wrote:

You gotta try hetuw mod out.

I know there are mods that fix many problems, but I sort of feel that some of these should be fixed in the base game...


#9 2019-08-10 12:19:06

Registered: 2019-07-26
Posts: 53

Re: 10'000 Years prize

Goat milk

I'm still lagging


#10 2019-08-10 15:22:52

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: 10'000 Years prize

dead animals: i seen 2 locations culled in rift, other than that all animals were dead, maybe make skins decay but animals spawn back somewhere
juniper, while not as useful, we could have some hungry work debuff on them as well
newcommen blocking and blocking in general
-newcommens should be deconstructable with a wrench (one use but wont get broken, just has to turn it back later, like rod+drill bit), and some palm oil, this would make it slow process so people don't jus run away with the cores, only for multipurpose, also the towers need to be deconstructable at any point
doors need 2 tiles in the 2 directions they face, that cant be built on, no one ever wants to make a door that's near a wall, the rare case is one way door but i suppose you could put doors after the walls, or springy door only has one tile which cant be blocked
doormat attached to door, it would make it a 2 tile object and would block any building there but allow people trough
temporary fix could be landing pads or similar, but shouldn't be able to pickaxe it, removing doors should be harder, maybe 2 person job
same for pickaxing down walls, but shouldn't cost a pickaxe each time
fence removal is weird, no one uses it properly and you end up with people wasting paper to write stuff
the paper should be put in water and for example charcoal powder, then put on wall
right now people just fix it from outside or someone who is not eld enough uses it then writes soemthing on paper and is wasted
maybe for a few seconds paper souldnt be finalized, or like allow to recycle the paper
i think 3 people should be able to deconstruct a fence together
problem is we don't have a system where we can tell are we inside a fence or not

well rust has walls 2 sided, weak and stronger side, the strong faces outward, so attackers cant remove it fast, once they inside, fences don't protect anyway
i don't think the repair system needs to be like this
maybe limit how much people can repair or build
i would say around 80 tiles is enough per person
but if old fences decay, and unreparable, people could always make new outside or inside of it so then at least 3 year old kids don't repair fences that are on a wrong spot
so when those annoying fences are gone in 2 hours (which made sense outside, but not in rift), then allow repair once but it would be old fence which cannot be repared again, this would mean people need to build new before the old one breaks
i guess the fence sets in 20 min, then decay in 1 hour, decay in half hour, then 15 min then 8, 4 etc

the upgrade method would be best, cause right now fences are stronger than adobe and stone
we should be able to upgrade fences to adobe fence or stone enforced fence
would work with a durability model too
also then fences would be good option for scaffolding

tree planting isn't done often, which means it's too hard generally
people don't trust others to water their trees, and rightfully so
kinda hard to plant trees before 30 when the town would need compost, water , shears, then stay 30 more minutes and water it when old
i think a 15-15-15 minute would be best, you could see trees grow out before you die, at least for certain trees like pine or rubber at least

flat rocks, stones i don't think we got enough. when making stone hoes, people remove quite a bit of sharp stones, also cisterns arent used as much as it should be, like engine making or even bakery could use one cistern, and you hardly see more than one in cities
flat rocks should be like over time, to get some from somewhere else than wild

i think would be a good buff for badlands, huge rock, you could cut it for random metals and stone. would need an engine maybe? or some sort of processing, like you could cut off chunks, put in mining cart, then process into smaller pieces, big stone, round stones, flat rocks
this would strengthen the badlands as an industrial zone

remove ponds and bear caves somehow
once they empty they should decay, maybe  pop up elsewhere,
this would make sense for ponds, as they usedfor bootstap, they not needed after a while and maybe some other seeds are bad to start a camp there

if we are i nsandbox, the number of items could be constant, except for oil

i would like a fun minigame with mining, maybe some sort of shallow river, where you could make parcels and mine for gold, this could mean a goldrush , similar to shrimping, people could use a tool to get some gold flakes
then we would need some uses for gold, like golden painting, statues, golden doors, plates and bowls
then some sort of melting pot for them to reuse
maybe silver would make more sense for pottery replacement, gold just for decor

jungles are quite bad once empty and most of those rubber trees in middle could and should be cut
savanah has long term rabbit hunting
badlands could have mining
swamp has some clay and trees but useless after
should regen some clay?

dirt roads which block planting on them, maybe some sort of mixture of clay and water then this roads can be mad to fast roads easier

horse breeding, at more expensive cost
multi horse usage for carriages livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#11 2019-08-10 16:59:03

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: 10'000 Years prize

DarkDrak wrote:
CatX wrote:

Make it so that when you press and hold a specific button - maybe not shift since it's used for killing, but maybe ctrl or alt - you can see behind trees, walls and caves, and people's names appear above their heads.

You gotta try hetuw mod out.

Can we see behind trees using hetuw mod? I use this mod and didn’t know about that, which key do we have to press?


#12 2019-08-14 08:52:22

Registered: 2019-05-12
Posts: 698

Re: 10'000 Years prize

Villas wrote:
DarkDrak wrote:
CatX wrote:

Make it so that when you press and hold a specific button - maybe not shift since it's used for killing, but maybe ctrl or alt - you can see behind trees, walls and caves, and people's names appear above their heads.

You gotta try hetuw mod out.

Can we see behind trees using hetuw mod? I use this mod and didn’t know about that, which key do we have to press?

X-ray hold x. RTFM.

- I believe the term "Berrymuncher" is derogatory and therefore I shall use the term "Berrier" instead.

- Jack Ass


#13 2019-08-14 13:54:55

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 364

Re: 10'000 Years prize

Clay + Harvested Wheat Sheaf = Bricks

Bricks for Roads, Bricks for Walls, Bricks for Advanced Kilns & Firepits, Bricks for Aqueducts, Bricks for Griefers' heads, etc...



#14 2019-08-14 15:16:05

Angel Carrillo
Registered: 2018-04-10
Posts: 242

Re: 10'000 Years prize

Well, you should probably need to cook them first. It should be Straw (I think you mean straw) + Clay = Adobe. You could put the adobe in a mold to make an uncooked adobe brick. Then you could grab the uncooked adobe brick with some tongs and put it into a firing kiln or forge (should we be able to make bricks using a forge) to make a adobe brick. Also, why can't we farm burdock, and be able to eat the burdock? As well as tomatoes? That could be the prize too.


#15 2019-08-14 15:23:17

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: 10'000 Years prize

Over on the Community Crucible server, you can farm banana trees. 

Even better, after harvesting all the fruit, you can gather fiber from the trunk.  The first harvest gives a rope, then additional harvests provide two more threads.   Lastly, the tree is renewed with a basket of soil and full bucket of water, like a domestic mango.

It is so wonderful I almost cried when I grew my first banana tree.


#16 2019-08-14 15:24:35

Angel Carrillo
Registered: 2018-04-10
Posts: 242

Re: 10'000 Years prize

But what about b u r d o c k  f a r m s?


#17 2019-08-14 15:32:53

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: 10'000 Years prize

Angel Carrillo wrote:

But what about b u r d o c k  f a r m s?

I don't think it is farmable on CCM yet.  But I don't see any reason why it couldn't be.  I'll make a suggestion on the discord.  We can never have too many food options, in my opinion.


#18 2019-08-14 16:42:34

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 322

Re: 10'000 Years prize

So I like the list of goodies folks are putting together here, but I'm not sure about the basic mechanics of Jason giving us rewards for having an arc last a long time.

Jason is already putting in >>40 hours a week coding and handling issues with OHOL, how exactly would he find the time to put together extra content?  Would he make content and then put it on hold until we make an arc last over 10,000 years?  I'm not sure I want any additional delays baked in to getting the OHOL content into our greedy little hands.

And on a separate thread... we're wrestling with the idea of what the "fail" condition looks like, because the number of families metric clearly didn't work (at least on it's own).  Jason will need to make lasting ten thousand years meaningful before we start asking for goodies for getting to that goal.

DarkDrak wrote:

+ Make babies able to speak full sentences at 5-6. It's not normal for elementary school-aged kids to still take so much time to talk properly.

Hmm, I think you haven't met my kids... I'm always amazed at how patient random people are with their very slow process for spitting out sentences.  big_smile

--Blue Diamond

I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.


#19 2019-08-15 03:28:51

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: 10'000 Years prize

testo wrote:
Villas wrote:
DarkDrak wrote:

You gotta try hetuw mod out.

Can we see behind trees using hetuw mod? I use this mod and didn’t know about that, which key do we have to press?

X-ray hold x. RTFM.

doesn't work lol

Edit: I was using an outdated version, I updated it and now I can use the "X-Ray" function, ty. :F

Last edited by Villas (2019-08-15 04:08:04)


#20 2019-08-15 17:52:33

Registered: 2019-05-22
Posts: 393

Re: 10'000 Years prize

BlueDiamondAvatar wrote:

So I like the list of goodies folks are putting together here, but I'm not sure about the basic mechanics of Jason giving us rewards for having an arc last a long time.

Jason is already putting in >>40 hours a week coding and handling issues with OHOL, how exactly would he find the time to put together extra content?  Would he make content and then put it on hold until we make an arc last over 10,000 years?  I'm not sure I want any additional delays baked in to getting the OHOL content into our greedy little hands.

And on a separate thread... we're wrestling with the idea of what the "fail" condition looks like, because the number of families metric clearly didn't work (at least on it's own).  Jason will need to make lasting ten thousand years meaningful before we start asking for goodies for getting to that goal.

An issue I have with "forced implementation of community voted-on suggestions" is that they may contradict with future design choices by Jason, limiting his ability to develop the game as he sees fit, and forcing him to try to work around things that he never planned to implement to begin with.

I'm not always going to like what Jason chooses to do, but I don't want to inhibit his ability to design the game the way he sees fit, as I think that works out to everyone's detriment in the long run.  I mean if he said "ok the game is at a state I feel comfortable with allowing you guys to vote in a suggestion", then that would be fine. But if hypothetically we were somehow able to vote on and force into effect some change or new items or whatever, they could get in the way of future decisions Jason wants to make.

Anyway I'm not decidedly against it, just my two cents about the discussion.


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