One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-08-10 02:58:48

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 688

Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

But it can't happen without everyone's help!

We all can agree this has been going on WAY too long. Way way too long. The map isn't viable anymore, and we can't keep going another week.

So me and people on the Discord think we should all agree to /die until we are all Eves. We will have to murder everyone who is not an Eve, and all live together so they become area banned and become and Eve themselves.

That is basically the plan. It sounds horrible, but without juniper trees we are all screwed. There is no hope left.

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#2 2019-08-10 03:18:54

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

Sounds awful. Griefing for your own enjoyment.
So cool, “Let’s play in party mode and kill everyone to show them we can trigger the apocalypse, because we are the party mode guys”.

I bet the same people who are planing kill people tomorrow are the same people who are griefing engines, chopping trees, hiding steel.

We have junipers, good players planted them inside towns and outside towns, while griefers were chopping them. We have iron, water, milkweed, the server is playable, to be honest the rift is so rich.

Those people who play in party mode are ruining the game. They stay in discord, born in different families, steal horses full of tools, iron and then lock everything inside a property, giving access to their friends in discord, while starving their babies. They also plan “raids” and wipe civilizations for fun, when they get bored they decide to chop all trees and kill everyone to show “their power”, the worse part is that they really have power, they can ruin the fun a lot of people in some minutes, they can send innocent people to donkey town if they feel like doing.

There is hope, there are junipers and it’s easy to farm them. If people join together to plant more junipers instead of chopping them, the server would be better.

I hope those pro-griefers who ruin the fun of others for their on pleasure, pretending they are doing something good by griefing, get banned.


#3 2019-08-10 03:19:48

Friendly Isopod
Registered: 2019-05-18
Posts: 16

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this even possible if the reset condition is 35 families? Wouldn't most people end up losing all their lives before it was even close?


#4 2019-08-10 03:46:24

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

The simplest solution right now is to play on the Community Crucible server.   It is a nice place and they have a fun discord.  The mods have been working hard to add a bunch of new content, like new trees, new crops, new furniture, new animals, large biomes ... and best of all .. no rift.

If you have never played on a custom server before, fear not!  It is very easy to set-up.  You just download the custom server files, and  put them in a new folder.   Then use application in that folder to launch the game and it will connect to the Community Crucible custom server instead of the public servers.   If you have any trouble, simply ask for help either in the CCM thread or on the CCM discord.

Last edited by DestinyCall (2019-08-10 03:55:47)


#5 2019-08-10 04:17:47

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

Friendly Isopod wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this even possible if the reset condition is 35 families? Wouldn't most people end up losing all their lives before it was even close?

man good point and started brainstorming on it
and actually the solution is weirder than i expected

so basically there are lik 6-8 going lines who may or may not know about the whole thing
you got 12 lifes ideally and 3 each min

the best families to apoc  are eves who grow old so they count as a famiyl but wont have kids, that's a 20 min interwal if all this eves born together and die together

second best is havign one single girl who takes on your family but kills most kids and only keeps a girl late 30s
boys are ok if they are their only of their kind but rather born as girl

now ideally if we can control randoms, we need a spam of synched birth of quads
to be sure that we born as eve, we need a minimum number of fertile girls, into a synched quad spam
so lets say you got 4 lines
you hit birth, 4 quads will cover all females and hit them out of fertility with starving after fed once (to increase fertility timer)
and the rest of quads get trough as eves
lets say current number families is X
you cant guarantee that people playing solo or quad will be born to a female, so worst case each fam will spawn quads
that's 4X
so you need 16 decoys who waste a life for birthing into a family
then the rest of 31 can be archieved with 8 quads getting in as eves, but maybe we need double of that synching to a millisecond

if we cant do at once, then each of these eves need to grow 40yo and keep up until 60
when they 40, we do a spam again, same time

so basically other than randoms, we need 9 sets of quad eves getting trough the filter

with solos gets complex
we got X which is number of fertile females
we need 3X, so third spawns as baby, third spawns as eve, third spawns as eve baby
so to raise X fast, we need low x at start, and 4x35 players at lest if no luck

the last option is spawn in, raise a baby explain that he needs to raise one single daughter then die asap
if we can get a lot of young pseudo eves, they count as separate family but wont have babies

the combined option
we need 12 old eves, 12 too young eve kdis and 12 new eves
so basically the young ones are 3-13, which time others spawm their lifes harder

to make it funny at least, we would need 35 hotel rooms
either compost and berries, or lots of stew prepped, or lot of pies, maybe cows and all buckets you can find
center of map
each new eve would run in to a new fence to keep track of family number
each new baby would be fed and run into a graveyard, the ones who are low on life count, would raise up a girl and then die
each family of one person could watch the shitshow on it's own cage

to synch the births, and maybe deaths, you could only press join at full xx:00 then each minute divideable by 3 like 12:00 12:03 12:06 or ask on discord how many people go in at a time

if we see the number of families in hotel rooms, we will need at least 2x that number to join same time  so we get a few eves too
abortion needs to be same time too so females are on cd and the next babies cant spawn to them, so each mom takes her kid outside and drops it at 3, and all babies starve same time

not sure my match check out but these are the ideas i can come up with livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#6 2019-08-10 05:58:16

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

Murdering isn't going to work, there needs to be 35 families and you have to murder each person at least 3-4 times before they are Eve so you would have to murder about 30 people 4 times so 120 murder and it has to be the same people, so realistically about 200 murders.

Also they will probably just leave and join the game later or new players coming yo will have to start all over again.

Just tell all your babies to /die repeatedly and explain to them why, that you want to reset the world etc.

Or better use one of the radio to tell everybody to /die until they are Eve.

Or even better make a paper (if there is still juniper for fire) and spam that message to all cities.


#7 2019-08-10 06:25:59

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 32

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

It's legit impossible. There were four endstones set up and one blank one ready to go. Then whoever-the-fuck took it all apart.

Now, I can only assume the the endstones have been basket teleported to the other side of the rift, or they are locked and blocked away forever.

...but even with an apocalypse, itll just start the cycle again. We're still trapped in a very limited box.


#8 2019-08-10 09:36:51

Registered: 2019-05-12
Posts: 698

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

Someone made an iron airdrop from the outside. Why didn´t they make an apoc already? Where is that plane? Can´t apoc be triggered from tutorial zone anyways?

- I believe the term "Berrymuncher" is derogatory and therefore I shall use the term "Berrier" instead.

- Jack Ass


#9 2019-08-10 09:38:30

Registered: 2019-05-12
Posts: 698

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

bunny wrote:

It's legit impossible. There were four endstones set up and one blank one ready to go. Then whoever-the-fuck took it all apart.

Now, I can only assume the the endstones have been basket teleported to the other side of the rift, or they are locked and blocked away forever.

...but even with an apocalypse, itll just start the cycle again. We're still trapped in a very limited box.

Wich is a very good point. Nothing will change, same rules- same result. Under that premise I´d rather let this play until boredom.

- I believe the term "Berrymuncher" is derogatory and therefore I shall use the term "Berrier" instead.

- Jack Ass


#10 2019-08-10 11:39:21

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 364

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

Game Over...

Just drove all over the map.  When the griefers have so completely griefed that even they aren't playing at the moment, that's the nail in this game's coffin.



#11 2019-08-10 11:49:49

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 57

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

bunny wrote:

We're still trapped in a very limited box.

And finally people begin to realize the truth about this "artistic vision" and this "amazing game" that is being developed.

It's merely a dressed up version of an old experiment in operant conditioning from the 1930's known as a Skinner Box (named after B.F. Skinner, one of the foremost behavioral psychologists). … ng_chamber

People are closer to the truth than they probably realize when they describe OHOL and its updates as an "experiment" and celebrate or complain about being treated like guinea pigs.

Enjoy your maze, rats.

I can tell you fancy, I can tell you plain: You paid for a crazy train ticket, so don't complain.


#12 2019-08-10 12:24:32

Registered: 2019-07-26
Posts: 53

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

RedComb wrote:
bunny wrote:

We're still trapped in a very limited box.

And finally people begin to realize the truth about this "artistic vision" and this "amazing game" that is being developed.

It's merely a dressed up version of an old experiment in operant conditioning from the 1930's known as a Skinner Box (named after B.F. Skinner, one of the foremost behavioral psychologists). … ng_chamber

People are closer to the truth than they probably realize when they describe OHOL and its updates as an "experiment" and celebrate or complain about being treated like guinea pigs.

Enjoy your maze, rats.

I can tell you fancy, I can tell you plain: You paid for a crazy train ticket, so don't complain.

Just cause we are in a box doesn't mean we are in a skinner box.
Skinner box I believe was to train animals to do certain things when a reward is given
How is that ohol?
We don't have rewards from an outside source

I'm still lagging


#13 2019-08-10 13:38:45

Registered: 2019-05-11
Posts: 57

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

lilbogrusboi wrote:

Just cause we are in a box doesn't mean we are in a skinner box.
Skinner box I believe was to train animals to do certain things when a reward is given
How is that ohol?
We don't have rewards from an outside source

I didn't mean it is a literal Skinner Box. It does, however, share many of the features as do most games if you think about it more broadly than a 1:1 analogy.

In OHOL, you could imagine the blinking lights and levers as the various game mechanics, recipes, and ways players interact with the environment and other players.

For example, a higher chance of survival is the reward for successfully pulling the right lever (starting a successful berry farm), or learning from the success and failure states provided by the blinking lights (a player learning to stand on an item to avoid death by bear). When you survive, your rewards are the good feelings that come from contributing to your town, or creating items and achieving things you wouldn't be able to create and achieve if you had died, or making some meaningful memories with those playing around you, etc.

There have been people making comparisons between video games and Skinner boxes for decades now. Some people argue they are not good comparisons, others write whole guides about how to use the things learned from Skinner boxes to make games more addictive. I imagine there are plenty of presentations on the topic at GDC and similar design conferences (mostly how to expand on the basics of a "skinner box" informed design, though some presentations on how to make games more addictive and monetize them successfully are out there as well).

I am merely pointing out that when people say things like "stop complaining, it's an experimental game, after all!" they aren't that far from the truth because so much of pain/pleasure and reward loops that Jason has put into the game (and now magnifies with the rift) have similarities to operant conditioning.

A lot of the things people enjoy doing in the game play off of recognizing patterns in varied circumstances (e.g., finding a good starting location as an Eve among a procedurally generated infinite map), developing useful strategies for how to lay out farms or settlements that are functional and efficient, the most efficient ways to bootstrap a new village, etc.

I think a big part of people's anger is that, as players recognize patterns and figure out what buttons to press and what levers to pull to get their reward, Jason decides the game is too easy or shakes things up so much that those patterns and strategies become obsolete. The rift is a prime example of that, removing a lot of the fun people found with scouting out a new settlement location as an Eve, or exploring in general, or being able to move in any direction and start something fresh if the old village was doomed/etc.

People are frequently saying things like they hate feeling like they are caged in in response to fenced in towns, a frequent response to war swords. People feel boxed in by the game mechanics to live in failing or cluttered settlements because of the new eve spawning mechanics or the way the rift creates easily griefable resources exhaustion, etc.

I just wanted to point out that this is the "experiment" everybody talks about when shouting down detractors. The walls close in ever more, the buttons and levers yield fewer and fewer avenues for expressive, emergent gameplay, and at the core of it is a dev who thinks players suffering and not being able to do the things they enjoy is what will make his game 'amazing' and fun... … s-Use-Them … abuse-this

Last edited by RedComb (2019-08-10 13:51:01)


#14 2019-08-10 14:45:04

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

If we were in a Skinner Box, we would be happier.  There would be a lever we could press to get rewards.  Gamers know exactly how to play inside a Skinner Box, because many games follow that model.  It is boring game design, but it is predictably entertaining. 

We are in the experiment where you put a hundred rats in a cage and check back later to find one big rat who survived by eating all the weaker ones.   That game is a lot less fun for the 99 weak rats.  And even the big rat probably has some regrets by the time it is all over.

Last edited by DestinyCall (2019-08-10 14:50:51)


#15 2019-08-10 15:12:36

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

hahaha slinky, that is the best plan you could come up with?


#16 2019-08-10 16:56:08

Registered: 2019-05-22
Posts: 393

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

It's not like a Skinner box any more than any other facet of life could be considered a Skinner box. A better comparison (though not perfect) is the mouse "utopia" experiment where a colony of mice are put in an enclosure that has everything they need - food, water, recreation, plenty of space for everyone. In theory the mice were expected to be happy here, but what actually happened was quite different and surprising. Initially things started out well and there was lots of reproduction, however as time passed eventually you had two types of mice: "social" ones that would group together in extremely tiny sections of the enclosure with a lot of in-fighting amongst them, and loners that would isolate themselves. Individuals from the social group would also fight the loners if paths crossed. Despite having everything they needed, the mice were not happy. Eventually the population actually started to decrease, and eventually reproduction ceased altogether, and the colony died out.


#17 2019-08-10 19:02:46

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

Saolin wrote:

It's not like a Skinner box any more than any other facet of life could be considered a Skinner box. A better comparison (though not perfect) is the mouse "utopia" experiment where a colony of mice are put in an enclosure that has everything they need - food, water, recreation, plenty of space for everyone. In theory the mice were expected to be happy here, but what actually happened was quite different and surprising. Initially things started out well and there was lots of reproduction, however as time passed eventually you had two types of mice: "social" ones that would group together in extremely tiny sections of the enclosure with a lot of in-fighting amongst them, and loners that would isolate themselves. Individuals from the social group would also fight the loners if paths crossed. Despite having everything they needed, the mice were not happy. Eventually the population actually started to decrease, and eventually reproduction ceased altogether, and the colony died out.

Actually, that sounds like the update where carrots broke and we had infinite food for a while.   Entire villages ceased to work and just hung out together ... eating carrots and making music by banging on plates and bowls.


#18 2019-08-11 05:29:24

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Tomorrow will be the end of the Arc

top was around 22 fams with 60 players online, people still stabbing others like that helps

the donkey town apoc tower has more chance livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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